What do you think about this game being on PS Plus?

My initial thoughts were that more players can only be a good thing but I have to say the experience of playing as survivor this last week has been miserable.
I dropped to rank 14 at season reset and thought I would be safe from the newbies but it seems not.
Firstly disconnects from both survivors and killers. It’s happening far more often and its spoiling a lot of the games.
People are disconnecting just because they got caught – its ridiculous. Just hang on the hook and get rescued.
Also no-one is doing gens! Often in a game Ill be the only person doing them. I keep expecting others to pop on the other side of the map but it doesn’t happen. When I'm hooked Ill see other players milling around literally doing nothing.
I think I only had one gate escape last night. The only way I could get out was the hatch.
So yeah a frustrating experience. I'm sure some players will leave and others improve but right now a lot of the games are just not fun.
Doesnt affect me because I play on PC.
However, from my own experience playing killer I feel really bad for the beginner killers on playstation who have to deal with horrible FPS, controller input and bullying survivors like ochido.I honestly hope that PS killers die out and they are left with a large survivor main community crying about queue time. Maybe this can bring the devs into balancing the game a slightly more, all platforms would profit from that
And disconnecting is common now on all platforms. This ######### happens when DCing isnt punished, I just hope that devs wake up and introduce queue time punishment soon
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To be frank I think killers are having a great time on PS4 at the moment on low ranks. Its a bloodbath!
Even where I play (about rank 10) my results have improved noticeably.
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I got reset to Rank 12 as killer and now I’m Rank 8, and I haven’t really came across any of the newbies (thank god).0
There are far more noobs to stomp. I enjoyed my time on PS4 for a while until I truly realised how horrendous the performance is.
But I feel like my own skill is getting weaker, on both ends, for both platforms, because there are in a way far too many noobs to stomp and not enough actually good players.
That, and how OchiDO has now moved to PS4, will make Survivors even more likely than they already are, to be toxic.
It's far easier to successfully 360 and juke Killers on console solely because they don't have the precision of mouse aiming, nor do they have a smooth, consistent 30+fps at all times, and Survivors have a full 360 angle of movement with joysticks, unlike PC where they only have 8 directions and must fine-tune with their mouse aim.Devs really need to optimise their game for consoles. Fix whatever ######### exists to make it so bad, and remove the FPS cap. Make it happen for PS4, and not just PS4 Pro.
Give console players the ability to adjust graphical settings if they want to, like we can on PC. I'd rather have the game look like ass with good performance, than seeing every grain of wood at 12fps.
My Toshiba laptop can run this game at 45fps on the lowest settings as Survivor, and 30fps as Killer - because for some reason, having the weapon on-screen as Killer takes a massive toll on performance.
I know my PS4 is many times more powerful than my laptop, so why does the same game run worse on console default settings?Come on, BHVR. Optimise your game for console. Consistent 30fps at the very least, eliminating all drops whatsoever.
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Judgement said:
There are far more noobs to stomp. I enjoyed my time on PS4 for a while until I truly realised how horrendous the performance is.
But I feel like my own skill is getting weaker, on both ends, for both platforms, because there are in a way far too many noobs to stomp and not enough actually good players.
That, and how OchiDO has now moved to PS4, will make Survivors even more likely than they already are, to be toxic.
It's far easier to successfully 360 and juke Killers on console solely because they don't have the precision of mouse aiming, nor do they have a smooth, consistent 30+fps at all times, and Survivors have a full 360 angle of movement with joysticks, unlike PC where they only have 8 directions and must fine-tune with their mouse aim.Devs really need to optimise their game for consoles. Fix whatever ######### exists to make it so bad, and remove the FPS cap. Make it happen for PS4, and not just PS4 Pro.
Give console players the ability to adjust graphical settings if they want to, like we can on PC. I'd rather have the game look like ass with good performance, than seeing every grain of wood at 12fps.
My Toshiba laptop can run this game at 45fps on the lowest settings as Survivor, and 30fps as Killer - because for some reason, having the weapon on-screen as Killer takes a massive toll on performance.
I know my PS4 is many times more powerful than my laptop, so why does the same game run worse on console default settings?Come on, BHVR. Optimise your game for console. Consistent 30fps at the very least, eliminating all drops whatsoever.
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It's good more money etc. If 1% of ps+ users spend 10$ they make millions.
R1 killer has been a joke since summer hit regardless.
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Rex_Huin said:
My initial thoughts were that more players can only be a good thing but I have to say the experience of playing as survivor this last week has been miserable.
I dropped to rank 14 at season reset and thought I would be safe from the newbies but it seems not.
Firstly disconnects from both survivors and killers. It’s happening far more often and its spoiling a lot of the games.
People are disconnecting just because they got caught – its ridiculous. Just hang on the hook and get rescued.Also no-one is doing gens! Often in a game Ill be the only person doing them. I keep expecting others to pop on the other side of the map but it doesn’t happen. When I'm hooked Ill see other players milling around literally doing nothing.
I think I only had one gate escape last night. The only way I could get out was the hatch.So yeah a frustrating experience. I'm sure some players will leave and others improve but right now a lot of the games are just not fun.
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@fcc2014 said:
Rex_Huin said:My initial thoughts were that more players can only be a good thing but I have to say the experience of playing as survivor this last week has been miserable.
I dropped to rank 14 at season reset and thought I would be safe from the newbies but it seems not.
Firstly disconnects from both survivors and killers. It’s happening far more often and its spoiling a lot of the games.
People are disconnecting just because they got caught – its ridiculous. Just hang on the hook and get rescued.
Also no-one is doing gens! Often in a game Ill be the only person doing them. I keep expecting others to pop on the other side of the map but it doesn’t happen. When I'm hooked Ill see other players milling around literally doing nothing.
I think I only had one gate escape last night. The only way I could get out was the hatch.
So yeah a frustrating experience. I'm sure some players will leave and others improve but right now a lot of the games are just not fun.
I was in purple and red ranks this week and seen more quitters than ever. It is taking forever to get to one. After yesterdays update i had 3 blue screens when loading into a game after offerings were burnt. Anyone else get that. I have only seen the app crash 5-6 times in over a year but had 3 last night.
All weekend I was dcing at loading screen and mid match. Like 1/4 games. Seems to have cleared up I just assumed increased traffic or something.
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@Might_Oakk said:
@fcc2014 said:
Rex_Huin said:My initial thoughts were that more players can only be a good thing but I have to say the experience of playing as survivor this last week has been miserable.
I dropped to rank 14 at season reset and thought I would be safe from the newbies but it seems not.
Firstly disconnects from both survivors and killers. It’s happening far more often and its spoiling a lot of the games.
People are disconnecting just because they got caught – its ridiculous. Just hang on the hook and get rescued.
Also no-one is doing gens! Often in a game Ill be the only person doing them. I keep expecting others to pop on the other side of the map but it doesn’t happen. When I'm hooked Ill see other players milling around literally doing nothing.
I think I only had one gate escape last night. The only way I could get out was the hatch.
So yeah a frustrating experience. I'm sure some players will leave and others improve but right now a lot of the games are just not fun.
I was in purple and red ranks this week and seen more quitters than ever. It is taking forever to get to one. After yesterdays update i had 3 blue screens when loading into a game after offerings were burnt. Anyone else get that. I have only seen the app crash 5-6 times in over a year but had 3 last night.
All weekend I was dcing at loading screen and mid match. Like 1/4 games. Seems to have cleared up I just assumed increased traffic or something.
Hmmm....to be honest the dc's I have seen are highly likely intentional based on the occasions when they happened.
But your post and the one before it seem to suggest a different problem is also occurring.
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@Might_Oakk said:
It's good more money etc. If 1% of ps+ users spend 10$ they make millions.I'm one of those noobs that just picked up the game....and yes, I've already spent $10 for DLC killers. I however am not one of the many toxic noobs. I play the game to the best of my ability with the main goal of having fun and creating a fun filled game for my survivors. I too have ran into many toxic players and just wish people would play the game the way it was intended. I've also had the privilege of running into the toxic survivor who must be unnamed. If it wasn't for PS+ I would have never picked up this most amazing game.
Hopefully everything will start to calm down a bit once the next release of new games for PS+ arrives.
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@Rex_Huin said:
@Might_Oakk said:
@fcc2014 said:
Rex_Huin said:I was in purple and red ranks this week and seen more quitters than ever. It is taking forever to get to one. After yesterdays update i had 3 blue screens when loading into a game after offerings were burnt. Anyone else get that. I have only seen the app crash 5-6 times in over a year but had 3 last night.
All weekend I was dcing at loading screen and mid match. Like 1/4 games. Seems to have cleared up I just assumed increased traffic or something.
Hmmm....to be honest the dc's I have seen are highly likely intentional based on the occasions when they happened.
But your post and the one before it seem to suggest a different problem is also occurring.
I have seen both. I have had all 3 people dc as soon as we jumped in the match but i have also been had my app crash once loading in and another time in mid match with no one around and i was working on a generator. I have only seen the blue screen 5 or 6 times total in over a year and last night i had two of them. I also noticed my fan on the PS4 kicked in a few times while playing after the update. Does anyone know what that update was i didn't see any patch notes.
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@fcc2014 said:
@Rex_Huin said:
@Might_Oakk said:
@fcc2014 said:
Rex_Huin said:I was in purple and red ranks this week and seen more quitters than ever. It is taking forever to get to one. After yesterdays update i had 3 blue screens when loading into a game after offerings were burnt. Anyone else get that. I have only seen the app crash 5-6 times in over a year but had 3 last night.
All weekend I was dcing at loading screen and mid match. Like 1/4 games. Seems to have cleared up I just assumed increased traffic or something.
Hmmm....to be honest the dc's I have seen are highly likely intentional based on the occasions when they happened.
But your post and the one before it seem to suggest a different problem is also occurring.
I have seen both. I have had all 3 people dc as soon as we jumped in the match but i have also been had my app crash once loading in and another time in mid match with no one around and i was working on a generator. I have only seen the blue screen 5 or 6 times total in over a year and last night i had two of them. I also noticed my fan on the PS4 kicked in a few times while playing after the update. Does anyone know what that update was i didn't see any patch notes.
The update yesterday? I think to extend the BBQ event by an extra 2 days.
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@Master said:
Doesnt affect me because I play on PC.
However, from my own experience playing killer I feel really bad for the beginner killers on playstation who have to deal with horrible FPS, controller input and bullying survivors like ochido.I honestly hope that PS killers die out and they are left with a large survivor main community crying about queue time. Maybe this can bring the devs into balancing the game a slightly more, all platforms would profit from that
And disconnecting is common now on all platforms. This ######### happens when DCing isnt punished, I just hope that devs wake up and introduce queue time punishment soon
PS4 isn't as bad as PC, by the way. Even SWF groups you don't come accross them like you do on PC. Soooo... Stop finding excuses for your biased preaching all over these forums.
I feel bad for you guys though, thankfully I switched back to PC again in time before it was all free, so I'm set