Plague State of Play and How to Fix Her Better or Worse

So I've playing a lot of Adiris lately and noticed either I'm just terrible with her or she needs some buffs or changes. My main issue is the fountains healing because one it take away points each time they cleanse which hurts your overall performance and two it kind of ruins the flow... I know most don't cleanse to not give her her power and stuff but it seems like they don't care. Most time they have walls to protect them and are very caution until it's over. Most games I'm just getting 0K or 1K and I really don't think it's me because I'm good with Huntress and other killers which are trash... I mean I use to play Clown and Leatherface because achievements and I wanted to get cosmetics for him. So do you guys agree? You think she's good? Bad? Reworked? Removed from game? Let me know. Also be nice to each other. Don't need a flame war here.
See I thought that too but I don't know. Most of the time it doesn't feels like getting them broken is a waste of time after playing her so much. I don't know. What is the general strategy you're meant to do. Also forgot to mention how you don't see many Plagues in matches to begin with so I don't know if that's linked to something.
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Ya I just started using her as well and im in the same boat as you one kill or everyone escapes.
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The issue with Plague is if they manage to pop all five gens. They'll then 99% a gate, cleanse, and there's not much else you can do after that.
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Plague's good, she just suffers at the start of the game and needs to get people sick ASAP. Not necessarily broken, but they need to all be affected by her vile purge quickly. What I usually do is try and puke on at least 1 or 2 survivors before breaking and downing the 3rd one, if I find them all grouped up. If they're not then I'll try and down the first survivor I see as fast as I can. It's all about getting the early momentum going because her early game is terrible and she's good at snowballing near the end of the game. I also don't put much value in her corrupt purge. It's really not as good as people say it is imo. You might get 1 or 2 downs with it quickly but everyone usually hides until it's over. And at a lot of high rock loops etc it's not even useful. It'll cut a chase 1 loop shorter most of the time.
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Shes a literal m1 killer if nobody is scared and understands how to play injured
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Isn't Plague a counter to Iron Will even without Stridor? I thought they puke every so often regardless of if they have Stridor. I don't know much about Plague though, because she's my newest killer I picked up.
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Dedicated Servers really screw her over. I've had streams of both Vile and Corrupt Purge go right through the Survivor.
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Plague needs some changes. Her stupid strong Corrupt Purge needs Nerfs (but should still be a viable tool) and she needs better access to it by giving the Survivors reasons to cleanse. Something like old Freddys Slowdown - you want to get rid of it, but if needed, you can finish your almost finished Gen.
This would also help her Add Ons, because basically everything which involves Corrupt Purge is either useless or a gamble, because you might not get any use out of it (except for that one Fountain). Besides the apples, of course.
And stuff like Vile Purge effectiveness is also useless once everyone is broken.
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the trick to compensating for the servers is to puke in a "swipe" across survivors, especially with blood puke. Don't just aim right for them, aim to their right or left, and puke through them like you're making a line through them. Sometimes doing a bit of a wiggle back and forth can help as well. If you try to just puke directly on them and not compensate for either side, they could have juked and latency screws you a bit, so you always have to assume you'll miss and compensate ahead of time. When it comes to normal puke, I generally just get directly on top of them before i try, or go for the classic stop just short of a pallet/window and puke once they start interacting.
In terms of actual strategy, get people sick ASAP and spread the sickness instead of sticking to one person. Once that first person is sick, if you can get them all the way to broken instantly go for it, otherwise break off and start with another person. Chances are when they see the sickness indicator on their hud, they'll assume you're going after that person (M&A can help a lot with this, too.) Basically you keep doing this until you get someone broken and/or out of position, and you get your down. Once you do, hook them and assess whether its smarter to take the free blood fountain and start snowballing, or whether its smarter to pressure some gens that may be near complete (especially if you have PGTW.)
Another thing that helps is keeping track of which fountains are available to either side: If you can use it, you can make that area a lot more dangerous by activating it mid chase. If a new one highlights when someone cleanses, you know the area one person is at that moment. If you keep the fountains in dead zones bloody, it forces survivors to risk the ones next to gens you're patroling to try to heal.
Managing the extra data helps a lot with playing plague, its something that took me a while to get the hang of.
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Ok back and after having 2 perfect games and still losing I have concluded that ya she's bad... like below average. I say Legion may have more value then her. Well guess I'll stop maining her. RIP.
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They are saying being sick is like a Stridor you cant counter, which is true. Its not talking about the actual Stridor.
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She is fine as she is.
Going against her sucks. You either spend the entire match as a noisy 1 shot with your iron will wasted and an inability to hide well, or you give her ranged damage vomit and hope she has bad aim, as she can use it rapid fire.
In November, she had a 60% kill rate across all ranks, which means before the recent patch changes for Killers, she averaged a little over 2 kills a match. The game considers that balance...2 in, 2 out. I would agree, she isn't the best Killer, if your degree of measurement is how easy it is to kill all survivors. But if you enjoy playing her, then work on it.
If you consistently cannot kill anyone with her, perhaps you should find someone who mains her and get some more recommendations on builds and play style strategy. Stats show you should be doing better - you just have to find what combination of play style/perks/etc will make it work for you.
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Thanks, I see now that I reread the comments. :P
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Plague’s Corrupt Purge lasts a minute, is buggy, sometimes phases through a survivor, AND is gone if she gets stunned. It’s just a weaker version of Oni’s Blood Fury.
She only has one pool if survivors don’t cleanse (unless she brings in apples). You can hide and wait out her Corrupt Purge. You can break line of sight or crouch behind cover at certain loops. Of course if you’re out in the open then you are dead like with most killers.
I normally agree with most of your posts but I wanna know how on earth is Corrupt Purge overpowered when it has a bunch of counters?
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Plague is an ok mid tier killer.
Use corrupt intervention to make it much easier infecting every survivor.
After that survivor either stay broken or will cleanse
If they stay broken,perks like iron will are countered,hiding in lockers isn't possible (a bit like iron maiden) so stealth in general isn't possible plus they will be one shot the entire match.
And if they choose to cleanse you get one of the strongest abilities in the game that can snowball your game and win it for you.
You can also force them to cleanse when they are all broken with using the free upgrade you get or the apple addons
The only change plague needs is that her fountains should be closer to the middle of the map.It would make it easier to heal as survivor and easier to get your power up as plague.
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The main priority with Plague is to get everyone sick. They will break in time. Sure, you can speed up the process with the one you are chasing if you want, but if you can get your hits in, do so.
She is similar to Micheal or Ghostface. They have to stalk to get a one hit, same with the infection.
Keep in mind that with the last buff to Plague, survivors can't afford to genrush while broken, so Corrupt Purge is not going to be a problem anymore.
She is a... different killer. I don't think I have spent enough time as her to know everything, but I know enough to do decently... I think she is in a good spot for now.
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I honestly believe that the semi-recent update that gave her an extra pool was actually a nerf. She used to have strength in the fact that people were more hesitant to cleanse and would spend more time sick and exposed, but now good Survivors just cleanse as soon as they're broken and they usually all do it at the same time as well. The fact that Survivors can heal an entire health state in 6 seconds through using a fountain is a travesty. This also means that Survivors don't have to spend time healing each other, since they can just heal themselves at a fountain and the other Survivors can go on with whatever they were doing. Think about this: When you play Plague, everyone essentially has a 6-second Self-Heal. And people seem to think that her Corrupt Purge is OP, and while it is quite strong, good Survivors just hide (and cleanse) whenever you ingest it.
If you want to apply pressure through injury and make Survivors fear healing, just play Legion.... he's MUCH better at keeping Survivors injured (and exposed) and his power ACTUALLY keeps Survivors from doing things, not to mention that he ACTUALLY injures people and makes them spend time either healing each other or being exposed! I've never had better games as a killer against red ranked Survivors and SWFs as I do when playing Legion.
However, I do have an idea for making Plague viable for high-ranked play: Survivors stay injured even after cleansing. It would be similar to Legion's Deep Wound, except it wouldn't be as strong since Legion can injure multiple Survivors quickly and Plague can't. This would keep the incentive of cleansing but not undo all of Plague's work once the infection is gone, and help Plague keep up pressure throughout the game.
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You actually nailed it. It's the healing. Everytime I'm playing they all cleanse at the same time and immediately I lose all my fountains. And now forced to use purge. They get hurt and down but then by the time I hook them it's gone. And oh look 4 gens done... and there's the last one. Games are super short with her.
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Plague is pretty decent at the moment since she receives a Corrupt Fountain for free, but if I were to change her, here's how I'd do it.
Plague Changes
Remove starting Corrupt Fountain
New Mechanic: Sick Corruption
Passively charges your Corrupt Purge with base time of 300 seconds (5 minutes).
survivor speeds how fast Sick Corruption charges Corrupt Purge by 12.5% up to 50%. Therefore, if all survivors are sick, start to finish, it would take 200 seconds to passively get Corrupt Purge.Each
sick survivor speeds how fast Sick Corruption charges Corrupt Purge by 25% up to 100%. Therefore, if all survivors are fully sick, start to finish, it would take 150 seconds to passively get Corrupt Purge.Corrupt Fountain
Upon use, immediately removes 50 seconds off the amount of time it takes to charge Corrupt Purge.
Corrupt Purge
Reduced duration to 30 seconds.
When fully charged, press the active ability button to use Corrupt Purge.
Vile Purge
Infected objects will decrease the survivor's action speed by 20%, for as long as they are interacting with the infected object.
Infection States
Sick survivors will become fully sick with a base time of 120 seconds.
Interacting with infected objects will speed the rate you become fully sick by 100%. Therefore, start to finish, it would take 60 seconds to become fully sick assuming you never stopped interacting with the infected objects.
The numbers are placeholders, don't focus on the numbers — just the idea behind the numbers.
This should make Plague focused on attrition, where she slowly wears down the survivors over the course of a match. Survivors must weigh their options, should they cleanse or stay infected? Cleansing reduces her CD (if she goes out of her way to use a Corrupt Fountain), but reduces the effectiveness of her passive charging. Staying infected increase the effectiveness of her charging passive, but allows her to not waste time by traveling to a Corrupt Fountain.
The possibilities are endless. 😊
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I mean, the Bugs should not matter in Balance Discussions. Those will (hopefully!) get fixed at one point.
I think it is a good sign when something is too strong when Survivors decide to run around as Oneshots while making noise which cannot be surpressed by any means. There are the usual occasions where Survivors just stay injured because they want to heal via Adrenaline, have Vault-Build or whatever, but this is usually paired with Iron Will which does not do anything against the coughs.
The biggest issue for me I guess is that only a little, little bit of Corrupt Purge need to hit to inflict Damage. So I was thinking about making it a bigger amount that needs to it for doing Damage and then a (quite significant) Slowdown for the Survivors when being sick. Even tho, I am not sure if BHVR would like to add this, since one of the main points against old Freddy was the big Slowdown in Dreamworld. But also something like that the Survivor will be put into Dying State after X amount of time when being sick would work out.
Of course this would need some Balancing because in the end, Plague should not be weaker. Powerwise she is in a fine spot, but for me, she is boring to play as, because in nearly all of my games once everyone is broken, I did not have anything other than my M1, which is a Oneshot at this point, but quite boring. And she is frustrating to play against because once someone is on the Team who cleanses (sometimes not even full-infected...), it is really, really hard to evade her Corrupt Purge.