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Freddy feels crutch

This is a problem I been having with the game as I've been ranking up. When playing against a Freddy I feel he gets so much for doing so little, if I go against a good nurse or Billy I feel I get out skilled but if I go against Freddy I feel like killer's kit got me not the player. The passive sleep overtime rewards them for just playing the killer and pallets and snares are just m2 pushes with no thought most off the time. I wish they would add the drag people to sleep function back instead of the overtime stuff.


  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    I agree, Plus i know devs say all killers have the same launge but man it hard to belive it when you get hit by Freddy from miles away.

    He needs little tweaks at least, Like Dream Snares/Pallets recharges (like nurse's) for example this will make him think when and where he will put his snares instaed of whats happening right now (just spaming)

    also they should make it that you can wake up at any alarm clock nears you, Not forcing me to run the whole map for it and after 90 sec will passivly be sleep again! and just reduse the number of these alarm clocks.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I wouldn't call those "Tweaks". They're downright nerfs that aren't warranted.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I agree 100%.

    Freddy is the only killer that gets free map pressure like that.Any other killer has to work for that.

    I would love if the Devs could change freddy so that:

    -the micro sleep takes 90 instead of 60 seconds

    -waking up with those clocks should prevent you from sleeping for 120 seconds instead of 90 seconds

    -you should be able to wake yourself up at every clock

    -Or remove the micro sleep and give him the ability to put survivors into the dream state by himself after a certain amount of time similiar to his earlier version

    With any off these changes freddy would definetely take more effort to play which would be needed considering how easy it is to play him and just how strong his power is.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    But that's my issue. The devs constantly talk about how committed to balance they are but then go ahead and release a killer so OP he nearly 4ks every match to appease a small crowd of fans because he was weak in the past. That's not balance. That's favoritism on the side of the killer. Combine that with the constant nerfs to survivor its very difficult to see otherwise.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Im not going to argue with anyone, Im just going to say my piece in case tge devs read this thread. Not every killer should require hundreds of hours to compete with SWFs. Its good to have the billys and nurses that require more as its incredibily rewarding when you do get good with them. But not everyone has that kind of time.

    Playing survivor is easy, and once you learn it you know it no matter what character you use. Learning and playing killer requires a considerable more time sink and thats just for 1 killer. Freddy isnt OP, he just doesnt require as much time investment to learn and play well. Its good for the game that theres a killer that can do well without hundreds of hours of game play, otherwise it might be off putting to the average person.

    And last Freddy is counterable, I escape against him all the time. Hes just hard.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    a good killer will do better with freddy than any other killer sans an expert huntress or nurse

    He gets map pressure for nothing (this is multiplied further by dream slowdown add ons), its harder to determine his location even outside of the dream world than other heartbeat killers due to rather unneccesary invisibility, he doesnt lose bloodlust for using his power in a chase yet his power is designed to be actively used in a chase aswell as outside.

    And he can see survivors easier from longer range in the dream thanks to the white outline.

    Its nice to see him not being gutter tier anymore but I genuinly think his skill floor is too high. Anyone can throw pop and noed on him and get a 4K at this point

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Let me correct you there.

    He does lose bloodlust while in chase. If he ever uses his power, bloodlust will keep restarting to 0.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    And another 'Freddy is OP' thread...

    Honesty he's fine as he is. Yes he's strong, but not impossible to win against.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,320

    Couldve sworn they changed that awhile back so he DOES now lose bloodlust when using his power.

  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    i dont play dbd at all these days but i read this thread and i instantly think "oh ######### off" freddy was weak for years. and finally is powerful and people want him nerfed or whine he is now viable. cant win these days ... lol. my opinion any how

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I think peoples problem with Freddy isn't so much that he's strong, but that he's extremely easy to play as. That feeling that you get when you go against the most hold-W, instadropping genrushy squad and they escape in 4 minutes? That's what going against Freddy is like. "Yay. You 'beat' me. By doing nothing particularly skillful." That's not to say there's no skillful plays you can get with Freddy, it's just that... Well, you don't need them. Just spam snares and fake teleports, equip Pop, and mindlessly 4k almost every match.

    Then you compare that to getting owned by Nurse, Billy or Huntress and the sheer number of complaints just drops like a stone. Even though they are all far stronger. And, by sheer coincidence, far more difficult to play as.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I honestly feel like that's a feeling everyone in this community needs to get over it.

    It's why I am sick of hearing people complain about SWF groups. It's a game, there will be things you dislike in it.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Yeah i also dislike that he is not skillbased (power-wise) and gets so much for free.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    You're bound to feel helpless in games like these, because sometimes it feels like either side is dominating and there's nothing you can do to stop it. It's just the nature of an Assym Game. Freddy just soft counters the most common tactic to waste the Killer's time. Which is looping.

    I'm not saying looping is a bad thing and should be removed, no, I'm just saying his chase ability forces Survivors to go through multiple structures rather than stick around the same couple of strong structures throughout the whole game. His snares are not by all means, powerful, I find them to be rather easy to deal with compared to his Pallets. But from what I can tell, some Survivors just fear any sort of slowdown so they try to not be hit by them at all even though they are barely an inconvenience. Like you can still fast vault even while you are under the effects of the snare slowdown. You can still easily get away from him without his snares being any kind of issue to the Survivor.

    The reason why I think this feeling is wrong is because not everyone in DBD will be mechanically complex. Heck, it's the reason I find Survivor to be really really dull if you're not in a chase. Because you're going to just be searching for generators and holding M1 for the majority of it.

    The Killers the community tends to hate on the most are not the most complex Killer to wrap your head around. You don't have to worry about swerving your chainsaw, nor do you have to time your blinks with your muscle memory, you don't even need to predict in advance to trap loops to stop a chase before it happened.

    But because they're not the most complex Killers in the game that, as far as I can tell, the community tend to have a more kneejerk reaction to them. It's unclear how exactly you have to counter them, how you're supposed to play around them and their powers. Because you need to have played those Killers to actually have knowledge on what to do against them. (Which is something most people, as far as I can tell, don't really do.)

    Freddy is as pure of an M1 Killer as he can be, if you're good a looping and know when to abandon loops or drop pallets before getting hit you're more than likely to cream him in any match. Assuming of course, you can keep yourself awake prior to the chase (which shouldn't be hard to do, OG Freddy has issues with keeping people asleep so I don't know why suddenly New Freddy is such a problem to deal with.)

    His map pressure is also decent, but that is only because of his teleport which has a slow cooldown (which by the way, you are notified of if he is using it and you're notified in advance if he is coming to teleport to your generator. Don't do the boneheaded move and leave scratchmarks everywhere.) And even then, the more generators pop the less he is able to use it until he no longer is able to use ANY of it during the endgame because all generators would've been completed by then. (Ironically his powers are way less useful the farther into the game it gets, which explains why he would have strong chase potential.)

    Spirit has excellent chase potential, but her map pressure isn't great. She's great at ending chases quickly, but if she struggles with someone, she will have a harder time keeping up with generators all across the map. She 100% relies on her power being a walking 110% killer and all that. She even relies on not using it to trick Survivors into thinking she is phasing. She's a Killer who is very involved with her power and to not use it, is just asking to lose that game.

    Doctor's Static Blast helps him find Survivors in a large area of the map, effectively making stealth useless against him. But Survivors can mitigate that by not always being in his Terror Radius. If he is looking for Survivors, and you hear that Terror Radius, AND he hasn't used his Static Blast for 60 seconds. Then hide in a locker to make sure you don't reveal your location. His power is only as good as Survivors let him to be. Of course not every tile will have a locker nearby for everyone, but that's the point, you shouldn't completely 100% counter a Killer's power. Because the Killer is meant to be able to catch and find Survivors, otherwise there would be no game or match to be had.

    Deathslinger is only as good as the player. And I see that as a NEGATIVE trait of his according to a lot of people. He is, in my opinion, one of the most Middest of Mid-Tiers I've ever seen. Because his power feels laughably pathetic compared to Huntress, but is really oppressive if played by someone who can hit his shots 100% of the time. A lot of people dislike playing against him because they feel they don't know what to do. And that's fine, but Deathslinger is more about reading your opponent rather than reading their Killer. Because he is a killer who is only as good as the player who plays him, meaning he can be forced to make mistakes. Which most Survivors definitely should take advantage of. ADS and Quick Scoping only goes so far with a Killer who can barely run pallet loops without being stunned himself from using his own power.

    All of these Killers have one thing in common:

    They either depend on Survivors to not do anything that could counter their power, or they are heavily dependent on the player who plays them. Say what you want about people who play constantly play Spirit or Freddy, but they both know how to end chases as soon as it starts. With Freddy being the one that, at least in my opinion, requires more skill to use because he is entirely dependent on his chase abililty (once again, I preface this over and over again. His snares are not that damn powerful, run through it, it's not that bad and it doesn't last that long).

    If you're a good Killer, and you can end your chases quickly, and you're able to constantly pressure multiple Survivors at once, then you'll do well with Freddy. Because his power synergizes with ending chases quickly, and keeping the pressure up map wide rather than just a couple of generators at the end of the game. Freddy rewards you for taking down Survivors quickly, and punishes you for not being able to do so.

    Same with Spirit, however her power requires help when it comes to map pressure, something she really lacks. Which again, as I mentioned before, is why her chase potential is so damn high.

    I should stop writing novels late at night to be honest, especially when it concerns a topic like this, which I doubt anyone would agree with me on considering the popular opinion seems to be to gang up on a Killer until they get nerfed rather than learning or dealing with them.

    I have my own fair share of Killers I dislike, but I still deal with them because it's an Assym Game, it's also a Live game. Not everything about it will be to my liking. And that's perfectly fine.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Wake up, then he's an M1 Killer with no power

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    So it's okay to abuse the easiest mechanics in the game to rob people of a fair chance? That makes no sense, especially when it comes to ultra sweaty SWF groups. Just because it's a game doesn't mean it should be unfair.