Tipp for console killers

There is one thing I learned from "He who shall not be named"
It is actually possible to play with mouse and keyboard on consoles, didnt know that before.
Maybe you should give it a try, especially it you wanna be better with nurse, the best killer in the game, or huntress. You only will have the ######### fps problem left then, but playing with mouse and keyboard will help you guys a lot, I actually tried playing with controller once on PC and it was unbearable
I heard when he was telling people what he did. It was a 3rd party device he plugs his controller into that maps the controls to his keyboard and mouse and runs through his pc. With as many issues we already have on console unless the person has a high performance pc, i would worry about lag connection sending the controls.
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@fcc2014 said:
I heard when he was telling people what he did. It was a 3rd party device he plugs his controller into that maps the controls to his keyboard and mouse and runs through his pc. With as many issues we already have on console unless the person has a high performance pc, i would worry about lag connection sending the controls.Oh well, never mind then.
Poor console killers^^
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@Master said:
@fcc2014 said:
I heard when he was telling people what he did. It was a 3rd party device he plugs his controller into that maps the controls to his keyboard and mouse and runs through his pc. With as many issues we already have on console unless the person has a high performance pc, i would worry about lag connection sending the controls.Oh well, never mind then.
Poor console killers^^
Honestly after the potential next patch with the survivor favored buffs to bring single survivors to an on par level with swf. I honestly believe they will buff killers hard. The Wraith update and Freddy soon after will be welcome changes. Trapper and Hag got some love. I don't like bloodlust being removed without map reworks but we can't have everything. I am hopeful the new chapter has good perks for killers and survivors. The perks have been underwhelming. Bamboozle was ok but situational, blocking windows ok, Clouraphobia would have been a nice buff to nurses calling instead of a separate perk Better load outs would help Enduring and Brutal strength combined for 1 perk, Nurses and Clouraphobia as another single perk, as well as sloppy butcher and predator, I don't know maybe ends chases quicker.
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@Master said:
@fcc2014 said:
I heard when he was telling people what he did. It was a 3rd party device he plugs his controller into that maps the controls to his keyboard and mouse and runs through his pc. With as many issues we already have on console unless the person has a high performance pc, i would worry about lag connection sending the controls.Oh well, never mind then.
Poor console killers^^
Honestly after the potential next patch with the survivor favored buffs to bring single survivors to an on par level with swf. I honestly believe they will buff killers hard. The Wraith update and Freddy soon after will be welcome changes. Trapper and Hag got some love. I don't like bloodlust being removed without map reworks but we can't have everything. I am hopeful the new chapter has good perks for killers and survivors. The perks have been underwhelming. Bamboozle was ok but situational, blocking windows ok, Clouraphobia would have been a nice buff to nurses calling instead of a separate perk Better load outs would help Enduring and Brutal strength combined for 1 perk, Nurses and Clouraphobia as another single perk, as well as sloppy butcher and predator, I don't know maybe ends chases quicker.
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I know there is some device that you plug in the USB in Xbox and it serves as a mouse. But it's expensive and has a slight input lag.0
@fcc2014 said:
@Master said:
@fcc2014 said:
I heard when he was telling people what he did. It was a 3rd party device he plugs his controller into that maps the controls to his keyboard and mouse and runs through his pc. With as many issues we already have on console unless the person has a high performance pc, i would worry about lag connection sending the controls.Oh well, never mind then.
Poor console killers^^
Honestly after the potential next patch with the survivor favored buffs to bring single survivors to an on par level with swf. I honestly believe they will buff killers hard. The Wraith update and Freddy soon after will be welcome changes. Trapper and Hag got some love. I don't like bloodlust being removed without map reworks but we can't have everything. I am hopeful the new chapter has good perks for killers and survivors. The perks have been underwhelming. Bamboozle was ok but situational, blocking windows ok, Clouraphobia would have been a nice buff to nurses calling instead of a separate perk Better load outs would help Enduring and Brutal strength combined for 1 perk, Nurses and Clouraphobia as another single perk, as well as sloppy butcher and predator, I don't know maybe ends chases quicker.
Well we just gotta hope that these "hard killer buffs" come next patch too, but if not, I will be fine playing another game too.
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If that is indeed the case, I would highly recommend doing it for this game.
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I play tekken 7 on steam with a controller lol I don't even need a console. A good PC can do it all these days even DJ's don't need turn tables anymore. I'd like to think some day those gaming consoles will just be unnecessary and PC's will rule all of gaming.
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Lol I can almost guarantee DbD doesn't have m+k support so it would be a pain in the ass.
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@Might_Oakk said:
Lol I can almost guarantee DbD doesn't have m+k support so it would be a pain in the ass.Cant be that bad if a survivor plays with the mouse and keyboard adapter, survivors have no disadvantage when playing with controller, they dont need to aim
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@Master said:
Well we just gotta hope that these "hard killer buffs" come next patch too, but if not, I will be fine playing another game too.
It is pure speculation on my part that they plan a Killer buff after these proposed survivor buffs. Myself and @chemical_reject have suggested a few times out of the 7 generators one being completely broken. You can fix it to its fullest and then it would explode. It could slow down the generator rush a bit. We also proposed any active Hex Totem that is broke has a consequence If it is NOED that survivor suffers from the exposed effect till end of the trial, Ruin could remove ruin from everyone but the person who broke it(promotes teamwork and that survivor could receive a 100% bloodpoint bonus in objective score), Huntress Lullaby (No skill check soundsthe rest of the trial imagine being that person against the doctor bloodpoint bonus maybe), Third Seal( can't see anyone the rest of the trial(100% bonus for altruism). We even suggested the killer playing a secret offering that booby traps chests. Only 1 chest on the map is safe the others when opened but the the survivor in an injured or dying condition when open. Perks like ace in the hole and plunders maybe even pharmacy can see the safe aura of a chest. I don't know just ideas. I think change the game and adding new wrinkles without actually game breaking mechanics would be fun.
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Master said:
There is one thing I learned from "He who shall not be named"
It is actually possible to play with mouse and keyboard on consoles, didnt know that before.
Maybe you should give it a try, especially it you wanna be better with nurse, the best killer in the game, or huntress. You only will have the ######### fps problem left then, but playing with mouse and keyboard will help you guys a lot, I actually tried playing with controller once on PC and it was unbearable
So what he did was, he bought this adapter called cronusx or whatever. It’s like $50 or $60. It formats his mouse and keyboard to be compatiable for DBD and then POOF! He’s playing “PC VERSION”.
He still sucks though, saw his gameplay last night, I can hear it in his voice that he absolutely hates playing on console.0 -
@Master said:
@fcc2014 said:
I heard when he was telling people what he did. It was a 3rd party device he plugs his controller into that maps the controls to his keyboard and mouse and runs through his pc. With as many issues we already have on console unless the person has a high performance pc, i would worry about lag connection sending the controls.Oh well, never mind then.
Poor console killers^^
It's called XIM. And you aren't really using a m/kb, you plug them into this which emulates a controller using their inputs.
Xbox is getting native m/kb support this year. They are partnered with Razor to make the first 'official' Xbox m/kb's, but you will be able to use any m/kb you want.
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My own personal preference, playing across both Xbox and PC is that controller is actually better, in my opinion. However I do see how people enjoy M/KB more.
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I used to have such a converting device in PS3 era, it has probably improved a lot by now.
I don't think it will be the same as on PC because it just converts your input into stick movement, I can't imagine how it will feel perfectly smooth, for some reason I'd just always think that it's inconsistent - even if it's just placebo.
I'd rather suggest keeping the money until you have enough to build a budget PC if you don't have one!
And when DbD ever gets M&Kb support on PS4 you would've wasted that money. (I hope it gets, because aim is not the most important thing in this game)In games like Fortnite you're almost forced to play M&Kb to perform at par, it's a lot easier that way.
For native M&Kb support on PS4 games you have to keep your dpi high on your mouse and low in the game
settings for some reason, the opposite from PC settings, else it won't be smooth. That's my experience.0 -
Whilst you are not allowed to do this on Xbox and I find it disgusting that people are trying to gain competitive advantage from it; the device is called a Xim Apex. At least this is the one I have seen used around the Xbox community but I am sure there are more. If you want to use a mouse and keyboard, buy a PC
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All you do is plug your USB from your Mouse & Keyboard into the PS4.
I used to do it for Paragon all the time.
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@BigAsh123 said:
My own personal preference, playing across both Xbox and PC is that controller is actually better, in my opinion. However I do see how people enjoy M/KB more.There is literaly no way that controller is better when you need to aim, sorry dude, but have you ever tried playing huntress or nurse with controler compared to mouse e.g.?
as survivor it doesnt matter though
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Yes, I have as a matter of fact played a lot of Huntress and Nurse on controller, and I find it better. It is my opinion, and I know lots disagree, but it's just my personal preference. > @Master said:
@BigAsh123 said:
My own personal preference, playing across both Xbox and PC is that controller is actually better, in my opinion. However I do see how people enjoy M/KB more.There is literaly no way that controller is better when you need to aim, sorry dude, but have you ever tried playing huntress or nurse with controler compared to mouse e.g.?
as survivor it doesnt matter though