NOT A COMPLAINT: Gen Speed o,o

yutycorn Member Posts: 246

Alright, first off, this is JUST a discussion. In no way shape or form am I here to COMPLAIN. Now, with that disclaimer out the way, lemme tell you what I've found.

While in a duo with a friend, we wanted to see how fast we could do a gen, because we were bored and curious. So, he and I equipped the following:


  • Streetwise
  • Resilience
  • No Mither
  • Prove Thyself
  • Commodius Toolbox with a BNP and wire spool


  • Dead Hard
  • Resilience
  • No Mither
  • Prove Thyself
  • Commodius Toolbox with a BNP and Wire spool

I also put a shroud of binding so we spawned together at the start of the match. Three people were on the first gen. He and I hit both skillchecks and finished the first gen in EIGHTEEN seconds!! And since I had streetwise, our toolboxes lasted for around half a second gen!!

Now, although the first two gens went by so quickly, he and I were ONE SHOT downs all game. I had NO exhaustion perk. In addition, the killer was infinite tombstone Mikey, and he killed my friend. It was an interesting match and I couldn't believe how fast we did the gen.

What about you? Done anything similar? Please be civilized and be cool like a summer's breeze ^,^