dead dawg saloon is one big infinite
pallets are usually pretty safe if you run them on the correct side and there are too many windows on the saloon. i know you can break walls but you need to waste time in order to get some fairness. What is the point just make regular doorways. It is a shame cause it's imo the coolest looking map in the game with a good story behind it. It's also huge and the demolished houses are way too cluttered
Which is why the first thing you need to do on the map is knock down at least two walls in the saloon. Usually on your way to the furthest gen.
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Dunno I found the Saloon kinda fair tbh.
But yeah the demolished houses are kinda weird, I wished they had more personnality instead of being reskinned T and Z walls. not like the "infinites" like Lampkin but they sure could have earned their own personality.
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ye but why do we always have to do it it just gets so tedious. Plus we just want some fairness i don't see how we have to waste time and potentially lose a chase just to break a wall
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i'd take dead dawg saloon over lampkin lane any day
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I hope they just remove all breakable walls.
They thought killers had more than enough time on their hands they added breakable walls while extending huge loops to force the killer to break the wall and advance.
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it's not that i want them gone it's just that it spends time that killers don't have just to have some fairness. Also i can't tell if you're saying they are good or bad
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I’ve never had issues chasing survivors around the saloon. It’s not an infinite if you break down the breakable walls. The map is super small and most of the pallets on the map are very unsafe. I don’t have an issue with the main building being a bit survivor sided when the rest of the map is pretty small and slightly killer favored.
I will take saloon any day as a killer over a map like Disturbed Ward. Which is the size of Saturn and has the strongest main building in the entire game.
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I just hate the amount of breakable walls there is in the saloon. it’s not necessary but it is annoying to waste time breaking them just so you don’t have to zigzag around the place. plus that gen that sits at the top of the saloon. man I hate that gen.
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They're bad, why have a killer who's so time dependent spend their time and breaking about 9 walls in the map in addition to wasting time already breaking pallets and gens.
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yeah i agree
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actually,if the survivor abuses the 2 windows,even with all doors destroyed,it still wastes quite a lot of time. Especially if ur 110% like slinger or huntress,then it's infinite if you can't use ur ability.
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Huntress and Deathslinger are abusable on a bunch of windows in the game some of which are getting addressed in the next patch. It’s only an infinite to those two. I hate to break it to you but it’s only two killers out of the entire roster. It’s not something they are gonna jump on and fix right away because a majority of killers can deal with the loop.
I’m not saying I personally agree with it because it’s idiotic that those two killers can get run around on that loop but it’s not something I think they’ll fix for a while. Look at how long the Ironworks window and the Rancid Abattoir window have remained unfixed.
I don’t play either one of those killers (because I’m terrible with ranged attacks) so I don’t ever have issues with the saloon loop personally. For the MOST part the main building on saloon is balanced.
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It's still too big of a time waste imo. Even for the 115% killers,2 windows shouldn't be that strong. And to even get into a position where you can force the blocker,you still need to break all the doors which takes a bit of time aswell. Could care less,as i ignore the saloon while playing killer,but it's still very dumb.
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Down with breakable walls! Killers simply don't have time for this boring, poorly implemented crap. Just throwing infinites back in with manditory time wasters is absolutely the worst way to implement walls and exactly what I expected them to be. A huge waste of time and disappointment.
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Just break the walls, then it actually becomes useless unless your a complete knucklehead.
I have found this map to be quite balanced so far. And where there is something that could be quite strong, you get to break a wall that suddenly makes it only okay if you are going the right direction or it becomes complete trash.
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I completely agree. I usually don’t chase in the saloon either. I usually let that gen go and pressure the other gens as it is super easy to defend gens since the map is tiny. No point in defending the saloon gen, it’s too tedious.
Some gens you just have to give up like Haddonfield/Springwood basement gens and the main buildings on maps like Grim Pantry, Disturbed Ward, Cowshed, etc...
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It's also buggy af on console, the movement (for Killer at least) is kinda stuttery in certain areas. It's like they gave specific pebbles collision effects lol
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Most of Dead Dawg feels like a deadzone in general. If we didn't have the breakable walls it would be Killer sided 100%
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Idk this map has only an one safe pallet in the shack and the rest of it are pretty unsafe. The only loops that are safe are only the windows.
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You say breaking the walls wastes time, but it makes the stage more in your favor. Sure, with the walls there, it's survivor sided. But if you get rid of them, it becomes killer sided. With just a bit of setup.
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Once I’ve loaded into the map I knock down all the walls in the saloon. Sets me up for the rest of the match.
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I'm pretty sure they are creating those break wall animations just to remove all breakable walls.