DS idea

Just had a thought about DS. What if each time a survivor is unhooked DS activated like it does now. If the survivor takes an action to advance the game state, by starting to unhook someone or doing a gen, the perk deactivates. This way survivors would have an anti-tunneling perk for each time they get unhooked but the safety goes away if they decide it is safe to insert themselves back in the game.

Might help with tunneling off of 2 hooks instead of 1 as well as the frustration from killers when survivors do things like run for unhooks after being unhooked themselves. Thoughts?


  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070
    edited April 2020

    Personally I think it would be fine if they knocked the stun down to the standard "wiggle free" stun and made it deactivate when the survivor performs an action that isn't mending, snapping out of it, or waking up, or jumps in a locker. Hell, at that point I would accept it working after every hook at that point. It should also turn off permanently once the EGC begins to prevent a free escape.