Killer concept :the actor:

:short history:
george Kendrick was once a performer known for his technique of mimicking emotion and voice, one day however the world of entertainment changed to a new view were he was not wanted leaving him in the past where he sworn to not leave. After performing for the last time and then receiving his last insult from the critics he decided it was time to give his own view on their judgment. One night all of the critics came together to discuss and share their views and then as the police arrived they were all found dead, there was however one who was left alive telling the investigators that the killer was one of the critics then later they found his body in a closet in the next building, George wondered off with his “rightful belonging” a award to himself and as he walks back he finally realized “it was so easy and they believed me!” He then continued his work in the theatre and everyday when a critic dare insulted his art he would pay them a visit and exchange the critics life for the award he deserved. However these times were to end as the officials came to his room to soon discover that he had committed suicide, hours went by as they also discovered that George was not killed but the neighbor that lived next door and to George’s where abouts stayed unknown until now...
power :mimic:
the actor can transform himself into one of the survivors, during this state he can do the following...
- able to vault
- able to hide in closet
- able to crouch
- his terror radius is disguised until he transforms back
- can pretend he is working on the generator
during this state he is also able to do a new action....
- He is able to make his terror radius appear to scare the survivors giving him time to sneak up on them and do the deed
Like every other killer, this one comes with 3 perks
perk1 :silent acting:
when a survivor is hooked for the first time in a trial there won’t be a visual indicator for where they maybe, this effect can only work once per survivor
perk2 :spotlight:
when a survivor is unhooked their aura will appear for 5/6/4 seconds, can only work 4 times
perk3 :curtains close:
over time in the trial, the entity will block off 4 closets which was searched by the killer
memento mori :final scene:
the actor transforms into a survivor and pretends to help the injured survivor but as the injured one gets up the actor stabs them in the back and then luaghs as the survivor bleeds out.
that was the actor anyone have feedback :)