How often do you receive hate and how severe has it gotten?

Tingly4Trapper Member Posts: 53

I typically receive a lot of hate as killer. I'm wondering how normal this is for killers because my friends say they've never experienced it. Granted, they don't play killer as often.

How often do you receive hate and how severe has it gotten? 59 votes

Often. People post on/spam my profile.
8% 5 votes
Sometimes. People post on/spam my profile.
15% 9 votes
Often. People comment in-game post chat.
15% 9 votes
Sometimes. People comment in-game post chat.
32% 19 votes
Often. I've had to block people for harassment.
8% 5 votes
Often. People have tracked me outside DBD before.
3% 2 votes
Sometimes. I've had people track me outside of DBD.
0% 0 votes
Sometimes. I've had to block people for harassment.
11% 7 votes
Never have I received hate.
5% 3 votes
I don't receive hate, but I have sent it.
0% 0 votes


  • Paiblin
    Paiblin Member Posts: 42

    I receive hate in chats quite often. Pre game and post game chats. In pregame I typically tell my teammates if I have any perks that would be beneficial to them to let them know that if they get in x y z difficult situations I will be there to save them if they need it, and the typical response for that from at least one teammate is "######### nobody wants or needs you here". Often that person does get in x y z difficult situations that I told them I could help them with but since they said they didn't need me I listened and go on with doing other stuff like gens and then they typically get offended in post game because I said in pregame I had the resources to help but didn't when they actually got in that situation. And also killers often mean I should give them free kills because we're below a certain rank and then give death threats and stuff. I've never received much hate as killer, I've only been made fun of because of matchmaking and stuff, and so I don't play killer much. But hate is a very regular problem in dead by daylight, for both killers and survivors. If it has gotten very severe on one of the sides it's probably best to switch to the other side for a bit

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    My profile is set to private so I have no idea if anyone has tried to leave me hate-mail outside the game. I have not had very much in game anger directed at me but I am a pretty fair killer and a decent survivor. I did have a guy, not to long ago, use a lot of racial slurs because I played Claudette, and I and several others reported them.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Wish there was a "other" option.

    As I play on PS4 its much longer to send hatemail and thus people tend to simply not send it or change their mind half way through. For this reason its incredibly rare to get it.

    I have never sent hate mail but I have received it (not lots) though I usually send only a meme back in response. This leads to either them sending a meme back at which point it becomes a "meme war" or we simply laugh it off and drop the convo. I actually made a irl friend from this method after a match where they sent me a meme and I send one back. We eventually got into a discussion and found out we lived close by. We have been friends for close to 3 years now.

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499
    edited April 2020

    I had someone call me a lagswichter and I didn't even know what that meant

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I get it once in a while if I play lousy and fail to save someone, or if they're insulting me as a Killer because I let them win... yeah. I also will maybe get one kill in a match and that person starts spouting nonsense (the David who, knowing he was my Rancor, popped the last gen in front of me and expected- I don't know what he expected but he ate a Mori).

    The worst was being told to cause great harm to myself to the detriment of my continued existence because I did not join a party to give an edge over the killer. Schools are failing us.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    In game chat hate is constant as a killer. Survivors call me toxic, camper, tunneler, trash, too KMS, too uninstall, and many many other things. It wouldn't be bad if BHVR actually banned people for it, but there's very little that'll get you banned in this game, so it does wear on me personally.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I've removed the ability for strangers to send messages to me, so I no longer receive such messages. I have however received two death threats in all my time playing video games.

  • fairfieldisms
    fairfieldisms Member Posts: 43

    I shut off my messages on my PS4 unless I'm friends with someone after the first hate messages I received after a match once. My feelings are very delicate and I know how people can be playing this game, and now I'm not turning them back on.

  • shrekinat
    shrekinat Member Posts: 1

    Iv'e gotten so many death threats, people telling me that they're going to ######### me, Iv'e even had to block multiple people because it was getting too bad, Iv'e been called a ######### killer, a racist ######### and so much more from me saying 'gg' and this was on PS4, I don't tunnel, camp, bring meta perks and I even let the survivors go sometimes, yet I constantly get told to KMS from playing killer, I can't imagine what it must be like on PC

  • CuteLittleAngel
    CuteLittleAngel Member Posts: 12

    I've gotten it a few times. I've been called an E-girl 3 times in my life and they have all been in DBD. The last one was a streamer and I just decided to watch his POV of our match. He got mad at me for weird things and the only one I can give him a "Ok fair" on was the time our teammate got downed and I stopped working on a gen near where it was to wait and hide to save him. The other things he got mad at me for was hiding in a locker instead of immediately running down to the basement and saving him and not unhooking someone faster and with the killer more near so I could get his attention away from the gen he was working. The killer also agreed with him that I did nothing because he never saw me until the end of the match. Weird, a person who sucks a looping using hiding to just try to survive. Crazy.

    I try not to let this bother me. A lot of this is simply because of my name giving me away as a female or leading to those really pathetic people mocking me for it. It's a art name, I just really don't understand the sense of entitlement to insult from my name being cutesy.

    As killer I've been called a tunneler and camper. That's really fun especially after they gen rushed the heck out of me.