What is the point?

What is the point of making offerings smaller when they are burned? Go fix some bugs instead of doing useless changes. TY.
Yeah, the new Offering Screen looks worse than before IMO.
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Preach. Im tired of them doing useless changes every patch.
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Are we really complaining about something this small?
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I didn't complain about the patch as a whole. I'm just tired of they making things worst when absolutely NOBODY asked for that while there are so many bugs that NEED to be addressed. Dead Hard is a joke, grabbing survivors isn't working, Hag's teleport is bugged, stalking is bugged, revealing ghostface never worked, nurse's bugs are pathetic, there are SO MANY game breaking bugs out there and they are changing the size of the offerings. Cmon devs!
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Honestly looked like a bug to me.
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That's not the worst of it. You also have this change:
"The Underground Complex: fixed the audio on some plastic boxes when striking them with a basic attack."
How the ######### is this a priority? We literally still have silent survivors on the ground, but they decide to dedicate their time to fixing THIS?!
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Who needs to find an slugged survivor, amiright? Fix the damn box sound! Imagine when killers' auto aim make them hit the box, it would be embarrassing if the box didn't sound perfect!
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Half the ''bug'' you stated are lag issue, but whatever float your boat.
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Of all the things in this update your the thing you wanna complain about is something that has zero effect on game play whatsoever? Who gives a ######### what the offering screen looks like honestly? This does not warrant a post complaining its such an insignificant part of the game the fact you're complaining about shows people I'm this community will complain about anything. Like get over yourselves. This is not call of duty or fortnite. If you don't want the game to die then stop with non sense complaints.
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when it first came out on ptb I thought: "nevermind, it's just a bug". when it came to live, it felt more like a ~"feature"~
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your answer makes my post so much more valuable. thank you. serious. this is EXACTLY what I mean: this change is SO ZERO EFFECT ON GAMEPLAY that they shouldn't lose a single minute thinking about changing it. thank you for agreeing.
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Hust Hust anti aliasing forced Hust vsync forced Hust Hust still no advanced ingame settings hust Hust
Game is unplayable for me and others at this point.
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If it is a ~"lag issue"~ it shouldn't be fixed? is it ok to grab a survivor just to see him literally running away completely healthy as you are freezed there? or being stunned by head on AFTER your open locker animation started? if you have nothing valuable to add, go play your flawless game and let the adults talk.
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It fun you call me a kid when you consider 'lag issue can simply be patched. If you got no idea how dedicated server or lag works, maybe you should consider looking it up b4 telling other to ''let the adult talk.'' Also, not only you complain about some little change that hurt virtually nobody, but you also ignore all the bug they acctualy fixed. Please look at entire patchnote b4 complaining k thx bye
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It fun you call me a kid when you consider 'lag issue can simply be patched. If you got no idea how dedicated server or lag works, maybe you should consider looking it up b4 telling other to ''let the adult talk.'' Also, not only you complain about some little change that hurt virtually nobody, but you also ignore all the bug they acctualy fixed. Please look at entire patchnote b4 complaining k thx bye