Rule Set 2's Default Divisiveness

So I've been in love with Pig for a long time now. She's my favorite Killer, and was actually the one that I used for the push to rank 1 for the first time back before BNP's got their second (I think?) nerf.
That said, despite my love of her, even I've got to admit she needs a little TLC. One of the more frequent things when I see discussions on Pig and how people would buff her is to make Rule Set 2 default. The moment this is said though, there is an uproar of people that say that it would make the traps too powerful.
Like I've said, many times before on different subjects here, my question is why?
You look at a lot of different people's videos discussing Killers, or ask someone a question who's been Red Rank for a while what Rule Set 2 actually does to you, and many of them will say, "Nothing. It's essentially worthless." The reason for this is that generators get done really fast at higher ranks, sometimes even at lower ranks, and it's almost impossible to get any real value out of it, especially for 7k bloodpoints.
Obviously I'm only a 2k hour scrub. I'm not 24/7 dedicated to the game like some people are, but logically speaking, I don't really see what the issue is? If the add-on literally is of no use because generators get done quickly, then what would the issue be in it being default to stall for a little extra time when generator progression is slow during a game?
Making Rule Set. 2 basekit would be horrible for her.
God no.
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Ok clearly you missed the point of my post? Why would this be the case?
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Wait crap, I mistook Rule Set No. 2 for something else. I'm dumb.
I thought Rule Set No. 2 was the one that disables Pig's ability to see Jigsaw Boxes in as well as give her only 1 Trap. It's 6 AM so my braincells are dying internally.
With that said, I don't agree with making this basekit for her. Mainly because her ability is to stall, meaning even without the threat of the Survivor's head popping, you would want them to waste time going around the map looking through Jigsaw Boxes, not working on Generators.
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Amanda's Secret default?! OH GOD NO! I wuvs my wittle Pig Pig and would never abuse her!
I suppose that kinda makes sense, though what if you could only see one box's aura at a time, kinda like Freddy's clocks, until a generator popped and then you could see them all?
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I would agree with that, but you still need to have the ability to use every single Jigsaw Boxes you find, it's just that one randomly is highlighted to you everytime. Until a generator pops when you need to see all of them (because time is ticking)
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I would be fine with Rule set No. 2 because it doesn't change how people will play at all. Many times I play pig, people dont remove traps until the clock is ticking regardless.
Rule set never stopped you from using them, just that they aren't immediately shown to you. It makes them waste more time, is all.
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All Rule Set 2 does is get survs with inactive traps to do gens, which is the opposite of what you want from traps
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I don't see the point of it in the first place; it's a minor nuisance, and I think should be replaced with an entirely new add-on while this effect gets completely removed from the game.
The fact is that by the time a survivor is downed, they've already learnt of one Jigsaw box location, so they'd need only begin there and then they can work on a gen until it's activated, thus causing them to simply be more efficient with the main objective. Thus, working against the killer. At least, this is how good players would play around the Pig.
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thing about freddy's clock that is visible, is THAT IS YOUR ALARM CLOCK. none of the others will work to wake you up. so you know exactly where to go to wake up, so if you were just randomly highlighting one box that'd make it worse becuase then the survivor would go to it and waste time. this should still be an add on, not basekit for fairness sake. If you highlight the ONLY box that matters (like freddy's clock) then it defeats the purpose of being a slow down and ends up helping the survivors and being a detriment to the killer (I'm not an expert and don't think this is how rule set 2 works, just trying to point out the comparison to freddy's clocks and highlighting one box is not the same).
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On the subject of Pig, what add on combination is best for popping heads? So far I've been using Rule Set 2 and Tampered Timer, but Sketch and Gears seem like they'd be useful too. Would be cool to see heads pop more often in my Pig games.
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The largest issue with it as a base mechanic is what someone already said. It promotes gen rushing.
There is no urgency to get off a gen since you can't see the pigs boxes to remove it Before one is finished. It actually promotes staying on a gen so you know where to go rather than blindly search.
So it would probably only be effective versus newer players and not versus vets negating what traps are designed to do. Slow the gens down.
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I agree, it's useless and it either needs to be dropped down in rarity and she needs an addon rework.
Rule Set #2 should be Basekit and/or 3k Bloodpoints.
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It's the same misunderstanding that makes people mad about Legion's power: "But it never kills anyone!"
The bear traps aren't really meant to kill, they're meant to stall. Death is the penalty for failing to remove it because any other penalty could likely just be ignored. That doesn't mean they're meant to be a killing tool, or that something is wrong when it doesn't kill someone.
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In my experience, people don't say rsn2 as base would be too powerful, they say rns2 as base would be a nerf for pig. I disagree, but that's besides the point.
Which is why I suggested that regular rbts and rsn2 rbts to be a toggle on pigs power, no addon required, everyone just picks whichever they like in the menu you choose your perks
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It will force survivors onto generators, and that is the exact opposite of what you want. Having most survivors see the aura of the boxes draws them in like a moth to a flame, taking them away from healing, unhooking and doing generators. If a survivor works on a generator with an RBT, they are asking for death. If they flame you for tunnelling because of this, then tell them to remove the trap first.
Crate of Gears and Tampered Timer are the popular ones. Annointed Plan can also be very useful, as in the rarer one that DOESN'T give the bonus check time.
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I use Crate of Gears and Tampered Timer. It's the only 2 guaranteed to get the closest to head pops. Crate of Gears guarentees a bit of extra time on a box and the Timer guarentees -30s. That being said, no guarentees on actually getting a head pop. The Sketches give no guarantee, but if luck is on your side and they HAVE to check that extra box, they may be screwed. If survivors 99 gens though, none of this works.
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They dont do that now. When was the last time you played pig? Survivors will get healed and work on a gen before they start trying to get thd trap off. I see this almost every game i play as her. NOBODY cares about those traps. And thats the problem. Because theres little chance of dying from them nobody cares. They need more of an edge somehow
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It's great with a map offering and another add-on to make the traps more lethal.
This build I find pretty nasty. They can do gens, but then get a nasty surprise when they find out there's 5 boxes to go through when the gen pops. Or, they can wander around the indoor map being completely useless for like a minute, and then have to do the boxes once a gen is done.
If you hook someone else in the meantime, you can beeline over to them and encourage the RBT kill.
Anyone saying the add-on is weak is nuts.