Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

What changes would you make to The Clown?

I was thinking about this after players have repeatedly asked for a buff to him. In my opinion I would decrease his reload speed and make him give survivors the exhaustion status by default when a survivor is hit directly by a bottle. The Clown is honestly the only killer that should give exhaustion status to survivors, it makes sense to his lore. Also make him body slam forward like a shred attack like The Demogorgon with his belly, something fun. This is all I could think of, there is not much the devs can do. He is going to need the afterpiece Tonic as his power no matter what. What would you guys do to him?


  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    Since the Clown is a bit chunky, as a secondary ability he could transform in to a circus ball, then roll to the other side of the map in high speed while laughing uncontrollably. HA HA HAAA!!!

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited May 2020

    Well. I'll give some ideas a go. Not all these will make a better killer in ways he needs but might be fun for his theme.

    Laughing Gas: Any survivor hit by his gas end up laughing for a period of time. This laugh is very loud and has a considerable time with certain addons increasing its length or decreasing it based on gimmick. This gas is effected by survivors sound nullifying abilities. Another buff to calm spirit in a way.

    Pros: Laughs fit his theme and make sense for a killer that uses gas/toxins.

    Helps the killer locate the player. You can also add a red or purple that maybe reveals a survivor aura for one second every time they laugh.

    Helps killer guess and locate where a survivor is when looping. Perhaps giving him a chance to counter intercept a vault ro change.

    Cons: Promotes survivors looping even more. Which is not fun. For either side.

    Promotes survivors being more scared of vaulting or making plays and sticking to just maxing out a loop until a pallet is broken or the loops usefulness ends.

    Harms survivor stealth. Which is already in a bad place.

    Giggle Radius: When a survivor is in the clowns terror radius they will hear the clowns laugh in random directions occasionally. Certain addons can increase the frequency or decrease it as needed. The closer the clown is the more rapid the giggles are.


    Can be spooky.

    Good for mind games.

    Could actually make survivors make mistakes with loops since a giggle could make them think to cycle around and the clown can commit and intercept a hit. This also promotes the survivors to maybe want to actually run away instead of just loop an area. Which is good and makes for more intense chaes.


    More experienced survivors will rarely fall for this as they will just watch for his red stain and nothing else. Unless his red stain is removed. It will have dubious effect.

    Requires you commit to a terror radius to get proper effect. Making a lot of stealthy perks perhaps not so good.

    Giggles don't actually do anything to survivors.

    Pro/con? It would actually make beat of prey actually useful for once since a committed chase clown with a terror radius will lose his red stain and have lots of giggles to confues a looping survivor in the midst of blood lust buffs.

    Bottle Smash: If a survivor is within quick slashing range the clown will simply smash the bottle on their heads after a very small build up. This counts as a hit and induces the normal toxic effects on the player.

    Pros: Can make stealth clown DEADLY if used correctly.

    The mild effect even base bottle would have could both hamper the speed injury boost and decrease their attempt to get away after getting hit so close. This will result in the clown having a fantastic lead on their trail. This requires holding the ability button when applicable.

    Cons: Uses up bottles and probably will need a short cool down like a basic attack to be even remotely fair.

    Probably a bit OP. It definately could not benefit from save the best lest the clown effectively turn into a machine gun stealth killer.

    Requires the clown to be up close to a silly degree and remain there. Not really realistic in most scenarios and would NEED stealth perks to be viable.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Give him a secondary power, which allows him to trap Survivor objects. When activated, his cloud goes poof, which may cause hallucinations. He's a clown, after all.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    I would put him out of his misery.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 672

    He definitely needs a car with a squeaky horn that he can run survivors over with.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I think that Clown is fun to play, and all he really needs are some QoL updates. Make his bottles travel faster, remove the noise when vaulting (I think someone said they fixed that in this recent patch?), make him move faster in the gas cloud, and maybe add something like being able to reload bottles individually? I don't think he needs a flat-out rework, just some small fixes to make him more viable!

  • norbie0
    norbie0 Member Posts: 6

    I have a few changes o have thought about making to him not all to be done to him just a few suggestions but one thing no matter what is his bottle reload NEEDS to take less time. And his bottles need to do something more like slowing all player actions when inside his cloud.

    1) he could be able to pour his tonic on gems, pallets or windows to thap them, to make them sticky or slow gen progression

    2) an intoxication meter would build up similar to the doctors madness or plagues sickness. Causing survivors to need to sober up or be slowed down while healing, unhooking ,working on generators ect.. I wouldn't want it to go as far as putting them in the broken state but hindered, or oblivious for a short amount of time.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Make his reload time faster, and give him no slowdown when reloading.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I was thinking he should be able to transform into a bouncy ball and be able to bounce around the map over obstacles and smoosh survivors.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    Shark cosmetic and jaws theme for chase music lol

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I like the idea of Intoxication, also. Maybe make it so that Skill Checks don't have sounds when intoxicated (similar to Huntress Lullaby) but if you Sober Up (Another survivor can slap you a bit, or you can slap yourself) then you become sober.

  • Bill_I_Am__Overbeck
    Bill_I_Am__Overbeck Member Posts: 312
    edited May 2020

    Remove the darn slowdown Clown has when he throws a bottle. Why does a slowdown mechanic ability for a killer also slow down the killer themselves?

    Stop survivors from doing generator repairs. You're in a toxic gas cloud - you're telling me that you're still going to be able to do repairs on a diesel engine effectively?

    Also, more bottles. The huntress has more hatchets than the clown has bottles, which is ridiculous considering the bottle doesn't grant a guaranteed hit.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 768

    I've discussed this with my friends that play DbD and we came up with a concept that I've always thought was pretty cool. Dunno how it would actually work in-game though.

    First, give Clown +1 to his base bottle amount. Clown's bottles now refill over time, rather than manually, but only outside of a chase and rather quickly at that.

    Secondly, he should have interchangeable types of bottles that he can change and fire at will.

    Type 1: The standard slowdown bottle

    Type 2: A bottle that can be thrown at a generator that applies the exposed status to survivors that dare touch the gen (Gives clown a bit of map pressure, especially late game). The generator would be fuming so survivors would know not to touch the gen if they don't want to be exposed. Survivors remain exposed until they have been removed from the gen for x amount of time or until the gen is completed. Can only be applied to 2 gens at once. If a 3rd gen is applied with the Type 2 bottle, the first gen's toxic status disappears.

    Type 3: A bottle that marks a survivor and leaves the Clown able to see their aura until they Clown injures them next.

    This gives him a bit more pep in his step and gives him some map pressure along with the ability to get downs faster.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    He can ride a fast and deadly unicycle that's like Hillbilly's chainsaw but when you run over a survivor Clown laughs his ass off and keeps going

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Refill bottles on hook, reloads bottles one at a time, but overall reload time the same. Remove slowdown when throwing a bottle.

    If not that then rework the poor boy