What if BT had a timer?

Hear me out. I just came from yet another match, as Trapper, where I'm body blocked by a BT survivor. Reset my trap at the T wall, hooked them a half second later, and started to walk away. Sound notification. Turn around, see the unhook, go for the unhooker, only to be body blocked in the gap by the BT survivor. I either smack them, giving them SB, or I go around the wall, and waste three to four seconds and lose the other rescuer. It's not a uncommon occurrence, either. Has a lot of variations that survivors pull.
I don't like BT, at least as it is. I feel it allows for stupid plays by survivors that give them freedom when it shouldn't. Potentially big payoffs, with little risk. Could go into a whole spill, but I'll narrow it down.
My issue is that a survivor can wait nearby, you hook and start to leave, only for them to come in for the save, and able to be protected due to BT. In particular, my frustration comes, not from the body blocking itself, but the fact that I wasn't even given a chance to leave the area, only to be punished by this sort of play.
Simplest way to get around this is to remove body blocking, but I doubt that'll ever happen. So, what if there was a timer on BT? A survivor needs to be on the hook for a limited amount of time before BT activates. Say, four to six seconds. That's enough time for you to exit the area, and not risk BT's activation. It still enables camping players to be punished by it, but gives those that really are trying to leave, the option to not waste time by a protection body block.
The unhooked person has 15 second of immunity according to the dbd Wikipedia for borrow time. "After unhooking a Survivor within the Killer's Terror Radius, for 15 seconds, any damage taken that would put the unhooked Survivor into the Dying State will instead apply the Deep Wound Status Effect".
Wait a couple of second to hit them or go after the rescuer. Usually when someone unhooked i just shock until madness 3 then hit. They will eventually go down due to the snap out of it effect.
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unless your plan was to leave the bt activation zone and then go right back to the hook, why should this matter? you could simply continue going whichever way I assume bbq gave you information about and pressure gens without having to worry about bt at all, the unhooker + the unhooked person in most cases aren't doing the objective. they'll probably stand around healing for a bit while their other allies focus gens.
alternatively if it's a pattern you could also just look around the hooked survivor for signs of their would-be instant savior before leaving the area.
either way you have a better chance of not having to deal, y'know?
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Someone didn't read the thread.
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The perk counters camping, one of the most boring and uninteractive things in this game, it needs to be strong. Killers call immediate unhooks "stupid plays that should be punished" or something to that effect, but i see it not as survs being stupid, but as them wanting to do something engaging and exciting, instead of holding m1 on a gen.
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I think the timer hes refering to is one placed on the rescuer. The idea that the rescuer has to wait X amount of seconds after the hook to gain BT's effect.
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Yeah, I love being hook farmed because someone wants to "do something engaging and exciting".
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I missed the section of the Killer's handbook where a survivor has to wait until you're a specific number of meters away from the hook before its respectful to off-hook...and the sub section where it mentions BT can ONLY be used if you're camping...otherwise it's unfair. I'll have to thumb back through. LOL
They used BT exactly as they're supposed to...within the Killer's terror radius. There's nothing wrong with using it while you're walking away instead of while you're walking toward the hook. If there's reason to believe you're going to proxy and tunnel, it's smarter to do it while you're not looking so the off-hooker doesn't take an initial hit just to off-hook and wind up in a hook trade.
BHVR is not going to make a change to a perk because people use it correctly and you find that inconvenient.
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BT is to punish Killers to tunnel the unhooked. But turn out it become punish Killers who goes for the unhooker.
I have plenty time unhooked body block me from unhooker. I will not slash them, I wait for 15sec, then I put them down. I may eat DS but I dont care, I will tunnel that unhooked to his 2nd stage hook and may be to his 3rd. He asked for it.
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I was referring to bt being used in an aggressive way, not being farmed. If you get immediately unhooked with bt i dont consider that farming
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Well, I do. What's the point in being unhooked in the killer's face? I'm just going down again inside of 30 seconds.
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Those 2 statements were meant to be separate. BT counters camping.
OP was talking about the unhooked surv bodyblocking with bt after being immediately unhooked, which i consider an aggressive use of it, and something more fun than m1
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If you were given endurance you can take a hit and get the on hit burst and move to a loop and then going down within 30 seconds is mostly up to your skill at looping.
Even if you werent farmed and the killer was some distance away, many killers come back to the hook immediately and they might just down you within 30 seconds anyway. The time you have when the killers coming back and the time you get after the on hit burst is mostly the sime and thus i dont consider diving with bt to be farming
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If the killer is right there, endurance ain't gonna do #########. It's still gonna be exactly like the second half of a chase - killer already hit me once, 30 seconds later (give or take) I'm in the dying state, a few seconds after that I'm hooked.
You may not consider that hook farming, but I do, and it ruins the game for me.
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I really don’t think this is necessary. BT is fine as it is. Teams who bomb hooks will lose to a decent killer in my experience, it’s easy pressure if you play it right.
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That would be too much effort to "fix" a very specific and not really problematic situation, since you could just wait the BT timer to run out and make the bodyblocker regret it.
Personally I would add a cooldown to the perk so it can't be spammed, but aside from that I find it ok.
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I think BT is a fair anti-tunneling/camping perk. As a killer, I always try to go for the unhooker because I know how annoying being tunneled is, especially because it is not the unhooked's fault that they were unhooked while I was still nearby. If the unhooked survivor blocks with BT, though, well, just go after them. Either give them the first hit and follow or follow them for 15 seconds and down them.
And to avoid BT: Don't camp/tunnel (obviously haha) and take a moment to check the area around the hook after hooking to make sure there is nobody hiding and ready to go for the unhook. :)
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Sounds dumb. Ought to keep alert for the footsteps of people following you. Usually you can turn moves like that into a hook trade.
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You know how Michael has no collision while stalking and survivors can run in and outside of his body? The survivot that has the bt imminity should also have that so they cant body block. This would force the unhooker to be a little mote conservative in when they unhook as theyre for sure taking a smack.
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This was exactly the change I've been pushing for a while. It maintains its purpose of protecting the unhooked but now it would actually have a cost and make you think about making a good save instead of what we have now which is just an abusive yolo save perk that requires zero thought process, has zero downsides and is just universally game swinging without any skillful play needed.
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I feel like a massive amount of issues that people on both sides have with the overall gameplay flow are caused by survivors that are massively thirsty for those unhook points, teammates be damned.
Hell, at least the ones bringing BT are trying to give you a break. Most of the time when I see it they're not even running BT. Just raw unhook and zoom away.
I actually gave a survivor the hatch the other day because at one point in the game they were on hook, I was in a chase with a Dwight, and he just ran straight to the hook during the chase and pulled them off. No BT, no nothing. Told them in chat after that I couldn't kill them after Dwight did them like that. 😂
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Every time I pick someone up, I just start my own internal timer to when they'd break free (approx 20 seconds if they are struggling right away and the whole time)
I've never done that with BT since I'll just smack the body blocker and if they have BT, I'll just continue the chase but I imagine it wouldn't be very hard to just count down 20 seconds (using 20 since the wiki says Tier 3 gives you 20 so I'm under the assumption the bad guy is using T3 BT) in your head the same way I count when I pick up a survivor.
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It should have 3 tokens. One for each survivor.
It would still be broken though, cause the problem is not the perk itself, but the stacking of 16 ######### second chances perks.
I have no clue how devs don't see this as in issue.
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I think bt is fine. If a unhooked surv wants to protect the unsafe unhooker so just wait that bt ends and down him again. Or you know that’s a surv is near or in front of the hook then play the game and wait there for grab him or the hooked surv go to struggle. That’s not killers fault if survs play in that stupid way...
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I agree with @ich_häng_mal_rum here
Bt is quite easily countered. If a survivor really wants to body block using bt ill just simply chase the bt person count to 15 in my head or get a grab on them. Let them waste DS too.
People have mentioned the damage should go to the unhooker, but with things like *insert any instadown perk/addon* it would kill the perk for what it was intending to do. The point of BT isn't to trade hooks.
With that said, should the perk have a CD on uses or a small timer before an unhook? I mean it could, but isn't the timer okay in paper but terrible in application? Those few seconds might not even matter.
If youre worried about hook bombs just watch the hooked person as you walk away (moonwalk).
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I don't have an issue with BT. Mainly because I remember the days when pulling someone off a hook within the killer's TR applied the effect to both the unhooked and the rescuer.
You could wait the 15 secs and down the person again. However they most certainly have DS. You could slug them but someone will run by and revive them or they might have unbreakable. I feel they have too many tools. I don't know how the devs could balance this. They are in place for a reason but the potential to abuse them is still there.
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Yes and so does literally every perk usable during EGC.
You get the point. Personally, If waiting 15 seconds if you really want to tunnel is too hard for anyone, then it's a matter of get good at the game so you're not put into a position like that.
I've had NOED games where the BTd survivor tanks a hit for the savior and have both escape. This is honestly the most 1000 IQ play and highly punishing for a low skill gap perk and I love it.
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If the unhooked survivor tanks a hit with BT, then just focus on them. It was stupid of them to waste their safety and you should take advantage of it. Sure they'll cry about tunneling at the end of the game because survivors who want to abuse things like that are quite often amongst the most entitled brats in the game, but don't pay heed to the cries of the crybabies.