If you can return one thing that was changed/removed from the game, what would it be?

A rather simple question, but I'm sure there could be some interesting answers to this. Mainly because people often clamour how sometimes old versions of Killers & Perks are better (Like OG Freddy or OG Ruin).
All of these things are changed for a reason, which is why I'm curious to ask what you would return to the game if you could and for what reason.
Thick perk borders. IMO it looked nicer.
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I really want the old atmosphere and graphics, at least for survivor
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Good killer FOV and eye position.
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Was the FOV changed? I've never noticed.
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A very long time ago they either nerfed base FOV or Shadowborn (or both, I'm not sure as it was quite some time ago) because some killers were glitching their camera into lockers to look into them without having to search. Rather than simply make the inside of the lockers pitch black until opened, the developers figured that would be a better solution.
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Its been a pretty early change, so im not too sure myself anymore. But the eye position change enabled surcivors to become invisible right under your nose
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That's right, now you can't even look directly down any more, the camera won't allow it. Before you could stare at your feet, for example.
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Old Freddy despite being worse.
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Yea I kind of agree. With a few QOL changes but more or less the same as before. Like I think the clocks on new Freddy would be fine. Also transition phase should block interactions other than vaulting/pallet drops. Increase the base range of sleep by 2-4m. Decrease base transition time by 1s. Auras are only displayed if he channels his power (a bit like Demo's portals how he needs to channel the abyss to see killer instinct).
New Freddy is kinda meh to play. I like that he's strong but he's an entirely different type of killer now.
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No. NO NO.
As much as I'd like to see Old Freddy back, they should NEVER hold a community poll about changes to the game. EVER.
This community, while it can sometimes make some nice suggestions that should be added into the game, SHOULD NOT be able to choose what gets to be changed in the game. That would be the worst thing that the devs could ever do.
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Floating pallets. It was funny to see the stuff flying to the moon.
Jokes aside:
Nurse basekit nerf. I have adapted to the change. But my muscle memory sometimes make me blink 0.1 seconds before I get my 2nd blink back.
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Bringing back the fun holiday event objectives.
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Yeah, with pretty powerful aura reading when you know how to make use of it (inverse OoO without survivors being able to see you) plus the possibility to nullify your TR with furtive chase. No power at all, sure.
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Need to make a top 3 :)
Old Freddy
With the Mending change, old Legion
Old Huntress hatchets hitboxes
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I'm pretty sure Old Huntress Hatchets weren't changed, unless I've forgotten. Their hitboxes are still the size of trucks even at launch.
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No idea. They changed something and then she became baby mode. She wasn't that bad from the beginning
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And maybe another addon pass, maybe by people who actually use her more than once in a blue moon...
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Red rarity perks just make them alittle easier they looked amazing.
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Id like to bring nack old nurse. Keep tge add ons reworked but take away the cd in between blinks.
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Reverse Bear Trap timers automatically starting after all the gens are finished. Obviously I would modify the way the EGC timer functions to make sure RBTs during the end game aren't overkill, but yeah.
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Do you know how powerful the Oni build is when you optimize it on the Bloody Glove addon? And the Oni doesn't even have constant aura reading. And using this addon, you basically play without the Demon mode, because you cancel the addon effect while in that mode.
As said by others, you don't know how to play old Freddy. With the Futive Chase bringing your TR to 0 you had the most powerful tool in chase: aura reading during chase, countering any mindgaming.
And if you want examples, there are some Otz videos on old Freddy, which he made before he was reworked. The "you can't hit instantly" is just a lazy argument, that people brought up that are not willing to learn to adapt. Each strong effect has a drawback. That is for almost every addon and also for powers. Cooldowns, conditions to raise the power, counterplay or whatever.
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I want old Myers back, who wasn't bugged.
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I'd give Legion back the ability to apply Hex: Third Seal from Feral Frenzy.
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Brought enjoyment and easy mode to survivors and hardship to killers. This should never be in the game unless balanced.
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So it's not just me lol
Old Freddy was extremely strong for the few people who knew how to play him. Nowadays like Doctor it's a pick up and play requiring little to no skill or time investment.
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Id roll back pigs traps executing if you tried ti leave the exit gate eith them on, right now they are mild timewasters and thats about it
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Bring back old Nurse.
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Basekit Nurse.
At least the Old Freddy sleeping animation.
Freddy should either hit them or warp them to sleep like he did Pre-Rework.
The timers shouldn't exist, he gets benefit for doing absolutely nothing.
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The little piece of music that played when Myers was stalking you. I don't care how it could be brought back, it's just a shame it doesn't get used at all anymore.
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Do you read my posts? I explained why I mentioned Oni. He IS an M1 killer if you run the build I described, because going into demon mode denies you the aura reading addon for the duration of the demon mode.
Freddy didn't have "no power" he had aura reading and a small TR on 115% ms. Legion also has nothing to help you in chase, at least to down survivors. Still he is a pretty good killer. Clown has a power to help in chases, still he is regarded as the currently worst killer. Just to trigger some thoughts how you build up your opinion.
And there are already a lot of people telling you that old Freddy was not trash, but if you simply want to ignore it, there is no discussion. Have a look at Otz's video "RIP old Freddy" if you want to have an idea or keep ignoring everyone.
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You probably forget that survivors are slowed by 50% on old dream state. No need to stay on 4 different survivors at the same time. A value like this would be ridiculous in the current game state. Even pre-nerf Forever Freddy didn't even get close to 50%
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Probably enduring reducing all stuns. It was really nice to have.
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I miss the special events.
Sure they were at times bugged or poorly thought out but they brought something fresh and new to the game, almost like an alternative gamemode for a time, I want it back so badly ='/
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Leave them be. Prolly one of those killer's/survivors who just started back than so lack of experience.
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This is pretty situational with old Freddy tho. Not terribly difficult for a swf to pull off, but not easy to manage over time, because survivors do eventually make mistakes and they spend no time on the objective.
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I miss the endless pig nerfs.
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It's fine. Most people in this forum as you already know only see tier lvls and what they want to see. People who invest into lower tier killers and commonly win with them are more often then not ignored. This is because they exist outside the normal gameplay for some. Why invest time into using a lower tier killer while someone stronger who's able to be picked up and get those 4it's.
That's how most people see it anymore.
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Old base nurse.
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the fast vault angle changes
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Return the old rank reset.
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Who’s not even in the match, only sometimes.
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Old base Nurse or real events that actually added a secondary objective like the one with the lamps.
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old events, I really miss them :(
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Old pallet kick animation
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Nurse blink timer for sure. They finally make her somewhat playable on console but shes hindered so hard with these unnecessary changes. Keep her add on changes. Those def needed work but the change to her base was what nobody asked for
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Wraith. Honestly I'd have to agree that old freddy doesnt need to be brought back. Survivors would literally do gens in his face. He was only somewhat scary if you were the last survivor alive and he could see you with his aura reads
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OG Hex Ruin.
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Insta-heals. Sad that all ultra-rare survivor addons have been nerfed to #########.
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the Gearhead nerf
why was that even a thing?
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I would just like to play one more round of classic endgame pig...
I had way too much fun with reverse bear traps and bloodwarden and I'm not ashamed to admit it.