your Favorite egc chat salt ?

My favorite for me is Was when three teammates had died Trying to do an unhook save and I escaped. But then in the end game chat they blamed me for them dying told me to get good. Personally I just laughed and reversed their stupidity back at them with replying back with Yeah the. Why did I live I did most of carrying the team so technically itβs all of you that should get good. The chat was silent after lol.
I have no favourite because I dislike chat salt
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It was claudette in brown 'n yellow cosmetics on yamaokas estate, I chased her for two or three gens for I kept loosing her due to her clothes blending with the surrounding, as if she was half-transparent, plus dreamworld filter. I got them all in the end, but in the pgc she still wrote 'and you're red rank? Pathetic' regarding the chase I take it, I see no other reason. This kind of salt is new for me, doubting one's rank, um, yeah, this hurts xd
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Hmm, as a killer, i had BW and they insta opened the gates. I caught a guy and slugged him for a bit bcs i wanted the egc timer to go off a little, when there was like 35-40 sec left on the timer, i hooked that survivor and the entity killed the other 3 survivors bcs they couldn't escape lol.
They were a 4 man swf (i checked their profiles, all friends) and i was a "tryhard, sweaty, op perks abuser, camping killer", they all -rep my steam profile with a lot of swearings and then blocked me.
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There is no such thing as insta-opening a gate. They did all the gens and opened a gate. If you had to slug a bro and depend on a perk to get your kills it is fairly bad game play and I see why they were annoyed by your behavior. And them being on a team or solos is not a factor in this story or your game play, as you are inferring heavily that they "deserved" poor sportsmanship because they were together. I do not have a SWF to play with but don't think they deserve more sweat because they enjoy playing as a team. I will agree that they should have left while the getting was good and would not have had the issue but this is not some great example of your play either.
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Happened about 30 minutes ago, I was playing Oni:
I hooked a David in the basement, which was directly in front one of the gates. They 99%'d the other one and managed a save when I went to check on it. I downed David again and put him on a hook somewhat near the gate.
Two survivors were left at this point. One had been trying to bodyblock, so I managed to get her down and hooked her directly in front of the 99%'d gate. Note that instead of opening the gate, the other survivor was still waiting around. He unhooked her, but eventually they both went down and died (one sacrificed, one bled out because there were no hooks nearby).
I informed them that they should open the gate next time, because if they had, they would've both escaped (hell, maybe even David would've escaped too). They weren't as salty as I expected, but there was the usual "tunneler", "camper" drivel.
I was rank 15 with two yellow perks. The survivors who definitely could've made it out were ranks 1 and 2 with four purple perks.
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Oh well at least they werenβt as salty that is always a ππ. I tried as a wraith once didnβt enjoy it Iβm mostly a Claudette main.
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Uhm, i never said they deserved more sweat bcs they were a swf, i just said that, if you want i can easily edit that comment and never say they were a swf. You really need to start to UNDERSTAND what you read, you just made a statement that i played poorly because i wanted to get a funny 4k using BW and you not knowing the whole story. Please, if you are one of those guys, stop commenting on people's post, you are ruining a lot of people's fun with your smartass ego. You'll get ofended by this and you will keep quoting me over and over again, trying to get off this situation, trying to make your point viable, failing endlessly
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"you're boring :( "
This one I will never forget
I am unsure how to feel regarding it
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This is my favorite. I was new to using nurse. Had played maybe 5 or 6 games with her. Get sent to hawkins and I hit this chick, she gets away. I chase another chick hit her and she gets away. Then i see this girl healing with NC and I managed to blink on top of her and down her. Needless to say she wasnt happy dc'd. First time I got a 4k with the nurse. I have no idea how this makes me a coward π
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Another good one, the ole "why did you tunnel me" when I very obviously didnt.
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I feel youβre pain π not going lie.
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I feel youβre pain. Not going to lie πyou know some times I die on the inside it makes me think boy this person is beyond π₯.
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I've told this story before, but once when I was playing Plague, I had someone disconnect on me during EGC when I was carrying him to his death hook. Asked why in the post-game chat, he replied "didn't want to give a kill to a [bundle of sticks]".
Okay, mate. Enjoy your zero bloodpoints and five-minute lockout, I guess?
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That is me All the time with the doctor except for giving people a piece of my mind. To be honest Iβm not one of those toxic Claudette Mains. If I win Thatβs great I die I die and I am ok with dying.
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Yeah thats the best, especially when youre still getting the points for the kill π
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You mentioned they were a SWF including noting that you "checked their profiles", which is an odd comment if it is not relevant to your glee at last minute beating them. And I was pointing out that your win was not funny and you deserved the commentary you got.
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Thatβs me all the way with the doctor And huntress if I win then thatβs great if I die well then I die and I am perfectly ok with dying. Had Tried as nurse once and a survivor got beyond rude with a message after the game and he said something pretty childish and stupid things. Since then I have had messages on friends only.
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Come on now, it is pretty funny π it wouldnt work if people just left. But yall got to get your tbags and points in
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All salt is good salt. Especially when someone complains I didn't let them ds me.
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Here are some of my best storys:
4 man swf blamed me for slugging while they all had (It was obvious) DS.
Another swf flamed me for camping during EGC while they were hookswarming. I killed them all :) I tried to have a civil discussion with them, but they weren't interested in it.
One survivor insulted me for ending a round quickly. Yeah sure buddy, your whole team played bad. I didn't enjoy the steamroll either, but I was not interested in extending a boring round.
Oh and I remembered this gem "You only got me because you used your power." Uh.. okay?
Once people figure out, where I'm from, the salt usually gets really spicy.
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The fact you were playing nurse on Xbox is a testament to your character. I cant stand playing as her... but then again I am in red ranks, so maybe it would be easier at lower ones (idk what rank you are)?
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What power did you have? If it was deathslinger I might understand... but he needs his power like Nurse needs hers.
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Playing Myers, I got blasted for camping the hook and then teleporting to another survivor. I was hacking. They had video. I was going to be reported. Would lose my account. Pathetic, etc.
Folks had never heard of Dark Devotion.
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Not really endgame salt, but if I get the old Bubba Facecamp after a long, multi-gen chase, then I have fulfilled my goal in DBD.
Bonus points if he's revving the saw.
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Im in the red ranks too, it was rough at first but im getting better. I go in knowing im going to lose and am suprised when i do well. Im managing to 2k a lot now, few weeks ago i couldnt even hit people π
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"Why'd you tunnel two people?!" π€£
People will cry about everything, jeez.
Reminds me of a game I had with Legion where it was a 4-man SWF and they use Shroud AND they refused to ever separate. Constant healing and instant unhooks. So every damn Frenzy was 4 wounds easily. They didn't even get one generator done.
Naturally, after the game they complained I was tunneling someone. π
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Was Freddy. He left a loop and ran straight to the shack window where I had set a snare at the beginning of the round. So if I had played trapper, the outcome would have been the same.
Blaming a Killer for using his Power is still beyond my understanding.
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Yeah the amount of cfying in this game is crazy, ive seen it from killers too just seems substantially less
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"I gave you the hatch because I felt sorry for you."
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The good news is that salt is generally just a compliment in the form of a complaint.
It's the same in fighting games. Win a game and your opponent will occasionally get mad because, "You just keep blocking everything, scrub!!!", "That combo is BS, you noob!", "You only won because you anti-air so much!!" which, you know, are all pretty nice compliments. π
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Fair point π
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Way better than me, and I even went after all her achievements. Not the best experience in the world... Keep at it! : D
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Yeah, makes no sense, just asking for context beause without it that could mean anything.
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Oh yeah, i did all adept acheivements last month. Nurse was hard but i found deathslinger was harder. Mainly cause im not great at fps's and his perks are awful. I depipped myself to do those though, trying to get adept acheivements in red ranks is not a life im about
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I just had one the other day where only one person kept running their mouth in endgame chat, saying that I was tunneling him. Wouldn't you know that the only person talking trash was the one tbagging at every pallet like a baggage. Some people are just trash and cant help themselves.
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To be honest I only do that if the killer deserves it ππ.
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I was getting stomped that match, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it wasn't deserved. Even still, it's funny that the dbag players are always the ones to run their mouth.
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Believe me as a person myself and as a Claudette main I limit myself to be toxic to whoever is the killer and or teammates who completely are potatoes .
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personally when I still had My chat messages on public I had my fair share of salty survivors and killers. The best thing to do is just laugh it off ππ. You just got to remember be the bigger person.
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I remember about a month ago when a killer main sent me a very angry message. He complained that I wasted his time when I was the last survivor and that I was...... Well I will not repeat it on here cause it was just nonsense and childish anger sent my way. I was tempted to send a message back but decided he was not worth my time. I know some people target certain characters in game but it is never a reason to attack a random person especially if they have A Claudette main.
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I did all of those before the rework... including From the Void She Kills: Three blinks and a gen-grab. That took me longer than I want to admit.
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Im not even botherinh with the from the void now, seems stupid hard lol
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Yeah... in the end I farmed with a group to get it. : /