Reporting afking killers through in game report system works?

Reporting afking killers through in game report system works?
Being afk is not bannable
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I just consider those free BP and move on.
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I think you need a lot of Reports before anything is happening. Which is quite a shame.
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especially during a new rift I take that for the generous gift it is, usually a free challenge completion and all the totems and gens and escape points you'd like. what you gain vs what an afk killer gains heavily weighs in your favor, you can even get a free item out of it to use in upcoming trials. why would anyone wanna report that?
just seems rude to me.
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Some people dont have much time like you. The most annoying thing is that i didnt even pip because killer didnt hook anyone.
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AFKing repeatedly to ruin the opposite sides matches/attempting to depip is absolutely ban-worthy.
Always report them, if it's just a one time thing they wont be punished. If the do it repeatedly to depip/grief long survivor queues, they will get punished.
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Depends on the afk, is the match super onesided? Maybe something happens and they have to get up but dont want a dc. Maybe they take 10 steps and three gens pop instantly, if the killer is just standing there you can get plenty of points and pip all you want, hell eveb the killer can safety pip if the survivors farm the body, getting in and out of chases.
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You dont get points to emblem for that . Its hard to pip against afk killer. If you think the otherwise prove that please.
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I like afk killers unless I have a daily to heal or unhook. But running around a non cloaked wraith is awesome. I'm like thank you for the BP. Next round I can get my daily. It's doubly good if I'm trying to get a survivor's adept and had a string of being killed off super fast.
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I think the "Bannable" form of AFKing is when you're entering the match AFK from the outset, repeatedly. Especially if you're using an autohotkey macro to click so you can go to bed or something and the game will be joining lobbies, swinging repeatedly in match, and going into another lobby after the match ends. (Basically bot farming).
I'm pretty sure stuff like basement chest protecting leatherface or chainsawing around the map hillbilly are allowed since you are technically still playing the game. (Although ignoring your objective to chase, hook and sacrifice survivors.)
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People do that because you get same amount of shards anyway(whether you played or not). Devs should look into that.
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Do you mean the level award shards?
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You do realise people actually want to play the game right?
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There is a report option where in the description literally says: "AFKing"
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i go afk when i feel the match is just them bullying me. since there isnt a "surrender" option for the killer i just go afk in a corner. thats boring for them, so thats positive too