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Curious, do any other killer players (or survivors, I suppose too) have a "trash" list?

Member Posts: 245

By "trash list" I mean "######### list" but I don't know if that'll get "bad worded."

People you've played with and went "nope, I will never play with you again," and you'll hard lobby dodge?

After some specific encounters, I started the list, either people that were toxic, extremely good (hey, if you're that good, you shouldn't be rank 15. If you have the right to depip, I have the right to remember your name and choose to not play with you), or just asses.

For example, last game! I won't name names, as much as I want to, but I was playing hillbilly on one of the steel factory maps. I burnt an invite, and so did one survivor. I already have the chops and everything, I'm just burning them for the extra bloodpoints. I mean, 5.5k is quite a bit for a single hook.

Anyways, game starts as usual. Me running into walls, occasionally hitting people, the works (I don't play hillbilly often. His controls feel weird to me). Then I get an audio notification. It isn't near any thing, odd. I go over there, and a claudette with a toolbox is walking away from my event hook. I'm relatively pissed off, chase her down, and pick her up. I see one event hook nearby is already broken, and I take her back to the one she failed a skillcheck on, and throw her on it, and proceed to camp until she dies, ignoring the baiting of her friends that come to try and save her. She's dead. (I do hit her several times and then chainsaw sprint into her. Partly for points, and partly because I'm fairly peeved). No one that directly attacks my bloodpoints is going to remain in my game if I have any input. (Spoiler, as the killer carrying a downed survivor, I do.) After she dies, game continues like normal, and afterwards they abuse me for facecamping. As if I was the instigator, and it wasn't a natural conclusion of their actions.

Yes, this is a rant because I'm frustrated with some people. But question remains: like me adding these names to my list, do you have a list of people you refuse to play with again?

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  • Member Posts: 7,068

    I've got a list of known griefers and toxic jerks.

  • Member Posts: 697

    @Chrona said:
    By "trash list" I mean "######### list" but I don't know if that'll get "bad worded."

    People you've played with and went "nope, I will never play with you again," and you'll hard lobby dodge?

    After some specific encounters, I started the list, either people that were toxic, extremely good (hey, if you're that good, you shouldn't be rank 15. If you have the right to depip, I have the right to remember your name and choose to not play with you), or just asses.

    For example, last game! I won't name names, as much as I want to, but I was playing hillbilly on one of the steel factory maps. I burnt an invite, and so did one survivor. I already have the chops and everything, I'm just burning them for the extra bloodpoints. I mean, 5.5k is quite a bit for a single hook.

    Anyways, game starts as usual. Me running into walls, occasionally hitting people, the works (I don't play hillbilly often. His controls feel weird to me). Then I get an audio notification. It isn't near any thing, odd. I go over there, and a claudette with a toolbox is walking away from my event hook. I'm relatively pissed off, chase her down, and pick her up. I see one event hook nearby is already broken, and I take her back to the one she failed a skillcheck on, and throw her on it, and proceed to camp until she dies, ignoring the baiting of her friends that come to try and save her. She's dead. (I do hit her several times and then chainsaw sprint into her. Partly for points, and partly because I'm fairly peeved). No one that directly attacks my bloodpoints is going to remain in my game if I have any input. (Spoiler, as the killer carrying a downed survivor, I do.) After she dies, game continues like normal, and afterwards they abuse me for facecamping. As if I was the instigator, and it wasn't a natural conclusion of their actions.

    Yes, this is a rant because I'm frustrated with some people. But question remains: like me adding these names to my list, do you have a list of people you refuse to play with again?

    I do have a very long memory for really hard griefers and toxic people too. Not a list per se tho.

  • Member Posts: 57

    Yep I have a few in my head rather than on paper/online. Either people who go out of their way to ruin my time, or just an infamous local swf group I know I'm gonna get stomped on.

  • Member Posts: 2,270
    Geez... sorry, but it's just whining. I play killer 80% of the time, and yes, there are people who just piss me off, but what you say here sounds like "that list from high school". Sabotaging is a valid way for survivors to hinder you, and even if someone is really just being an ass and purposefully concentrates on saboing your event hooks: I think you should just keep playing the game as you'd normally do (which doesn't include facecamping I assume). Yea, he'll be saved, but you can get him again, and have a good game despite facing a troll. BP-s are not everything.
    That's just my take on the issue though. I admit, I have chosen to single out some extreme trolls for special punishment - I prefer ignoring everyone else and letting the one troll bleed out :) I just think saboing event hooks is just not up there.
  • Member Posts: 245
    @George_Soros I admitted already, yes, I'm complaining.  And this was one case, but most of the rather short list are either toxic players or swf depiped squads that will stomp my face in.  Mostly the former.
  • Member Posts: 4,104
    I just don't trust Fengs. I know that not all Fengs are jerks, but most of the Fengs I have seen are toxic in some way.
  • Member Posts: 1,142

    I dont pay enough attention to worry or care to make a "I hate you" list. I join lobby, play, leave lobby, repeat. I avoid most chats in lobbies.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Honestly, I usually forget the people who have crossed me.

    If I remember them, then yeah, I'll probably dodge. They just aren't worth playing with.

  • Member Posts: 1,256
    edited August 2018

    My list of fuckstick survivors that stealth around and won't repair gens all game can fill a textbook.

    I can carry 1-2 weak friends, but I can't carry them and a third survivor that can be effectively replaced by a busted coconut.

  • Member Posts: 372
    edited August 2018
    I have a mori list for people that are toxic. If you tell me to kill myself or something of that toxicity because you are going to get mori every time. You have to be a real ######### to even justify getting put on a list, tbagging at gates and stuff does not bother me enough for that though. 
    Post edited by Killigma on
  • Member Posts: 13,616

    No actually, i don't.
    I know it'll just make me toxic instead.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Nope. Most of the time, I only check if it's SWF (to prepare accordingly) and then browse a few websites while waiting for the lobby to fill.

  • Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2018

    I usually remember the name of the person that was super toxic/cocky/disrespectful in the game even after a dfew months so that next time i get it i usually get a mori and make the game unfun for them xD i actually played today with a dude that was super cocky like 6 months ago and i still remembered his name so he got a mori in the face >:^) sometimes i just like to let them bleed out on the ground while i spin around like and idiot on top of their bodies >:3

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  • Member Posts: 1,073
    Yeah got a list of survivors that the moment I see them join my lobby I go from polite fun build killer to brutal blood thirsting killer. I'll still not go tunnel or camp, but against people like those I can't pull punches.

    One person in particular is on the list for the whole bming and such. Kicker is that they're one of those people that would rather dc then be hooked. So the moment you drop them, they leave the match.
  • Member Posts: 13

    The only counter to toxic survivors is playing nurse :D
    With other killers, looping, toxic survs ecc are problems, but not with her lol

    So no, I haven't a black list

  • Member Posts: 1,273
    I don’t have a list but I have a good memory and remember names. I remember good players and bad ones. 
  • Member Posts: 462

    I only play killer but I don't have a "list". This is just a video game man. I know this game can be frustrating at times especially if you have people trolling you. Anything the survivors do to you to intentionally make you mad is just them using mechanics the devs implemented in the game for them to utilize. There's a flipside, you can return the favor as killer.

    At the end of the match, it's always gonna be 4 people criticizing how you play and not themselves because they are the survivors and you're the killer. Just play how you want to play. If they do things that you feel are BS, then BS them back. Tunnel and camp them. If you really want them to get salty about it, then tell them to "git gud" and leave before they can reply. It's all mind games. Don't wear your feelings on your sleeves when on the internet. Good luck!

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i simply play when i want to play against these survivors, but if i dont feel like it, i'll dodge.

  • Member Posts: 81

    @Chrona said:
    By "trash list" I mean "######### list" but I don't know if that'll get "bad worded."

    People you've played with and went "nope, I will never play with you again," and you'll hard lobby dodge?

    After some specific encounters, I started the list, either people that were toxic, extremely good (hey, if you're that good, you shouldn't be rank 15. If you have the right to depip, I have the right to remember your name and choose to not play with you), or just asses.

    For example, last game! I won't name names, as much as I want to, but I was playing hillbilly on one of the steel factory maps. I burnt an invite, and so did one survivor. I already have the chops and everything, I'm just burning them for the extra bloodpoints. I mean, 5.5k is quite a bit for a single hook.

    Anyways, game starts as usual. Me running into walls, occasionally hitting people, the works (I don't play hillbilly often. His controls feel weird to me). Then I get an audio notification. It isn't near any thing, odd. I go over there, and a claudette with a toolbox is walking away from my event hook. I'm relatively pissed off, chase her down, and pick her up. I see one event hook nearby is already broken, and I take her back to the one she failed a skillcheck on, and throw her on it, and proceed to camp until she dies, ignoring the baiting of her friends that come to try and save her. She's dead. (I do hit her several times and then chainsaw sprint into her. Partly for points, and partly because I'm fairly peeved). No one that directly attacks my bloodpoints is going to remain in my game if I have any input. (Spoiler, as the killer carrying a downed survivor, I do.) After she dies, game continues like normal, and afterwards they abuse me for facecamping. As if I was the instigator, and it wasn't a natural conclusion of their actions.

    Yes, this is a rant because I'm frustrated with some people. But question remains: like me adding these names to my list, do you have a list of people you refuse to play with again?

    I don't have a list, no, but I usually don't play with streamers, or people with names like "Pleberino213" wielding flashlights
    If I do play with them, I'll put on a Tuning guide and NOED, if you want to have your fun looping and blinding, I want my fun in insta-downing you.
    I did one give a streamer the "streamer privilege" playing as Huntress, but that was quite a time ago and he sadly wasn't streaming

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