Does anyone feel that if you're pro-survivor you get shamed or your idea gets shot down?



    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I've belonged to this forum and the main DBD PC Facebook group and both have been killer-main dominated, IME.

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    Generally it is hard to have a killer main dominated platform because it’s like 80/20 so it’s virtually i possible, but it’s all the low level killers and survivors that are whining like little bitches because they can’t do something anymore

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    You hit the nail on the head. The double standards on these forums and in the community in general are very very real, and it mostly comes from one side in my experience.

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    I play both roles, I see far more killer nerf, complaint and general negative feedback threads daily from survivor mains on here.

    Yes I do see baby killers cry about survivor perks but not as much as I see them complain about toxic swf teams or the god awful match making.

    The threads today alone have largely been all survivor threads and that one wacko doo asking about a refund. Last week was Freddy is boring week and oh look today we had another Freddy thread asking to swap his powers...

    I hate that the player base is so close minded and split and most of the time I feel like people are here to just low key try and get one side or the other nerfed into the ground instead of trying to learn different playstyles.

    Between the problems with the game and the problems with this community I feel so run ragged just dealing with everything I read here and experience in game.

    I use to killer main last year and then I switched to survivor main and now I flip flop. Long story short people see what they want to even If it is not really there.

    No one can change your mind on any topic you deem "hot" and you will not be able to change others views here.

    At the end of the day I will leave you this question you just played a match, all five gens are done. No ed is in play due to bones not getting done. Everyone gets downed and the killer walks away with a 4k. Did he deserve the win or did your team deserve the win since you all got the gens done ?

    Not a bait or start an argument question.