SWF Speed Reduction Thought

1.1% reduction in all action speeds (excluding vaulting) per SWF member for those members only:
2 members - 2.2% reduction each
3 members - 3.3% reduction each
4 members - 4.4% reduction each
They have to queue together, it can't be that hard to program and it wouldn't affect solo queuers all that much.
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I don't think we should be discouraging people from playing with their friends. As strong as they can be, there are some people who only play survivor if they are paired with someone else.
I thought the plan was to bring solos up to SWF levels in respects to available info (like base kindred) and then adjust killer accordingly .
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As much as I think SWF is OP and needs nerfs the simple fact is they will never, ever, nerf SWF.
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It's not so much SWF that effects the negativity towards them; it's that a certain number are toxic as balls. Punishing all SWF as a result would only cause damage to the game, and result in alternative problems that the devs may very hard to rid of
It's such a difficult situation. You can't penalise poor behaviours, you can't cause a detriment to SWF, you could buff sole survivor to get close, but then that means killers are devastated. Maybe creating alternative game modes, which offer better rewards, would help. People respond better to reward than punishment. That would be a better route to take.
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My thoughts are most SWF suck booty. Don't nerf them more just because less than 1% of them are god squads.
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Less than 1% my ass, I'm constantly up against SWF Team 6.
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Yeah lets just discourage people from playing with their friends.
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Swf offers no mechanical advantage, and should also not offer any mechanical disadvantage as a form of compensation. Plus, discouraging friends from playing together would hurt the playerbase. Plus plus, slowing down 2 and 3 team swf hurts solo survivors too because they're in their team.
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Doubt it.
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4 man SWF are 5% of all players. If you go against those groups all the time, there are two possibilities:
1. You're Tru3ta1ent.
2. You're aren't very good at the game and you lose agaisnt randoms.
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Sure, the fact that I got myself killed because I wasn't playing seriously and could then spectate everyone and report to my teammate what everyone was doing offers no mechanical advantage whatsoever. Neither does the fact that I could tell him when the killer was headed toward him thanks to Alert (or just literally seeing the killer and knowing where my teammate is by simply asking him where he is). The fact that he can do these things as well and keep me informed also offers no advantage whatsoever.
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Of course. I mean, what possible mechanical advantage could one gain from knowing where the killer is and what they're doing at all times? Or knowing how many totems have been broken? Or the percentage of every gen around the map and where they're located? Truly, there's absolutely no way all this information that requires multiple perks if you're a solo player (or is downright impossible to get as a solo player) could benefit anyone.
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Spot on
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NO, you dont need. And i dont see the advantage of SWF.
Just finished testing from my alt acc some thing with Spirit, basic (not interesting) perks WITHOUT SLOWDOWN.
They were SWF 100%.
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This just punishes solo players who end up with 2/3 man teams.
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That's weird you only listed one possibility...
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If you're in a 4 man swf? Nope, they can already tell whats going on. Best you can do is be an extra set of eyes/ears when looking for the hatch or totems.
Besides, by the time you're in red ranks, you should be able to know all that while playing solo. Hearing something you would know anyway if you pay the slightest amount of attention 5 seconds earlier isnt really a mechanical advantage, let alone that losing a teammate is more mechanically disadvantageous for a team than it is having a spectator ghost for you being advantageous.
4 survivors>>>>>>3 survivors+1 spectator
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So if the killer breaks a pallet across the map from you, as a solo survivor without Alert or any other detection perks or line of sight to the killer, you magically know that the killer is headed in your direction? Please, do tell how you accomplish that minor miracle, help me improve my survivor game.
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He was only talking about your first point
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Im in favour of OP suggestion considering on what SWF brings with them but atm they have no negative drawbacks for doing SWF and for the people who says this is going to hurt casual can i ask would people who play casually with friends even care that theres a debuff if they just want to have a fun with friends and by slowing down the game it means you get more moments of thrilling chases close dodges and actually a fun time instead of holding M1 and then leave which in turns give you more bloodpoints!
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Hate to break it to ya...having more time on generators is generally not a fun time for survivors. I understand your error because it is a hard concept to wrap your mind around unless you yourself play survivor. Luckily I'm here to help you out :)
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okay just assume i never played survivor just cause my username lol so let me ask how is it fun to power gens in less than 5 minutes (i wish i was joking but it can happen) the main fun i would argue is the chasing and trying to escape the killer but the killer cant do that in less than 5 minutes especially against SWF the changes that OP are suggesting will make it harder for SWF but considering the advantages SWF have i think thats a fair tradeoff and i do believe it would make the game more fun and more rewarding then just being a repair gen simulation.
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Making survivors have more time on generators doesn't just make more time for chases, it also gives more time on generators.
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Devs, increase gen times by 100%.
Pretty sure the killers will ask for more after that.
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That does not make sense this is SWF we are talking about so they would have communication and would be able to organise for example "C: killer is chasing A can B go on Gen 1 and work on that while A try and delay the killer as much as possible" there has to be a drawback to SWF it cant be having very strong advantages with NO negatives and at the moment unless the devs can think of something better i strongly believe what OP has put is the best suggestion
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We weren't arguing about anything you just commented. We were arguing about how fun it would be if gen speeds got increased.
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But you can see the problem SWF brings to the game that was designed around 4 solo players which was the original concept so if you believe increase gen times(or in op case decreasing action speeds bar vaulting) is not the answer how would you look into making the game more fairer for all sides.
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Bring solos to swf level through information tools like a communication wheel, make chases a bit shorter, make patrolling gens a bit easier. Game fixed :)
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which they are already doing but yet we are getting killer shortages and doest address the issue of 4man swf or even three man to a degree if we arent going to do the reduce action speed then wouldn't it be fairer to actually put a limit on how many friends can be in a party that way the game wont be broken that is caused by a 4man swf group i would say a two man swf limit is fair on solos and killers.
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They're doing it but not done.