Ghostface Daily (and other Killers too actually)

I don't get why Ghostface's daily requires you to lean while stalking. I get it's one of his unique abilities, but it's not like you'd be copying Myers' daily as his is just to level up Evil Within. I find marking someone while leaning in chase consistently next to impossible on console and it's not even how most people use his stalk in chase. Leaning is usually reserved for 99ing people so that you can mark em easily later on.

On the topic of killer dailies, I hope when they touch up the daily ritual system they up the older killer daily amounts. Trapper, Wraith and Billy (i think that's all I'm not sure) all have lower amounts than newer killers which makes me more inclined to get rid of em in favor of a potentially better one (which almost always results in getting a survivor mission pepeHands.)

I'm sure this doesn't bother others as much as it bothers me but what are your thoughts on this?


  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Why are you lean stalking during a chase anyway? You can easily get this ritual by Marking someone that's unaware via leaning and exposing them, then move onto someone else and expose them from an angle they wouldn't expect and catch them out while they're off thinking someone else is being targetted. You also haven't got to get it in one match either.

  • TheOneTrueTristan
    TheOneTrueTristan Member Posts: 85

    I mean the match I did it in was a swf (ranks were 4,2,18,2. I'm rank 11) so they aren't exactly about to think I'm on someone they're actively talking to.

    Also, it's 3 leaning marked downs. I don't know about you, but I'm much more likely to just go and get it done in one match rather than try and find instances where it may or may not work across multiple. Especially since I dislike the strategy.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Well, like you said, you're vsing a 4-man swf. Not really the best match to go for it on; let alone stalking mid-chase.

    Plus, if you don't like the daily you're given, re-roll it.

  • TheOneTrueTristan
    TheOneTrueTristan Member Posts: 85

    I had.

    Remember the topic after the Ghostface one? I had all 30k killer missions save for this one Trapper daily. I rerolled my Trapper daily only to get this Ghostface daily (ironic since I complained about getting survivor dailies only to get a killer daily and still complain lmao)

    It was all good tho. I got the daily done in that match at the cost of my performance which I was fine with. I don't go into daily matches, where I am preordained to jump through some hoops I'm not always keen on doing in my matches, with the mindset of winning, but completing the daily. If I win cool, if I don't whatever I got my daily to make up for all the points I might not have gotten.

    Sorry for the essay btw