Which non-licensed killer should I buy?

I'm almost at 9k Iridescent Shards, and was wanting to buy a killer. I play on PS4, and was actually thinking about getting legion because he can slide over pallots and the fact that I've never won against legion.
Who is the best killer for PS4 that I can get?
(If there is a good survivor i could get please recommend!)
It depend on your playstyle. If you play huntress and enjoy those long distance shot go for deathslinger. If you wanna get bloodpoint fast get legion. They're alright but don't expect easy game cause they tend to struggle.
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Oni's pretty fun to play and also very strong against good survivors, but he does take a bit of practice.
Deathslinger is really good too if you play a lot of FPS games.
Legion is pretty fun if you like running around stabbing people
Spirit is really strong, but she's also extremely boring to play
Plague could be a bit too much if you're put off by puking
I find clown a bit boring to play, but he's great at ending chases really quick
I believe the other non licensed killers come with the game, so you should already have everyone else.
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Huntress should still be a free DLC, but hard to aim on console.
Deathslinger is decent and pretty fun.
Legion can be fun, but hard to get the follow-up kill on.
Spirit is one of the strongest killers, but isn't terribly exciting at times. Phasing while in a chase is like spinning a prize wheel some days.
Plague can secure kills really easily, but your rank will suffer for it.
Clown has amazing chase potential, but nothing else. Deathslinger at least has a slight stealth element to his chase.
Oni is what Hillbilly should be, and has the best killer aesthetic in the game.
Legion and Huntress are also about to get their own Archives, so they'd be ones to prioritise if that's something you're after. If you also want to consider perks, then Spirit, Plague and Clown would be the ones to look at since at least two of their perks are usable on several killers.
Console players get Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, Hag and Doctor standard.
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Huntress is also free on PS4, but you have to unlock the dlc (for free, no shards)
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She was free on Xbox! I just went into the Store and "purchased" it from there.
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I got her with the game automatically because a while back it was free for PS+ subscribers. Huntress is a god.
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I got her with the game automatically because a while back it was free for PS+ subscribers. Huntress is a god.
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Spirit is very strong and easy to use, I recommend Spirit.