idea: 4th tiers of perks

hagling Member Posts: 279

this might've been discussed before, but i was thinking about how we see a lot of the same killers (especially at high ranks) and wondered how they might implement an incentive to choose different killers or even survivors to play around with and mix it up, and I had the idea of 4th tiers of perks... if you play the survivor/killer they originate from.

for example, tier 3 of urban evasion gives any survivor +100% movement speed while crouching, given you've unlocked the teachable. but it might make sense for nea to have an extra tier that grants +105% speed since she'd be the expert at her own perk.

yall get the idea, I just thought it'd be an interesting addition that could promote killer diversity and make survivors more unique; if any of them can do just as well at anything.. it's kinda like, okay what makes you special? do you even have strengths of your own?

i remember people talking about ruin after that big boi nerf and someone said it's too weak to be a hex now, well.. if there were a tier 4 of ruin on hag, one of the least played killers across the playerbase, that might be just the thing to pull people away from billy or nurse or huntress for a few rounds.

imagine a slightly buffed tier 4 pop goes the weasel on clown, or a longer corrupt intervention on plague, a quicker brutal strength on trapper, a stronger dying light on mikey. tons of less used killers have amazing perks that just get snatched away from them in favor of another killer and that's just a bit sad to me.

personally, I'd love it if this came to fruition. feel free to discuss <3


  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's not a bad idea, I'd prefer it if it was one perk per killer/survivor and it was their weakest one. Like I don't think people would like a stronger version of DS, pop etc.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited May 2020

    I dont think all teachable Perks reach tier4 to the own character is a good idea, image Meg with Tier4 Sprintburst , tier4 Andre...that will make meta characters.

    For me, the maximum a character should have is the first perk slot, if you put their own teachable perk, it will auto become Tier4. leave the other 3 perks as it is.

    This may make under level15 characters not too weak with their own teachable but low tier perks. So Dwight level1 can have Tier4 Bone ect

  • A9F6
    A9F6 Member Posts: 91

    Some version of this where balancing issues are bit more leveled out like only 1 perk slot able to be the "tier 4" perk or whatever.

    This would be great. Always thought the game needed something to make survivors more unique.

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279

    this is totally a fair point, although maybe the 'least abusable' perk? cuz if it's just the 'weakest perk' on everyone, nea would get tier 4 streetwise.. which.. nobody would want and wouldn't make her any more distinct than she was before, y'know? I think that's the problem with reducing it down to just 1 perk to begin with, if the idea is to incentivize diversity idk if 1 perk would be enough to do that especially if it wasn't a perk people would want to use.

    if that makes sense? but there would absolutely have to be some balancing involved cuz you're right, strong perks would only get stronger.

    i think there's always gonna be a meta no matter what dbd does, the idea was just to add something fresh to change it up, which might even force people out of the current meta to experiment with more unique builds, but I definitely don't expect sweaty players to suddenly not play sweaty. if there's a really strong survivor/killer with tier 4s, ofc some people are gonna use them exclusively regardless. kinda what people do now imo

    agreed, survivors really need something to give them a proper identity within the game. ❤️

    thank yall for the responses! I'm having fun entertaining the idea

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    Well the devs are talking about making perks just a single tier to reduce the grind. So I guess this could work as a second tier for the killers with their teachables. So if they change it to just one tier, urban evasion would be 100% movement speed at base, and then tier two would only be available for Nea, and give you 105%

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I don't like the idea that much mostly because this would encourage meta survivors (yes i know someone said that already).

    +Playing my favourite survivor would now kinda lead to disadvantage if i like using a specific survivor's perk that is not their teachable.

    I wouldn't mind it if it was from the beginning of the game existence or close to it. Now it just feels like forcing it upon players.

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279

    if you don't run the current meta you'll be at a disadvantage too, but that doesn't mean you have to run it, right? personally I don't run the meta, I'm not trying to be ~the best~ I'm someone who regularly brings pebble with me cuz it's cute and memey and sometimes even useful.

    on survivor side I mainly play kate and nea, both have interesting but decidedly un-meta perks. imo tier 4 teachables would give either of their loadouts a small boost to put it over the edge into playability. like, boil over wouldn't be ultra strong even with a buff, but I would absolutely have fun using tier 4 boil over. would I be disadvantaged? ######### yeah, but why not? could be a laugh. 🐴