Real Talk: Tome challenges and matchmaking

Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

I have spent the last hour trying to get the Legion challenge (hit three survivors in a single use of Feral Frenzy) done only to have red rank SWFs bullying me with flashlights. I am not going to lie, with trying to get some of these ridiculous tome challenges done ( and you know there are a few that are ridiculous) and with how broken matchmaking is, it's genuinely not making this game fun anymore. It feels like have to grind and try to work it around red ranks who want to be jerks just for the sake of being jerks.

I know it's been talked about many, many times but matchmaking is in a very bad spot. We had a survey talking about matchmaking and yet nothing is being done. I don't mind the matchmaking at times but tonight was the first and last straw. Match after match after match, I had red ranks with toolboxes and flashlights, constantly bullying me. Red ranks, why do you make the killer's life a living hell? I did nothing to warrant the bullying. I did not camp, I did not tunnel or bad manner of any kind. I'm more than willing to help survivors with their challenges but help me out for some of the more ridiculous ones? Screw me, apparently. My matches tonight nearly broke me. So to toxic survivors, if a killer has played fairly, don't be a toxic jerk.

Onto to Tome challenges.... what the actual hell? The first part of the tome that came out a couple weeks ago, was not bad and I was able to finish them in about a week. This time around for the Killer challenges, specifically for Huntress and Legion are ridiculous. As soon as I saw hook three survivors in the basement with Territorial Imperative. In. A. Single. Trial. I wanted to scream. Another BS basement challenge. Three this time with Territorial Imperative. I expect this to be on level four for this challenge but no, second level. In a single trial needs to go away. Every match is very situational and matchmaking is not making it any easier when completing. Oh, and grab a survivor from the locker using Iron Maiden? Piss off with that.

TL;DR: FIX MATCHMAKING. Matchmaking is making a few of these challenges nearly impossible. Fix the tome challenges. No more "Complete in a single trial" bs. Toxic, red rank SWFs who bully with flashlights, if a killer has done nothing to warrant bullying, don't bully.


  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    They know. They are working on it.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I'm not even trying that challenge for now. Even at rank 20, I'm getting purples and reds in my matches.

    I've actually stopped playing any killer with a TR for the most part, because it got real old real quick that I'd walk towards survivors only to have a hook get sabo'd the moment they heard my TR for that one challenge. So, I'm playing forever-tier-1 Mikey.

    If they try to bully me with flashlights, then I know they're real pieces of work considering I'm playing just about the weakest least-threatening version of killer I could (barring a meme build that uses add-ons).

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Survivors will try and bully you with flashlights till you give them a reason not to. A few bait smacks and they'll slow up. Its a punishable mistake 90% of the time, and if youre really worried about it run lightborne. If I see more than 2 flashlights in lobby I pull out lightborne freddy. I love lightborne freddy.

    As for territorial imperative, run trapper with agitation, iron grasp and territorial imperative. Really helps to have a purple bag but any bag will do. Trap the window, the open door leading up from the basement and one of the corners on window side (outside of course). Down someone and put them in the basement. If theyre swf even better. You just have to hook 3 people down there, doesnt have to be all at once, but often if you do the traps right youll catch at least one trying to come back out.

    At the end of the day if the match is full of people trying to bully you you have to forget the tome and bully back. Slug, camp, tunnel, whatever the situation calls for as long as you keep your head. Theyre working on fixing match making but you have to learn to deal with them at some point