Spirit Advice - Pallets, Loops, Chases

Hey guys, I’m switching over to killer as my friends are taking a break and I’ve decided to main Spirit. I’ve played her for a good 30-40(?) hours or so and I have a couple of questions.

1. Pallets - Do you guys eat the pallet as the Spirit or do you respect it then mind game them? Do you guys break pallets mid chase or is that a waste of time?

2. Loop Chases - Do you guys phase walk during mid chase to catch up? I’ve tried guessing where they might go and try to rely on their breathing but lately I’ve encountered a lot of survivors who run Iron Will. Should I just use Stridor as a perk?

3. Any general tips you guys can provide will be really helpful and appreciated. Thanks!


  • VoidOfBeing
    VoidOfBeing Member Posts: 15

    Just phase at any loop, it becomes a guessing game for the survivor on where you are, which is why she honestly needs nerf.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Use headphones

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    i see a lot of people use spirit fury on her so they just eat the pallets. depending on where the pallet is and your surroundings eg are there strong loops close by, with the pallet down does that make it a strong loop etc.. then that will determine weather i break pallets mid chase.

    phasing definitely helps mid chase because it confuses people as to where you are and you can usually hear survivors pretty well if they are running or injured, even if they aren't running, you can usually hear them. you just have to pay attention while phasing. (unless they have iron will but i believe stridor will counter that?)

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    The trick to Spirit is to use your ears. I'm not even kidding lol.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    1) Breaking pallets is normally wasted during midchase unless it is a super safe pallet. When you get better with her, mindgaming is the way to go

    2) Stridor can help, but also makes you lazy. In the beginning it even just sounds like they are closer than they are, because ... well the game engine does the same when using the perk or when getting closer to the survivor: tune up the volume. But I would suggest, for training you should not run it and maybe expect some losses or lost chases and try to focus on footsteps, moving grass etc. You can also track survivors using Iron Will as well as uninjured survivors pretty good while phasing.

  • TheBatJesus
    TheBatJesus Member Posts: 36

    I play her using headphones and listen for the footsteps. I use I'm all ears on her as well to cut off a survivor who vaults at Jungle Gyms.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    This and also in loops do short phases. Survivors can't counter you.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I almost never respect pallets as Spirit unless I'm absolutely sure they are going to drop it. She is a 110 killer so you don't have the luxury of respecting the pallet. You kind of want to force pallet drops because then you can use you power and the survivor has to vault which usually gets them caught. Also the stand still trick will sometimes make them slow vault back into your face.

    As far as breaking pallets, I break the usual strong pallets (eg. shack) right away, the less than strong pallets I will often use my power to get the survivor down first THEN break the pallet (but if I have time to spare I just break the pallet forcing them to run for the next loop and use my power), and super unsafe pallets I don't bother to break unless I'm trying to get more BP.

    Stridor is really nice on Spirit but you have to remember that they will sound closer than they are. You need to pay attention to the direction of the sound more than the distance to really nail down where they are.

    It's best to injure a survivor before entering phase, but if you are confident in your phase you can do it on healthy survivors. You should definitely be using your power in a chase because otherwise you are just a 110 killer and that's a bad thing.

    Pay attention to every blade of grass, stalk of corn, crow, and anything else that will visually give away a survivors position.

    Learn to listen for footsteps AND cries of pain AND normal breathing (last 2 are easier with Stridor). Learn all other sounds survivors make (eg. cleansing, repair, sabo, healing, etc.).

    Learn how to read scratch marks, they appear about a second behind the survivor.

    Best add-ons are speed and charge time. Duration is also very good. Recovery is decent if you are one of those Spirits that uses phase in short bursts. Saya/Tsuba are really good but if you can track well during phase then you shouldn't really need them that much. Mother Daughter Ring is her absolute strongest add-on but it removes scratch marks so you will need to hone your tracking skills. MDR and Amulet is her strongest combination. Father's Glasses is a good alternative to Stridor because it makes it a lot harder to hide from you while injured (even if they have Iron Will). Passive phase add-ons are only good against survivors that know how to loop a Spirit (but they are VERY good here). Against most survivors it doesn't make much of a difference though. Prayer Beads can be good for particular builds, but they are barely a shadow of their former self.

    Don't overuse the stand still trick. I will often do it once at some point in the first chase to see how they react. Most survivors will potato at you, but there are a few that make smart moves. If you try doing this too much against those survivors you will constantly be losing distance.

    Be aware of god windows (most are getting changed in the next update). Windows are the best defense against Spirit so you need to learn where they are, how to bait survivors to vault them, and how they might bait you into thinking they vaulted them.

    Don't bother with TR perks except maybe M&A. Her phasing woosh is there regardless and removing your TR just makes it easier to know when you are phasing. M&A can help you sneak up on survivors outside of phase, which is nice, but it's a bit of a double edge sword if you phase a lot. Incidentally, Insidious has the most interesting effect when used on Spirit, because it procs on the husk. This means you can wait a second, start phasing, and just after you enter phase your husk gets Insid. With old Prayer Beads this was a very interesting combination, but now I've been having trouble finding a good use for it. Sad really, Prayer Beads was OP but PB + Insid was a really cool combo.

    Most chase perks are irrelevant on her. Brutal, SF/Enduring, Bambo, STBFL (even though I see a lot of Spirits use this one). They won't really help you much if at all because her chase is already very strong.

    Anti-heal perks are IMO the best picks. Sloppy, Thana, Dying Light, anything that makes it harder to heal is good because it means survivors are easier to track and they will waste time healing to avoid that issue.

    Gen slow perks like Ruin and Pop can be good on her, but I play super aggressive and prefer to just ignore gens most of the time. If you do this you can keep constant pressure on survivors. Stopping to kick a gen just slows you down more than anything.

    Aura perks are great but you can't see auras in phase. BBQ and Nurse's are the top picks, but really all you need is BBQ to find the next target quickly. You can usually be right on top of them within 5 seconds of getting a hook.

    Tracking perks are really good because it will help you in phase. Stridor is obviously the best. Predator, Shadowborn, Bloodhound, even Spies can be really good for her too. I'd avoid Whispers because it makes it harder to hear survivors, even though it's normally a good perk.

    Lastly I suggest you grow a thick skin. Lots of survivors hate Spirit because they don't understand her and make a lot of mistakes, then say the character is OP or has no counter play. Just ignore them.