I evaded the killer but still got hit, how?
It hit for the killer, killers get priority.
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but he never even hit me 😕
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you were ded anyway. What kind of person crouches in a bush with no IW KEKW
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no i wasnt dead i escaped the end of the match, was just putting the vid on to show he never hit me
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The hit was "invisible", because you weren't really looking behind you to see it... I get anxiety watching a chase like this, where the person just runs in a random direction not even looking to see what the killer is doing and where they are..
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he was not even close enough to hit
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If he hit you, he was close enough. Also how would you even know? Because you didn't see his weapon swing whilst you were looking in the opposite direction of where he was? You had no idea where the killer was, because you didn't even look behind you
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By dead I mean you were downed. Not dead,in the game.
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played the game long enough to know that you have to be in the killers red beam to take a hit
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This happens because of latency. I have a clip where I get hit while the killer isn't even on the same floor (game map). From the killers POV it looks normal from the survivors side it looks like your clip. You can clearly see this on livestreams. Sometimes two streamers are in the same match when you watch both streams you can see the latency especially in chase. On the survivor side they are through the window while on the killers side the vault animation is midway. This ends in these weird looking hits on the survivor side.
This is the dev stream where they talk about this (starts at 15:34):
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😊finally an intelligent response
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You're welcome😁 It's an interesting dev stream. I don't get annoyed anymore when it looks like this on my side because I get what's happening now.
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Obviously not long enough to look behind you while chased and actually running with a plan
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i did have a plan
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the latency theory seems the most likely as i just played a game were the hatchet hit me 2 seconds after i ran around a corner so i would of been out of line of site
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Latency. Killer wasn't even far off. That's online gaming for you.
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Oh also! Sometimes you desync from the servers. The server doesn't register your movement, so on killer's screen you stop moving/your character keeps running straight forward running into walls and stuff even if you were on the other side of the map doing a gen. Obviously they hit where they see you and on your screen you just randomly go down.