Clown Mains, Your Builds?

Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

I like playing clown every now and then and Im the kinda guy who is always asking for more builds to use. So clown mains, what are you madlads up to these days, whats your main go to build that helps you succeed as this..clown lol..addons too if you feel like mentioning them.


  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    Don't play clown quite a lot. But I'd personally say corrupt,with brutal and stbfl + some other gen regression/chasing perk. For addons,I'd use ether to increase the slowdown effect time,and I'd probably use Flask of bleach to increase the efficiency of the slowdown. I ran combos tho,like the 2 feathers one to decrease cooldown between bottle throws which helped me quite alot,and the 2 addons to decrease reload time.

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287

    Clown main? Is there a killer like that? Oh wait it’s the fat man throwing bottles of pink fart around in low ranks that doesn littearly nothing if you interact with it. But seriously, I don’t think anyone calls himself a Clown main. He’s a stuffed bag of trash. Should be next on the rework list.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I am not a clown main but i play him frequently on R1.

    My favourite build on him is

    • Corrupt
    • Pop
    • BBQ (can be switched, i use it mainly for bloodpoints)
    • Safe the best for last

    Kind regards

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054
    edited April 2020

    Stbfl, Bbq, Bamboozle, and pop

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited April 2020

    Brutal Strength + Enduring + Bamboozle/Spirit Fury + Pop(or replace Fire up if you want maximum meme) is also good choice for me because survivors always early drop pallets while chase/loop unless they're not smart. Break pallets while you slowing them with gas.

    You want to finish chase and loop and down fast as possible and use Pop quickly.

    ...Or just pick Noed because nobody cleanse bones at all and YOU KNOW clown's terrible map pressure will end the gens quick so it's just work

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Thats interesting, surprised that you dont have any gen regression for him.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited April 2020

    If you want Clown with Gen Regression, maybe "NO healing clown" is also work too i guess

    Thana + Coulophobia + Pop/Ruin + Sloppy


    Thana + Coulophobia + Pop/Ruin + Dying Light + Sulphuric Acid Vial add-on (120 sec Mangle)

    Not also slow the gens but also waste their time with slow healing (Even MORE slow if they're in terror radius)(Would love to laugh if someone selfcaring)

    I don't recommend Distressing+Coulophobia with Clown for me because you want to come closer to survivors as soon possible

    P.S. Flask of Bleach are MUST PICK clown add-on

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Oh no no im not doubting your build im just wanting to discuss it. Its very interesting. Ive not seen people use that stuff for clown.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    @DingDongs essentially you use Brutal, spirits, enduring, and fired up tho right?

    Seems solid always love bbq for bp, and pop is excellent on anyone, and i know stbfl is supposed to be quite well on him, hows bamboozle on him funnily enough, only used bamboozle on him for his adept.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited April 2020


    Yes but fired up is only for "More speed for breaking pallets and memeing"

    No Pallets + Clown slow bottle mean easy shut down chase on middle~late game

    But tbh, Pop/BBQ/STBFL/Noed is way better than Fired up, i can promise that.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Sorry little bit confused are you saying your second build is better?

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    clown isnt as bad as people think, while there are stronger killers each one has their bonuses and with the new tile spacing and removed god loops clown is a pretty mean foe at anti-looping. my build i use is:

    Corrupt, dont leave home without it lol, great way to force the map smaller which means less worrying about other gens and its a great way to get the game rolling, usually get 2+ hooks before its over

    POP, another gen defense as youre gonna want it, doesnt matter how fast downs can be gens can also be fast so you really wanna manage them the best you can so 25% regression per hook yes please

    BBQ, you need a perk to find other survivors, it saves time and can help you to know which gen to pop... oh and bonus BP thats nice too

    Brutal, this perk is an honest god send when combined with the add-ons i use, but this allows you to hit gens fast and destroy pallets faster all saving some time, before breaking the pallet hit the survivor with your bottle (theyre likely waiting on the other side for you to break it) what this will do is slow them down so they get less distance and you destroy the pallet quicker which means even less distance.

    Add-ons: Extra duration of effects + bonus hindered effect (sorry i forget the names) really slows them down for a long duration too making him even more anti-loop

    extra: probably obvious but clowns anti-loop which means at most loops you can walk one side and throw a bottle then turn back and chase them through it, on most loops this can be a hit with these add-on if you can cut the corners right or worst case they drop the pallet fast (then do as said in the brutal perk section) be on point with aiming, hitting a bottle as theyre running from one loop to a new one can mean a hit or a super fast pallet drop, remember the sooner the pallets drop the sooner their defenses have gone

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited April 2020

    I'm playing both builds, "Strong Chase Clown" and "No Healing Clown" because playing same perks all over will getting tired and i want to try the next/new builds.

    Sorry, i can't decide which builds is better but:

    If survivors bring too many medkit and/or luckily equip selfcare. "No healing Clown"

    If else, "Strong chase Clown" (Replace Fired Up with Pop/BBQ/STFBL/NOED. Or any strong perks)

    Sorry for confusion, my english are bad

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Oh thanks i really enjoyed your write up of clown ill defintely try it out seems like a very fun build.

    Its fine ill try out those builds sometime!