Spirit phase Walking, Different animation from normal standing still?

As a survivor (not main I’m an even split on both) playing up against the spirit SUCKS. You have no indication of if she is phase walking or not, and it leaves for very little counter play. For example, say the spirit stands still, you have two options, either wait, and hope she doesn’t phase walk around the pallet u threw down, or two, walk away and hope she’s not good at predicting (most likely she is). Let me tell you why faceing a NURSE is much more fair, she is the best killer in the game, but there is definitely counter play that’s present. You know when she’s blinked, if you turn around you can see if her sword or hand is up, knowing what she would do next, and she has a cool down which prohibits her from double blinking again. There is much counter play, unlike spirit, where it’s not fun to play against her. Here’s the solution, make it so her FACE does something if she’s in phase walk. Make it discrete so it would be difficult for the survivors to notice. And have it be a one time face change. Good survivors will notice, bad ones won’t, rewarding a higher skill ceiling. The sprit could Also simply turn around to hide it Or act quicker. Making pallet stand offs last much shorter and ultimately increase the pace of the game. I just want to introduce a small amount of counter play that doesn’t make facing her an unfun match up, or ruining her base kit and power
Your too late buddy, the month where survivors cried about Spirit is over. It's all about that gosh darn NOED now.
And there is counter play to Spirit, your just too inexperienced at it.
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can you tell me what you do to counter her? Because I have a lot of trouble personally, and it might have come out in my response(and I agree with you NOED is so annoying rn lol)
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First of all, run Spinechill. This perk is a direct counter as you can see if she's phase walking or not.
Second of all, double back on your scratch marks if you're running or stop running completely and walk.
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Just some fyi, you can still moonwalk while phasing, countering spine chill
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I've never seen a Spirit do this...I'm on console so that may be why.
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Spirit definitely is quite something to go against. About all you can do is try and keep track of when her power should be or shouldn't be up. Hiding in your own scratch marks is decent, as is fixated and just speed walking away.
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- Fast vaulting then slow vaulting back a pallet/window
- Just running after you drop a pallet, it reduces all mind games to 0
- When running start walking back on your path
- She cannot use her power until it's 100% full so after she phases she is a 110 speed m1 killer for a bit so don't psych yourself out
- Perks: Quick and Quiet or Iron Will
Are some off the top of my head, but don't misunderstand it's not like Spirit is an easy killer to go against she is the mind game killer and to do well against a good Spirit requires you to mind game her more than she can.
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I'm a ps4 spirit main and love doing this when survivors are on a genny.
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run kindred because solo queue
run iron will because nurse and spirit
run spinechill because spirit
run ds because tunellers
run unbreakable because sluggers
run bt because campers
run small game because noed
oh, you can't run all of them? so stop complaining you stupid survivor, just die and go for your 15 min queue look for another lobby.
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I'll have to try it for myself!
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Expecting someone wondering why Spirit has a different animation while phasing (not her husk, herself), because she does have one. Found some sad same old whining.
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Mate I think you have misunderstood me, I’m not saying that every killer is OP. I can deal with every other one just fine it’s just spirit seems heavy sided against you, that’s all I’m saying my dude.
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Did they remove her phasing sound or something? The phasing sound is a clear giveaway shes phasing?
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Psst...sometimes you actually have to rely on your gameplay to win, not just thinking that rock, paper, scissors with perks will do it for you.
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That’s when your out of terror radius, then you know, but if your in it it’s nothing
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Ever wonder why those queues are 15 minutes? To avoid the wait just switch to killer our wait times are pretty short
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Or....hear me out on this one. Play killer and be one less survivor hogging the que.
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Huh really? I couldve swore its always there when shes phasing.
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said the cow complaining about ruin and gen rushes. well tried little cow...
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because toxic swf f around some noob killers?
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maybe if they fix hillbilly someday
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I wouldn't hold your breath. Wraith was broken for a long time only to get fixed for about a month then broken again lol.
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Spirit is good but is still hard to play and if you had feedback of her power she would instantly drop so much on tier lists. Also the other killers with feedback 80% of the time the survivor counter is run in circles which while it doesn't do much is still annoying to watch.
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Because survivors are given enough things to work with that it's not fun to play as killer and the queue time is getting survivor sided as a result, yet you seem to be annoyed that you can't use every single benefit.
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benefits? perks? seriously?
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All I have recommended was a discrete visual queue, not about perks for anything else, I want to reward high skill survivors and punish the dumb ones, because even playing as the spirit, Ik how frustrating the mind games are for the survivor. Note, playing as spirit is hella fun and I want to find a balance that doesn’t take that away, seeing a survivor panic tf out is quality laughter
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Why can't I use Kindred to see the killers and every survivors location, Borrowed Time to rush in and unhook the survivor without much thought, run away and escape with Iron Will and use Spine Chill to nulify stealth while I Self Care to heal and Small Game to remove all totems regardless of how well they hide. Don't worry if I fail to heal I can always use Unbreakable or Decisive Strike to get a second chance.
That's you.
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Also iron will + spinechill isn't enough can literally tell if she is looking at you while making no noise unless she also gave up a perk slot so she could still hear you. If it is that bad where you only go against spirits also bring off the record that way no sound no matter what and spinechill to give feedback on phasing.
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this. Spirit is balanced and fine as is, there is no reason too try and nerf her even more. Just learn counterplay and stop trying too nerf everything into the ground.
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None of these are counterplays against a sentient player. Ironically, you're the only one who comes across as inexperienced.
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She makes footstep noises while phasewalking
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This just sounds like nonsense, and judging by your other posts this seems to be the norm for you. Have a nice life.
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Ah my bad next time I face a Spirit I'll make sure to read your tips. Oh wait you didn't say anything other than criticize, crazy how someone as "inexperienced" as me contributed to this thread more than you.
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You have basically took my point and further explained it, this is how I feel completely.
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It's very simple. You spread out and genrush her. Nothing you suggested works against a sentient Spirit, let alone a Stridor Spirit. In a chase, she's dependent on the abilities of the killer, not the survivors'.
Next time you face a Spirit you can do whatever you want, as far as I'm concerned. Your suggestions are objectively effective only on low-level killers, which your comments betray as being the kind of competition you verse.
Fast vaulting then slow vaulting back a pallet/window(doesn't work if the spirit knows how to position, which most of the time means not phasing directly at the window).Just running after you drop a pallet, it reduces all mind games to 0(straight up abandoning the loop is a perfect way to get hit by any killer. Appalling that you would suggest something like that. Well, at least you avoided being mind gamed. Pretty good job so far).When running start walking back on your path(doesn't work if the Spirit has a brain cell).- She cannot use her power until it's 100% full so after she phases she is a 110 speed m1 killer for a bit so don't psych yourself out (typically, this works only for a very short period, because you don't have perfect information about how long she has left to recharge, because you rarely have info how long she phased to begin with. I'll let this one pass, though).
Perks: Quick and Quiet or Iron Will( Perks are counters, not counter plays, which were the subject of the debate. Q&Q could confuse any killer. It doesn't cover footsteps though, that the Spirit can still hear in phasing. Stridor trumps Iron Will).
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Spirit already has counterplay
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From a killer main who just got spoon fed a loop-annihilating patch with less palettes and windows because your basekit speed boost and high Mobility killer selection wasn't good enough. 😂 OK buddy. 👌
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Those are some very good points,ngl.
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Spread out and gen rush? Amazing advice for any general killer I'll make sure to use it when I'm facing Clown. Hey did you know another good strategy against Spirit is to hit skill checks on gens? Crazy I know.
"doesn't work if the spirit knows how to position, which most of the time means not phasing directly at the window" not all windows can be positioned into and to just run afterwards will get you hit more often than not when the Spirit realises your just running
"straight up abandoning the loop is a perfect way to get hit by any killer. Appalling that you would suggest something like that" To dismiss something like dropping a pallet and running because you will get hit shows how little experience you have. There are times where sticking to the first pallet you drop is worse than simply running, especially against Spirit.
"doesn't work if the Spirit has a brain cell" can work and when you are in a dead zone it's better than running in a straight line
"Perks are counters, not counter plays, which were the subject of the debate" perks allow for counter plays, you think just having QQ will make the Spirit recoil in horror? It opens up a counter play you wouldnt have had. Iron will works wonders for those without Stridor but I agree it's not a hard counter
Why not spend this time to give advice for how to counter Spirit? Maybe you can tell OP a good way to go against Spirit is to power 5 gens. Maybe tell him to heal survivors if given a safe opportunity if you really want to give him the expert anti Spirit tips.