Will history repeat itself? Re: Freddy outrage

So we all saw how it shook down the last few times: Nurse and Spirit threads every day non-stop and eventually they're changed.
Freddy already got changed (for the better imo fight me about it later) but now the threads are coming out of the woodwork. Is his time on the chopping block coming? I have heard next to nothing about the chainsaw boi addonpassrework since Nurse got hers so who knows at this rate.
I hope not, the last thing I want is to see a Killer getting nerfed because most people find them more "Boring" than "Unbalanced.
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3 of the freddy threads I've seen recently were killers complaing about survivors complaing about freddy.
Imo the devs wont destroy freddy prob just give him a small nerf
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I've already suffered with my boy once, I don't want to do it again. I'd be all for getting rid of oblivious while asleep, but that's about it.
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I certainly hope not. A lot of the difficulties people have with him stem from a complete refusal to take advantage of wake up mechanics.
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As a Nurse I know how that feels.
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Oh right, let me wake up against that reverse-bloodlusting Freddy with his Snares, while I am being chased. Nothing easier than that!
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I disagree. When you're awake he's just an m1 killer that can appear at gens. He's weak as hell when you're awake. And even when you're asleep you can always just not run the same loop over and over, the exact same counterplay as Hag.
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If anyhting, these devs have already demonstrated quite a lot of times that history always repeats itself, lmao.
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I'm pretty sure that "boring" is just the new code for "OP plz nerf" anyway. It's just a way to say it that kinda skirts around the issue and asks for changes but doesn't leave any doors open for discussion.
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Exactly. When you are awake Freddy is not so much different from Legion. Classic M1 Killer. I think @nancybestgirl wants another Legion, a Killer noone is using anymore if not for BP daily challenges.
But... if you want free win or ez win.... why not to change game and to start to compete in CSGO with some GE smurfing from ALT Silver acc ? -..-
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Freddy loses bloodlust if he's using his snares though.I think it was adressed in a patch after his rework was released.
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All they need to do is remove the oblivious status effect from his power and job's a good 'un.
Also they should probably remove the pallet add-ons and give him something actually useful that also isn't really oppressive/boring to go against in their place.
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People whining about Freddy n we still waiting on him on Switch
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The most problematic thing about freddy is how he's so good at everything.
-He has a really really strong chase power
-Really strong map pressure because of his teleport
-And on top of that pretty much the best slow down/stall power in the game because survivors are constantly pressured to stay awake by going to clocks,failing skill checks or finding teammates.And freddy doesn't have to do amything for that.And even if you managed to stay awake all the time you will still fall asleep mid chase without freddy having to touch you at all.
Consider all of that and the fact that he's really easy to play.Freddy really doesn't feel that fair especially of ypu compare him to other killers.
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I mean the only thing I could possibly think about nerfing is the passive time it takes to fall asleep. Outside of that everything is balanced imo. He creates pressure for himself by forcing people asleep and they either choose to play into that new weakness or go and get awake. Without everything he has in his kit nothing would synergize and he wouldn't be effective at all.
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I agree,his teleport is fine and so are his snares/fake pallets.
The only problematic part about freddy is his passive sleep timer.It's automatic and does soo much for him most people don't even realize it.
My suggestion to make freddy more fair would be to pause the sleep timer once a chase starts.This way the survivor is rewarded if he was able to stay awake until then and players that failed to do so are rightfully punished.
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Well if you've set up 5 snares, then you've wasted that amount of time not being able to hit anyone while they could possibly be triggering them without you being able to get reward out of it. In that sense, he is no different than any of the other trap killers.
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You're missing the point, and I never said he was slowed down during the set up. Because he is setting up he is unable to swing, like all trap killers. Therefore he suffers the same weaknesses. If you're just spamming snares everywhere during a chase you might get rewarded sometimes but if the survivor is any good they'll know to just avoid the area and move to another loop.
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But you can't?
Every snare you put down resets your blood lust,while the slowdown last 3 seconds and builing a level of bloodlust takes 15 seconds.
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It's in one of the patch notes, a hotfix.
That happened months ago.
If you use snares at any point, you won't gain bloodlust.
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He doesn't get bloodlust when using snares anymore..someone skipped that homework assignment lol
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I am sure it will survivors tend to get their way on here.
I suggested killer npcs before and I still think that's the best way to do it since killer numbers are low and with this kinda bs always popping up I think it's the best recourse.
You all seem to want easy killers in a 4v1 game and if anything is different from how you normally play it must be op and broken.
Nerf Freddy again fine i'll just go back to maining survivor again.
Biggest problem in this game is a skill cap and instead of saying yeah I suck at this way of playing you people just say oh well this is broken and needs a nerf.
So yeah get npcs or drive away killer players like you have been.
Bunch of entitled little kids here SMFH.
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I said reverse-bloodlusting. Slowing the Survivor down while not breaking the Pallet.
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Maybe I haven't played against enough Freddy's but I've never seen a Freddy do that. Snaring a loop/pallet when it's down.
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Never? I have seen tons of Freddys doing that. Instead of breaking a Pallet, they run around and spam Snares. Very entertaining and engaging gameplay.
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Yes, never. I of course cannot prove that but every Freddy player I've face has never done stuff like that. So maybe it's a regional thing.
And even if that is the case, I find that to be a very lackluster strategy for him to use. You can still fast vault the pallet regardless if you push yourself through the snares.
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Imo the best nerf freddy can get is making all the clocks usable to wake a survivor. The only catch is that they kinda work like plague cleanses, and they won't respawn until x amount of time passes.
This way it's practically your fault as a survivor if you're asleep, but won't have to run across the map just to wake up and run back to a timer starting again.
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So what IS "engaging gameplay" to you?
Most chases consist of the survivor running in circles while the killer tries to M1 them anyway. Yet any deviation from this gets called "boring" or "broken". (Both of which mean the same thing, we all know what "boring" is code for.)
I really don't know what people want. It feels like everyone just wants the game to be played to the theme of Benny Hill, where the killer runs in a single circle for five minutes and then survivors run out the door.
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I would say most survivor players just want to go against strong enough killers that still have counterplay to them.
Killers like Hag,Huntress amd Oni are really difficult to survive against,once the player mastered their power,while still having enough counterplay to beat them.
Freddy has a really strong chase power,great map control because of his teleport and on top of that a super strong stalling ability aswell because survivors need to stay awake as long as possible while freddy has nothing to do for that.
If one could change his sleep timer (for example pause it when starting a chase)then he would feel a lot more fair then he is right now
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I think history will repeat itself.
They will nerf Freddy, probably into the ground, and within a week the complains about the next best killer start popping up.
After some time, that killer will be nerfed, too, and less people will play killer. Then a balance change will happen that all killers profit from, and the survivor mains will cry murder.
If enough band aids are used, maybe the game will be balanced one day. Altough that means killer will be too powerfull for the average solo survivor, or just chanceless against swf swat teams. We will see.
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It's the same bug like Deathslinger not losing bloodlust after missing a shot.It's not intended by the devs.
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If that's the case I don't think waking up from the clock should give a bonus to staying awake. It should be the same as missing a skillcheck or being woken up by a teammate, because you could wake up from anywhere.
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Ok..? So if a chase is lasting beyond 15 seconds..at that point your winning..so..who cares..?
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It depends. A reduction maybe.
But in the same way you can wake up from anywhere so to speak, your teammates can as well. Meaning you might have to run to the end of the map after all to wake up. Or risk staying asleep waiting a long time for a respawn
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The problem is with the new design is one change and he'll be impotent.
Take away the teleport goodbye map pressure
Nerf the snares goodbye chase potential
Allowing survivors to wake up at any clock would be nice. Making it always the furthest one is db and removes any choice in the matter.
Why would i waste 30 or more seconds when I could continue my gen and I only get 60 seconds out of sleep anyway?
And getting hit also puts me in, aswell as speeding up his teleport
He already gets slowdown in low rarity add ons that are ran every game.
I dont really want him 'nerfed' as I've been a part freddy main since day 1 of his OG release but hes ratjer dull to both play as and against. Win or lose
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The only thing I would like to see changed at this time would be the sleep mechanic. Freddy gets so much free value from it just for existing on the map and puts the survivors in a lose-lose situation a lot of the time.
The timer is way too short. If you waste your time to go wake up with the clock, by the time you get back to the gen or anywhere else that is important, you'll have, on average, around 30-40 seconds left before you're asleep again. Its basically free reverse bear traps on everyone that reset all match. If you don't, you're prone to all Freddy's shenanigans all the time and he gets faster gen teleport. You could miss a skill check, but then your gen regresses and he knows where you are now.
You might be able to get another survivor to wake you up, but the first time it happens everyone falls asleep at the same time, and everyone falls asleep so much that its not uncommon for most or all the survivors to be asleep even past the first wave. So someone's going to be forced to get a clock and find everyone, or everyone's going to have to get their clock, or someones gotta miss a kill check. Then we run back into the previous problem of the timer being to short to do these things reasonably.
Then Freddy ALSO puts you to sleep just for hitting you. Oh you stayed awake like you were supposed to? Oh well fall asleep anyway. His attacks should not put you to sleep if you also fall asleep passively. One or the other not both.
Then add on all this is happening while the Freddy player is chasing, teleporting, laying traps and applying pressure, it becomes a bit much imo. The sleep mechanic happens way to easily/frequently and getting out is not only wasting a bunch of time, you barely get any benefit out of it. Maybe half of a chase will be spent awake if you JUST woke up and Freddy found you.
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Freddy isnt on Switch...so all of these complaints about Freddy being op make me afraid of him. I hope he never comes to Nintendo...I'm scared. 😭😱
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Yes, go to the other side of the map and deny him any chase power for 90 seconds. Why does that seem like a bad thing? Your very next point is about the power of snares. They do absolutely nothing when you're awake. The only games I lose as Freddy are against survivors who stay awake. I routinely run Freddys because I'm almost always awake. This attitude amongst the majority of survivor players is seriously baffling. Being on the hook or dead is a whole lot less efficient than running across the map for 15 seconds to wake up.
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Seemed to get popular to say something is "boring" after the devs started saying they're trying to balance around fun.
ooo okay so if I don't like something call it boring.... they'll change it for sure!
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Freddy has absolutely no incentive to prioritize an awake survivor over a dream state one. Again though, his snares are powerful. Why is it perceived as a waste of time to prevent them from affecting you? You also get a clear 32m TR rather than a nondirectional lullaby. It is significantly easier to run from him when you're awake, and any slowdown from his add ons is lessened.
And yes with the stay awake argument. I play as and against Freddy at a high level. Any time you last in a chase is time that your teammates can be productive. 10-20 seconds is huge, and you usually have more time than that if you're using alarm clocks. You can even take turns waking each other up on a gen if a teammate is there. There's really no reason to be starting a chase already in dream state.
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What outrage? I haven't seen this few killer complaints since the ruin nerf. Sadly enough, I think there are more people suggesting changes for Deathslinger than for Freddy even this long after his release. I personally think Freddy could use a few tweaks, just like Nurse and Spirit. No killer is perfect and change isn't always something to be feared, it's this type of paranoia that makes the devs dismiss the parts of the playerbase that care most about the killers in question.
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Freddy doesn't need a nerf...I would rather have a killer where survivors need to struggle and make tough decisions in order to have a shot at countering it, not a killer where their power is a mere minor inconvenience like Legion.
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Something that is "boring" is something that simplifies "fun" game elements or removes "interaction". Chase interaction is a core element of dbd, what do you have against it?
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Nice try, but I'm not taking your bait. No one said anything about "having something against it".
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Boring opens a lot of doors for discussion...what makes dbd fun? How related is power level to enjoyment? These are just two examples of huge doors of discussion that you'd rather dismiss by saying "survivors don't care about any of that" in a biased and derogatory manner. If you truly cared about discussion, perhaps you would be more open minded?
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If you want to discuss it, address the question you initially quoted.
Like I said, I'm not taking your dumb survivor bait. You're just clicking a flashlight at me right now from behind a pallet.
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Then how does Freddy not simplify chase interaction? He can literally just hold forward all chase without consequence.
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Thanks for insulting me instead of responding thoughtfully, it provided helpful insight that will guide my choices in this discussion.
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Then maybe don't open discussions with silly bait like, "What do you have against chases?" when no one said anything of that sort and that wasn't the topic at all.
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You probably won't get him, license ran out or something.