Where is Tome 3?

I don't know if I'm misunderstanding; but I'm not getting my Tome 3 yet; it says it's been added in the patch notes but- Delay? Bug? Just.. late to the party??
Tome 3 is being realised 11am EDT on Wednesday 28th April 2020 (tomorrow). This was planned from the start. Please be a little more patient.
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It comes tomorrow, there was a trailer for it yesterday stating it comes out on the 29th
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In 15 minutes.
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whenever it's ready
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Alright, don't need the patronizing "Please be patient" :v
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I'm trying my best to be polite by asking you to be patient. If that's patronising to you just wait till someone actually is.
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You could just say "tomorrow"
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Bud, put down your cup of teen angst and calm down, lol. You're reading way too much into what they said.
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Why do you think they are so excited for the Tomes they need to get their full of legion angst
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Or I could be helpful, explain it in further detail as I usually do (if you don't believe check out my most recent post) and add in a little extra comment at the end. It ain't that deep sis.
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Yes, more pointless quests hype!