What the Bleep is up with this hatch BS?

So I'm having a great game, not tunneling, not camping, not slugging, running a damned marathon across the map to let these guys unhook, hitting my axe throws, its a ton of fun.
I hook the third survivor for the third time. Great, still 5 Gens left, I'm going for the perfect game.
And then..... the last one escapes. For free.
No key, nothing, just.... gone.
You used to have to get 2 gens done to open the hatch.
What the heck is this god awful survivor pity party that we've got now?
I'd rather have the last survivor leave than spend 1 hour looking for 1 person who isn't going to touch 1 gen.
As a survivor as well, I'd be petty and hide for 1 hour to make the killer DC.
That's why.
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How long have you been away from DBD? Because this has been a thing for a long time.
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the same can be said if you find the hatch first and the suvivour has to open the exit door hopeing you go to the wrong one, but if they spawn close together you are screwed so i see both sides
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7 or 8 months, a long time for sure. Edit, I quoted the wrong post.
Wait, so with no gens done, EVEN IF I CLOSE THE HATCH, they still get to escape without doing gens?
I mean.... I guess the entity has a real soft spot and doesn't want sacrifices????
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1) It's a mechanism to keep the game from going to infinity time.
2) It's not necessarily "free", they still have to beat you to it. The killer does have some advantage here, since you move faster and don't need to sneak around. Of course, they can always find it earlier and just be camping it, but then they're handing you a much easier win in the rest of the game, so eh.
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No, the Entity has a soft spot for your sanity.
Survivors can easily take the game hostage if the Hatch situation wasn't there. You go to the Hatch, you close it and it starts the End Game Collapse Timer so it forces the survivor to open a door, or do something.
If they don't do anything, they die and you get your Sacrificial Points.
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The hatch closing mechanic is basically added to prevent taking the game hostage for long. Same reason why the EGC was added.
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The hatch always opens when there is only one survivor left.
If you close the hatch before they find it they can still open it again if they have a key. I've had a game where it's 2 survivors left. I was chasing one and he found the hatch(closed) He opened it with a key and escaped. I closed it, find the 2nd survivor and they reopened it with another key.
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So basically the killer gets hosed out of a 4k, because survivors were petty and annoying?
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Yooooo, ok, that's actually hilarious.
Granted, you took two keys out of the world that game. So hey, not such a bad tradeoff.
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you will still get more or less max BP and the suvivour doing no gens at all will probs depip and get hardly any BP so i would take this all day
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It's a chance.
You're not entitled to a 4k, and they're not entitled to an escape.. But the whole Hatch situation was made because survivors would literally hide for hours until the killer DC'ed at 5 gens.
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The end game chat was funny. I don't think they brought any. I think they found them in chests lol.
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Oh jeez. That's even worse, then!
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the only problem with this mechanic is that this situation almost certainly prevents you from getting an Adept achievement.. other than that: it’s a game (!) and that is not a totally free escape. You have to be the last survivor left, you have to find the hatch first without getting found before that or you have to open the gate while the killer can always interrupt you. It’s also commonly acknowledged that this is still a win-condition for the killer and a loose-condition for the survivor-team.
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I don't feel entitled to a 4k, thats not it. I felt like I earned a 4k, and it was taken away by a free escape mechanic. This person clearly found and camped the hatch well ahead of me hooking the 3rd, as soon as the sacrifice was complete it was over.
We couldn't come up with a better mechanic than this for them to make sure the game didn't last hours? it seems lame.
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I prefer to have it like it is now rather than look for the last survivor for 30 minutes.3k and hatch escape is win for me anyway. And it also not guaranteed that the survivor will be the first one to get to the hatch. The same when I play survivor, don't want to waste my time hiding.
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this almost stopped me playing killer so im happy with hatch and egc
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I mean, do they want you to slug? I can slug, but survivors usually hate that. If thats the only option to avoid the hatch camp... I guess I can?
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If you want that 4k you can always slug the 3rd then hunt for the 4th. I like the current hatch mechanic compared to what we use to have. Hatch stand offs and people hiding till the killer dc'ed.
If you know where the hatch is you can hook the 3rd, haul ass to it before the sacrifice animation ends and try to close it . Then you can just patrol the 2 gates. One more reason why I run Whispers on most of my killers.
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Hatch doesn't spawn at 5 gens with 2 survivors alive.
Hatch always spawns with 1 survivor.
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It happened to me twice.
It's so boring.
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Why do you care about them? Do you think they care about you?
I always slug for the last person and I advise you do the same
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Granted, I do think that there are more interesting ways to keep a survivor from holding the game hostage without essentially handing them a free win to prevent them from being #########, but hey, this is what we've got.
That's really my only objection to the hatch. I don't really care that they escape, but you've essentially got a situation where the concern is a survivor holding the game hostage indefinitely and rather than punish the behavior, we give them a free out instead. It's like telling Killers they can't bodyblock, so to keep them from doing it we just kill any survivor that walks into a blockable spot. 😂
In essence, you're harming the victim of bad behavior in the hopes that the perpetrators are satisfied and choose not to engage in that behavior in the future.
It'd be more fun if the aura of the last survivor became visible after X amount of time without doing an objective or being within the killers terror radius. I guess a blendette would just tap a gen while sitting in a bush on Yamaoka, though.
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maybe a idea if the last survivor became exposed if there were no gens done
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I mean I dont have to care, I know, but from a community point of view I try to make sure its a fun game.
I try not to Camp, tunnel, or slug unless the survivors are being toxic.
This group wasn't, so I didn't slug. But if those are the required mechanics I'll give it a go.
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Exactly my problem with it, now that I'm more educated by this thread. We reward survivors for ######### behavior.
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It's a game mechanic to prevent the game from being taken hostage. You need to adapt. Once there is only one survivor left, it's a race to see who can find the hatch first. It's still in the killers favor since you can move at full speed and don't have to worry about being seen or leaving scratch marks.
If you get their first, and close it, then the timer starts. They have to open a gate and escape. That takes time, and on many maps it is fairly easy to patrol both gates. If they don't get it open in time, they die, so this forces them out of hiding.
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Thanks, its good info, but I now understand the mechanic. I just think its a bad mechanic.
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Hatch stays closed, EGC happens as soon as the last survivor is sacrificed, oh look hatch is no longer and issue and neither is holding the game hostage. Your welcome :)
Edit: since some people won't read before commenting, replaced "remove hatch" with "hatch stays closed" as this was the more agreed on tweak.
Post edited by MrPenguin on2 -
So keys are useless end game.
How about...
Hatch spawns, unopened, ECG timer is activated once the 3rd survivor is sacrificed.
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I like this better, as then they at least need to have a key to open the thing. There is a cost, and counterplay.
You can take perks to make them drop the key, you can see which survivor has it and make sure they aren't the last alive, etc.
This is a step in the right direction.
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Sounds good to me.
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Where exactly is the reward? If it's 5 gens and 1 survivor escaped through the hatch then 3 of them certainly depipped and one of them probably pipped\black pipped,
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This assumes someone cares about rank or BP, those are out of game conditions or rewards.
In game, the reward is clearly that they are allowed to escape when they otherwise would not have been able to escape. That is fairly straightforward.
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As a survivor, I like this idea as well.
I don't leave with a free escape, and the killer has a chance for his 4k as well.
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If you killed the 3rd survivor and still had 5 gens up, literally no one in that match was having "a ton of fun" except you. I do not for a second believe there was no camp, tunnel or slug. Unless they were all AFK except the last guy. This guy most likely deserved hatch more than normal because he obviously managed to survive what sounds like a super sweaty round. I don't even remember the last time I was in a round where no gens got done. Before Hex:ruin nerf for sure.
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What, people can't have fun if they're losing?
Oh wait, it's survivors we're talking about. I forgot.
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^^^Killer main fo sho, maybe just quit having survivors at all. Just some NPC's you can kill all day long. There I fixed it. Your welcome.
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Or if you're monto it will just pop up right next to you.
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I get the Cynical outlook, I really do, but I'm telling the truth.
It was one of the rare matches where I actually got matched up with people my same rank. I was back to rank 20 after about 8 months off the game.
Also, Camping and tunneling give them a ton of time to do gens, as does slugging, since they don't need to do the save quickly. Seems your logic is off, its evenly applied map wide pressure that prevents gens getting done in my experience. Granted, its been awhile, lots changed.
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yeah ok survivor main "fo sho", read the rest of the post before you comment dumb stuff. I just agreed to a tweak that was purposed and so did other people in the post. Change "remove hatch" for "hatch stays closed" and boom, done, fixed.
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Honestly, slug more often and especially when you can apply more pressure by doing so.
With Unbreakable and Decisive being so popular and better survivors being naturally altruistic, you're doing yourself a disservice by avoiding it.
From a survivor's perspective, I would MUCH rather be slugged and left than tunneled all game. It's far easier to come back from being slugged than it is from being tunneled.
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It sounds like you had a sweaty match if you didn't tunnel or slug a single person to get 9 individual hooks and yet not a single gen was completed. It also doesn't sound like you were matched with people of your skill level, clearly. The last remaining survivor earned their slim escape chance by enduring your ######### show match. This is not meant to be a 1v1 game, and they cannot help the behavior of their teammates.
The hatch is a necessary mechanic for the game and in its current form is extremely killer sided in end-game. Killer has a much easier time finding it before and during end-game, can traverse the map faster to find/get to it, if the killer is standing even near it, survivors cannot jump in - yet if a survivor is standing on top of it, the killer can close it on top of them, and (same vein) if you reach it at the same time, killer's action takes priority. I would LOVE for the old hatch back, personally. It was much more fun and much more fair.
You should really count your blessings. The current hatch is ever in your favor.
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So let me get this straight, they didn’t repair a single generator and you killed 3/4 and you’re wondering why the last guy isn’t stuck in the match to repair 5 generators by himself without an alternate means of escape? How would that be fair? What he’s just supposed to lay down And die for you because his 3 teammates didn’t do their part? Most of the time they get a few gens done and since you patrol the map more than survivors do you’ll have a better chance at finding the hatch before that 4th guy does. That allows you to hook the last guy near it or get to it and stomp on it before the 4th guy gets out. There is a bit of a delay after the 3rd guy dies allowing you time to get there.
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This is never going to happen.
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Yeah but he's not being entitled. He won. Or was about to win. The hatch negates all of the work he did to get to that point. Yes it is chance. But it's still throwing the survivor an unearned bone. Sets the scoreboard back to 0. Resets the match. However you want to say it. For no reason except for the benefit of the survivor. Resetting the scoreboard benefits the killer in zero ways.
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On the flip side - he didn't win. Not providing the hatch would negate all the work the survivor did up to that point to stay alive. Which doesn't even bring up the fact that end-game and the hatch were both changed to be significantly killer sided and significantly reduce the chance of a solo survivor escaping. You essentially just want a "kill 3 get the 4th free!"...and that's never going to happen.
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"Winning" is a broad term in this game.
There are many aspects that define "winning."
A 3k is already considered a WIN.
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What if they went back to if survivors didn't complete at least 2 gens then the hatch doesn't spawn at all. When it's down to the last survivor EGC starts. If you did at least 2 gens hatch spawns and is open so no need for a key, if not you gotta take your chances at a door. Survivors still get a chance at escaping as the last even though they failed and killers are less likely to slug for the 4k. If you didn't at least do the minimum for hatch then the free escape should be hard.