When it's been a long day and you just wanna come home and have a few fun games...

Zixology Member Posts: 1,062


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,180
  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If you want a game to relax, dbd is not it.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Once in a while I'll try a new perk out. Thought it'd be fun to try diversion once. I mean it sounds like a fun perk! But it takes forever to activate. Especially against a WRAITH. Then I forgot how to use it. And it mostly ended up being useless. I ran Any Means Necessary another time. Actually used it to raise a pallet against a huntress, and stunned her with it. She wasn't too happy.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    My build has been Sprint Burst, Iron Will, Inner Strength, and Spine Chill since the Stranger Things chapter. But with this last patch I'm now only using meta perks. Killers are free to camp and tunnel now with basically no repercussions as survivors can't escape unless the killer is trying to lose thanks to all the deadzones and useless pallets.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Maybe it's a PC thing but on ps4 I don't get many tunneling and camping killers. But I do run kindred just in case, it just counters camping.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I've been playing games lately where neither me nor any of my teammates have DS (no Obsession), and it has been non-stop tunnelling nearly every single game. Not to mention the campers, sluggers, moris (especially watch out for those if you have a bunny Feng Min.... or a Yui.... or whoever the heck the killer feels "threatened" by), Forever Freddies, and cheesy anti-heal Ghostfaces who use The Game offerings. Many of my survivor games have been ending with no survivor getting above 10k points, and half the time less than 5k. The worst part is that the killers get next to no points either, but they're only playing to be toxic and ruin peoples' games, so they don't care. I've never had worse games than the ones I've had these past couple of days. And this is in red rank, too.

    Yesterday, I actually had a Spirit (TTV to top it off) who tunnelled the heck out of a Kate and a Claudette tell me to take DS if I didn't want to get tunnelled. What? These killers complain when they get DS'ed.... but then tell me to take DS if I don't want to be tunnelled.... instead of just not tunnelling people and being scummy, they would rather survivors take the perk that they hate so much? And then when it gets used on them, they pitch a fit? There are no words.

    Fun Fact: Survivors probably wouldn't take DS nor feel pressured to if killers didn't tunnel. I rarely use DS but am feeling pressured to use it lately just to get an Obsession icon on someone's portrait. And I myself (playing killer) am rarely, if ever hit by DS (or Unbreakable and BT, for that matter) because I never go for the unhooked person, nor do I slug, tunnel or camp. It's sad how many killers just want to ruin other peoples' games, and are easily able to do so due to the nature of DbD.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994


    DS does its job regardless of the skillcheck being hit. If ANYONE brings it, the killer must slug, which translates to one gen being done (usually).

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Um...those perks all work fine regardless of whether the killer is camping or slugging. (Although DS kinda makes the killer want to slug, so then Unbreakable is great.)

    Stop acting like you wouldn't run the perks that give you second chances and invulnerability if the killers were just nice guys. Like you'd just LOVE to run your special new Hope build, I'm sure. Right.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Both of these are so true. When I want to relax, I will friggin' be a counselor in F13 before I launch this game. Hell, I will queue for the cesspool that is Overwatch ranked mode before DbD.

    When I want to logout of a game more frustrated than when I logged in, then it's DbD time.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    No, I love Killers who try and Kill me. I hate #########. I know you're trying to draw a cheeky comparison, but there is no equitable comparison to be made. A survivor running away doesn't completely incapacitate you and ruin your entire match. :) Only Killers can do that. Killers who are #########. I just call them #########. I'm glad we cleared that up. <3

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    Killers wouldn't feel the need to do those things if gen speeds weren't so crazy and the amount of ppl that use ds and those second chance perks just to be toxic to the killer while the other 3 survivors do 3 min gens is way more then the ppl just not wanting to be tunneled. When I play fair ( which is 95% of the time TBH ) I can have 20 sec chases down ppl incredibly fast not tunnel ECT the gens still all go in 5- 6 min most times without anyone dead. And this is with ppl going down one after another. And im red rank on both sides. Survivor is so easy it is ridiculous.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Erm, it's pretty much impossible to play nice at red ranks unless you are an absolute god (or playing Freddy/Nurse/Billy/Spirit/etc). It's typical to spawn into a game, walk to the nearest non-corrupted gen, find a survivor, down them in 20-30 seconds, and lose your first gen for it. I've had games where I literally 2 tap the first person I find and a gen is still gone by the time they are hooked.

    How would you ever be expected to win as killer at that pace without snowballing (aka camping / slugging) or getting rid of someone as fast as possible (tunneling)? Spam Freddy every game?

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    You'll only get fun games if you have great teammates. If someone is being pressured to death hook, I'll try to intervene and take the agro and/or hook state for them(if I haven't been hooked yet).

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594
    edited May 2020

    Honestly, i don't see it very often on the pc. Maybe i'm just lucky or my meaning of tunneling is totally different from others. Since i have seen that before, two people have a totally different meaning on what tunneling is. One will go with the classic, focusing on one person above and beyond any logical reason, even when it would benefit them to go after someone else. While another person will go, hitting the person who just got unhooked, no matter what just happen. With the first meaning, giving a rather clear cut cases as to what it means, focusing on sololy on person. While the second one, doesn't take into any context. With how popular burrow time is. Well they might of been hitting the hooked survivor for that reason. To force them to mend and waste more of their time healing up. That or slug them, so they can safely chase after the saver. Having three people off gens.

    Of course there are certain folks that do like to make x group out to be the bad ones. All survivors are bad folk. All killers are bad folk. For they play into the in group vs out group mind set, rather than remembering each player is a individual.

    Not to forget there was a thread awhile ago, asking people. What do you find to be rude or unsportsman like in game. Where you had many different answers, some of them conflicting with one another. For well each individual had their own personal standard for what counts as rude or unsportsman like. Heck one person was going they will report Oni players, for using an add on the killer has. That and different people had way different means for slugging. Some were like oh yeah, it just to make them all bleed out and die. While another person was fine with slugging, if it was used to apply pressure and not just have the survivor bleed out. Like say an Oni running fright, they could down one person and than see someone else on fright, dash to them and down them. Forcing three people off gens. Which would be to the Oni favor. Since less people doing gens, means the killer has more time to do as they please.

    You could beat dark souls with a broken sword and wearing a dress which offers very little protection. Yet most people don't do that. Rather they will use armor and spells that fit their build or benefit them in some fashion. Why? For it useful to their build or the spell in general is very powerful to the point of why wouldn't you use it? It like a video game boss with glowing weak points, of course you are going to aim at them. For it benefits you or going back to dark souls, upgrading your weapons and armor. Why? For it benefits you and aids you, it just common sense to use things that are powerful and greatly benefit you. In the case of lightning upgrade, that can make certain bosses a push over or at least way easier, due to their weakness being lightning. Even if a killer never dropped anyone, they are carrying to a hook, even with the hooks being destroy, left, right and center, with the other survivors bodyblocking, letting the person who ran into them after getting unhook go. Oni ignoring someone they saw nearby on fright, when they still have a good bit of time left on their power. I doubt most of these perks would suddenly suffer from a massive drop in use. Due to being useful and rather powerful.

    Borrow time, can make what is normally a very risky save from say the basement, into something that is far less risky and making you the ideal person for the job to pull it off. Since you brought along borrow time. That way, if the killer is chasing a fellow survivor who is leading them towards the basement for some reason or is looping nearby the basement, for some reason. Since it does happen, that survivors will sometimes loop around their hooked team mates. Well no matter the case, you hear the terror radius, which active burrow time. So if the killer doesn't wait out the burrow time or hits the survivor in hopes of slugging them before going after the saver. Well that gives the survivor who got unhooked a speed boost and puts them into mending, helping them to get away or at very least wast time, if the killer really wanted to tunnel them and not say simply slug them for pressure, [aka slug the unhook person, down and hook the saver, while a third person heals the slug person to get three people off gens]. Well in that case, we see more of the killer time is wasted. While allowing 2 survivors to be doing gens all the time. It only takes a little over 6 minutes to do gens, if survivors are not using anything to boost the gen speeds and are working on them solo. Which is why pop is meta on the killer side. It helps to slow down gens. Giving the killer way more time. Something that is otherwise very limited. That and going back to burrow time here. Unhooking, is something you will always be doing in a match, unless you are putting four experience survivors vs a killer who just brought the game or someone that is really bad as killer.

    Yet if we look at dead hard, sprint burst, it helps you to get away or at the very least, gives the survivor more time in a chase. Making it take longer, if a killer stays on them and doesn't switch target. Being able to waste the killers time, is always a good thing. Giving their fellow survivors more time to work on gens, without having to unhook someone. Iron will, can make it easier to get away from the killer while injured, to take David. David breathing is soft, while he is loud as heck while injured. Making him way easier to find while injured. Throw on iron will and the killer has a harder time tracking them, which might allow the survivor to get away thanks to that. Giving their team mates all the more time to do gens. Which at some point or another, during a match. A survivor is going to get injured. Making it always have some value or allow you to pull off things like hiding near the killer, without your injured sounds giving you away.

    Now what do sprint burst or other perks like it aka dead hard, balance landing and ect, do for the survivor? Makes it easier to get away or give you more time in a chase. Which will always be useful during a match. Iron will, helps you to be sneaky while injured and possibly lose the killer. Burrow time, makes it easier to make safe unhooks. Unhooking fellow survivors also being something common in game. All of these perks and what they share in common, is simple, they benefit the survivor greatly, doing things that are super common in game. Unhooking, being injured or being in chase or to put it simply. It benefits them, for doing things they were already going to do or things that were most likely going to happen anyway in the game aka being injured.

    With unbreakable might be the one closest to being purely on the killer actions at first look. Since well to blame Iron Will on the killer, would be akin to yelling at them for trying to win the video game. Yet even unbreakable could pop due to the killer reacting to the survivors actions. Bodyblocking, destroying all nearby hooks. Leading to the Killer a keep on carrying the person in hopes they will get to another hook in time, risk losing the survivor or b drop the survivor, leaving them on the ground to go and stab the other survivors that are busy trying to stop you from hooking their buddy. Which could lead to granting the down survivor, enough time to get back up with unbreakable and escape. That or in cases where whole teams swarm the hook, for some survivor teams are a bit to eager for their own good, to save others. Often leading them to all die, rather than save the person on hook. Due to going Leeroy Jenkins. Leading to slugging being more of a benefit than hooking, just due to survivors swarming around the place like flies. That or survivor after survivor for some reason try to heal a down team mate, while a Oni was in demon dash, making it a error on the survivor part and unbreakable in that case, allows them to fix their error in judgement and give them a second chance. Since a killer can only hook one person at a time. Yet depending on the context, unbreakable could not be due to the killer wanting to slug but due to the survivors making massive leaps and errors in judgement, that lead to them all being downed. Making the killer have to be the nicest person in the world or dumb, to not use a error his foes made against them. There is a reason why the saying. "don't interrupt when your enemy is making a mistake" exists.

    Ds, is possibly the only one you could see as the killer fault, normally. Since there are cases of survivors jumping in and out of lockers, sometimes near a gen. Working on a gen in front of the killer's face. In other words, not all survivors use the perk as it was meant for aka counter tunneling but rather employ it in different ways, using it as a 60 second get out of jail free card. Which makes it very powerful, that you can't be touch for 60 seconds and have freedom to do as you please. No matter how stupid or poorly plan your next series of actions are. That and we also have cases of survivors not looking behind them or in front of them, who have habits of running right into the killer, even when the killer is not looking for them. Who get down due to their own poor actions and lack of awareness. Which the only way a killer can ignore ds is to slug. We also have classic cases of farming, survivors unhooking their fellow survivor right in front of the killer without burrow time, trying to farm them. Which in this case, well if the killer slugs before going after the saver, they are still the bad guy. If the killer tries to hook the person again, they are the bad guy for tunneling, when it was the fault of another survivor pulling off a risky/foolish save, without even trying to bodyblock for their team mate. While the saver who made a poor judgement, is forgotten about, which in honestly in that case, the survivor trying to farm should be the one to blame. Yes in some cases it best to go after the saver rather than the injured person, which could be seen as punishing the survivor for trying to farm by some. Yet for the killer, if they can pull it off. Downing the injured survivor [due to no borrow time] and than going after the healthy saver. That would benefit them the most logically. Since it would be the choice that is most likely to get more survivors off gens and force into doing other actions. That or if the survivor does have burrow time, hitting the survivor to force them to mend, could still make them waste time. Which would favor the killer, even if the only person they down is the saver. Since well, the person unhook has to waste time mending and not just healing up to favor.

    Alot of things that happen in game depend on context. Since not every match is going to be the same. That and even if every killer played nicely and didn't do anything that might seem unfair or unsportsman like in a match. Meta perks for the most part would still be meta or at least a majority of them would still remain meta, due to how bloody useful they are in general and how you will get used out of them in most, if not every single match you find yourself in.

    Post edited by Ghostwithaface on
  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    edited May 2020

    Double post

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    DS is simple. Just don't tunnel. Even if you do somehow still get hit by it without actually tunneling, clearly you're good enough to constantly down people constantly, so it shouldn't matter anyway.

    Gen Rushing is just survivors doing the ONE thing they're told to do. Can't blame them for holding M1 because you were too busy trying to set every single trap before getting into your first chase.

    Toxicity on a survivor end comes down to t-bagging and flashlight clicking. While I don't condone doing either of these things, neither of them actually affect how the killer plays. If anything, t-bagging leaves less time for the survivor to distance themselves from the killer and flashlight clicking also wastes distancing time as well as their flashlight battery.

    Things like tunneling one guy off each hook till they're dead, face-camping at the start of the match, and slugging because you know you tunneled and saw that you have an obsession in the game just remove the survivor's ability to play the game and all of which can be done without the use of perks on the killer end.

    While I showed a build I'd like to try but can't due to the things listed in the OP and then listed perks that each counter those specific things (being the only way it seems we can play and deal with those 4 things), you listed random perks you'd like to try (I'm honestly gonna steal that build, cause it looks kinda fun) but you think you won't be able to play the game because of "DS, 'Gen Rushing', and 'toxicity'". So you think BBQ, Nurses, Pop, and Stridor are going to help you against that. I'd honestly like to know how. I really do.

    The ONLY thing that your "required" perk list counters a little bit is Pop against "Gen Rushing". But even that won't save you from having to actually go and chase survivors yourself.

    TLDR: A killer can stop DS by not tunneling. A killer can stop "Gen Rushing" by applying pressure and forcing saves by hooking survivors and getting on with the next chase. A killer doesn't get affected by "toxicity" because t-bagging and flashlight clicking do not affect the killer gameplay. Survivors are REQUIRED to run perks to stand a chance against tunneling, face camping, and slugging. NOED can be countered without perks, but too much time is spent looking for totems when your potato teammates are all immersed Claudettes in the grass.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    I play on PS4 80% of the time and PC 20%... It doesn't matter which platform.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Survivors: "Don't tunnel!"

    Also Survivors: "I'm thirsty for those unhook points, so I'm gonna unhook right in your face every time."

    Also survivors 2: "Look! Now the killer is tunneling and camping because he had the nerve to hit me when I unhooked right in their face! I have to run BT and DS now, even though I really just hate to do it. Really don't want to, honest. But now that I'm running them, I'm gonna REALLY unhook right in your face and blame you!"

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Weird how I never run into people calling me a tunneler/camper when playing killer. If I see someone rushing for a hook save in my face, I go after the guy who rushed. Not the guy who was on the hook due to it not being their fault. Almost like punishing the guy who unhooked before I could leave.

    Weird how well that works.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Doesn't matter which you go after, people will call you a camper because you didn't just walk away whistling and pretending they're not there.

    Seriously, even when I do my absolute best to move away from the hook and do something else, some Claudette with BT is hiding in a bush 5 feet away for that instant invulnerable unhook.

    Survivors need to stop letting words like "camp" and "tunnel" live rent-free in their minds, or using them as quick go-to excuses. Most killers are just reacting to what survivors are doing because honestly it's the survivors that set the tone and pace of each match.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Killers always set the tone and pace of the match. Not the survivors, who have no control over the match at all aside from how much they work on generators -- which is their main objective. A Killer can outright deny benevolent points by camping each survivor they hook. They can deny all kinds of points by going AFK in a corner somewhere. Survivors can only react to the killer. They can't make the killer react to them.

    Claudette with BT is just doing her job btw. It's absolutely fair if you go after her, and if she calls you a camper for coming back to the hook when she didn't wait, that's on her. But that she had borrowed time is perfectly fair, and you complaining about it is silly. You're being just as entitled as she is when she calls you a camper, and you complain about BT because they 'unhooked in your face'.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I'm not complaining that she did it, I'm saying that calling me a camper when it happens is silly, but that's what always happens.

    if you want to run BT, fine. If you want to insta-unhook every time, fine. But don't turn around and complain that I didn't just walk away every time you did it.

    And no, killers don't set the tone or pace of the match. They can't. It's entirely up to survivors to decide how a match plays out, they have the proactive role in the match. If you want to gen-rush then that's how the game will go. If you're overly altruistic then that's how the game will go. If you all hide in a bush all game, then that's how it'll go.

    Killers can only react to the situations that you set up, they can't take initiative and choose what those situations are. Even if they try (By basement camping, for instance) it's 100% up to the survivors to choose if that works or not.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I guess I'm some sort of anomaly then, because I can play Legion, Huntress and Oni at red ranks with goofy perk builds and have fun and profitable games (I only play a select few killers, as the other killers don't really appeal to me). I actually just won a Legion game yesterday in red ranks with R1 Nurse's Calling, R3 Corrupt Intervention, R1 Bitter Murmur and R1 Discordance. I could have ended the game much earlier, but I'd ignore people on their death hook and go after survivors who weren't on death hook. Everyone ended the game with above 20k points and I myself got 31.7k (3 dead and brought last one to the hatch, Merciless victory). And that is just one example of the many games that I play with goofy perk builds and without sweating for the 4k. My Huntress build consists of Sloppy Butcher, STBFL, Iron Maiden and Bloodhound/Discordance/Lightborn, and I have very fun games with 3 and 4ks and lots of GGs. Sure, gens get popped early, but I'm able to apply pretty good pressure to gens throughout the game with good results. Of course, when I play Nurse (Monitor and Abuse, Sloppy Butcher, Corrupt Intervention and Nurse's Calling/Lightborn), I can get everybody before 2 gens have popped, but I also choose to let the game go on and allow everyone to get points through healing, gens, e.t.c., and I don't care if I win or lose. I play enough survivor to know that a tryharding, slugging, tunnelling and camping killer absolutely sucks. It makes for unfun games and low points across the board, and I don't want to do that to other people, so I chill and play fair as killer.

    And I would also like to say that losing your first gen doesn't mean the game is over.... the first gen is arguably the easiest gen to pop, unless the killer is running Discordance (which is a fantastic perk, by the way--I use it on nearly every killer since it lets me know which gens are being completed more quickly). To expect survivors to Not Complete Gens every game you play is completely unrealistic.... and expecting to win Every Single Game as killer is completely unrealistic as well. I enjoy my games whether everyone gets out or no one gets out, and I wish others would do the same by realizing that this is a casual video game!

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm sorry, but like I said, I never get hit by DS, Unbreakable or BT.... DS because I never go after the unhooked person, or I slug them if they're actually being an idiot and inting toward me, Unbreakable because I rarely have to slug unless it's in the case that I stated above with DS, and then ithey're still basically out-of-service for at least 20 seconds, and BT because I never go after the unhooked person, like I stated with DS. It's not hard to hit the unhooker instead of the unhooked....

    I don't know how to get you to realize this, but No, I would NOT run the perks like DS, Unbreakable and BT, because I already don't, and haven't for quite some time. But with the recent wave of toxicity from killers (like the Spirit actually telling me and my teammates to take DS because of her scummy tunnelling.... she actually ignored me when I was trying to protect the Kate who was recently unhooked and downed her again anyway, right in my face), I'm having to take at least SOMETHING so that I don't end the game with an abysmal amount of points and a lost pip. I love using different perks, like Lightweight, Lucky Break, Hope and Fixated, but I'm having to sacrifice a perk slot for DS because of scummy killers. Now I'm looking at having to take Unbreakable alongside DS because my teammates and I are just getting slugged instead, and I wish I had Deliverance unlocked because I can't even tell you how many times I've been stuck in the basement (from first hook to death) due to a killer proxy-camping. It makes for boring, uninteresting gameplay and I would love to do goofy perk builds, like I do on killer, but it's just not feasible with the perk slots that I'm having to sacrifice for being able to stay in the game longer than a couple minutes. It really, really sucks and I'm sorry that you can't see it from the tunnelled, camped and slugged survivor's point of view.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    This scenario is just not a thing unless someone is a troll or you're going against a coordinated SWF with the perks to justify it. I play solo randoms a ton and the number of times people run in before the Killer even has a chance to leave is extremely minimal unless they are an ######### and legit farming you. It's way more likely to be the opposite - they won't run in until every ounce of heart beat is gone. The person on the hook has ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL over being farmed. The killer has ALL THE CONTROL over tunneling a survivor. So if you don't like it when people farm someone off the hook in your face, punish the idiot doing the farming, not the victim of it. 🙄

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Not every killer camps, tunnels and slugs.

    Bunch of drama queens.

    You can run meme builds and have fun. If your only source of fun is winning every match I got some sad news for you.

  • Dweeteater
    Dweeteater Member Posts: 37

    Thats not punishing. The rescuer still gets what he wanted: altruism; a "safe unhook" and a chase. And he'll continue farming his poor tm8s across all matches he plays. You punish by slugging the unhooked, that way they actually lose emblem points and as a bonus someone has to come heal the slug. You can call it being a dick but the majority of this game is about psychological warfare. You know what they say: Mean Killers finish 1st.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    This made me smile lol my box has inner strength, dead hard and spine chill instead of unbreakable, small game and bt.

    Good meme mate 👍