Rework Idea,
After hooking a Survivor Insidious becomes active. Pressing the Active Skill button reduces the Killer's Terror Radius to 0 and removes the Red Stain for 10/11/12 Seconds. Once the effect has expired the Killer's Terror Radius and Red Stain return to normal. Only can be used once per trial.
I feel this would make the perk viable, making any killer more interesting to play using this perk, and also keep Survivors on their toes.
Insidious is fine where it is. Don't mess with my pepega benchmark tool.
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But you see that's the issue lol
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Not an issue at all. If survivors fall for Insidious, they are pepegas. It's really quite fun. Not a build I run often, but it's good for a laugh, since it's glaringly obvious when a killer has it.
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Ahh I misunderstood you lol Yeah it definitely is fun to get someone as it is every once in a while.