You know the killer is supposed to kill you, right?
I cant believe how many people complain about killer doing the killers job. The killer is meant to kill you. He's not meant to scare you off gens and then reward you for escaping. He's mean to kill you. You're not entitled to the hatch if you're last alive. The killer isnt meant to follow your rules. He's meant to follow behaviours rules but he's not meant to follow your rule set.
How can someone be this entitled. Dear killer mains. If you decide to get a 4k you're thirsty for bloodpoints. No debate. You're not supposed to kill last survivor apparently.
Adding on to this, this why people state that Tunneling and Camping is a strategy. You are doing your job and killing someone. Slugging someone is also killing someone (although not hooking anyone for no reason is illogical).
13 -
Unless RNG or you did something to impress me. You don't get hatch. I like my BP and seeing the 4k.
14 -
These comments are from a Red rank perspective:
Camping is a terrible strategy as a killer. You will actually derank if the survivors catch on to it. They can do all 5 gens and leave. You will lose points for the ranking emblems because standing under a hooked survivor drastically reduces your chance to PIP.
Slugging is also a terrible strategy, since you don't get any hooks (4 at most) and you will at best get a safety pip, sometimes even de-ranking.
Tunneling is the only actual legit strategy that works, survivors hate it but it's effective. Eliminating one survivor to make it a 1v3 is actually a really good and effective strategy to use. So I 100% encourage that. There are perks to help alleviate that kind of pressure
13 -
I agree with you completely coming from someone who is also red rank.
Camping fails majority of the time, due to it wasting your time, and only works if the hooked survivor suicides or the rest of the team buys the bait.
Slugging works when done moderately (such as you see a player after downing another) but like you stated, when going for a 4 man slug you'll end up hurting your rank more than you helped. Additionally Unbreakable exists.
Agree with what you stated about tunneling.
2 -
no early kills
no noed
no mori
no paroling hooks when you see other survivors near them
no downing the same survivor withing 5 mins
no hurt us
buff ds
sincerely all survivor mains
26 -
Pathetic to defend those "legit strategies", which sole purpose is to keep survivors from playing this game. And you think survivors are toxic. Hilarious again and again.
And: idc if you quote me. Its useless to talk to you guys.
16 -
You weren't prevented from playing, you played and lost. Why is it so hard for survivors to understand this?
"vAlVe ######### a GuY oN tHe OtHeR tEaM sHoT mE, hE's KeEpInG mE fRoM pLaYiNg"
I know you think the game revolves solely around you, but there's a human on the other side of the game, too.
13 -
I will start giving hatch when survivors start giving me a kill on those game I get steamrolled. Till then, no hatch, no matter how potato they are.
5 -
Camping and slugging can be good strategies, if they're used as strategies and not just pursued mindlessly. Camping works against super altruistic survivors who swarm hooks. Slugging works against aggressive survivors who put themselves in harm's way trying to bodyblock or get flashlight saves. Neither works if the surivors don't play into it, but then, there is no strategy that works 100% of the time. The key is circumstance, and how you adapt your playstyle to effectively counter your opponents.
8 -
If I may, its true that the killer's job is to kill, but is it not then the survivor's job to survive?
Just like many killer players dislike things which aid survivors in escaping, many survivor players dislike things which aid the killer in killing them. It's a 2 sided coin.
9 -
yeah but survivor say stupid ######### like why 4k?
0 -
Some people are just stupid.
I've seen people complaining that looping is an exploit. I've seen people saying healing is too quick (after the nerf). I've seen people saying unhooking is too fast, survivors live too long, ds is unfair because I can't tunnel (I've had this in post-game before).
I've also seen slugging being called an exploit, clown being called op, legion consistently gets called op (lmao).
People will be dumb and people will always say stupid things. Saying "The killer's job is to kill" is the same as saying "The survivor's job is to survive." Using this you can justify infinities, old syringes, (old) old pantry, (old old) old ds. The same as you can justify (old) old noed, old 4 blink no downside nurse, old 5 blink nurse, old omegablink™ nurse, old PrayerBeads™ spirit, old ForeverFreddy™.
What I'm saying is, the phrase in the title falls apart under any form of scrutiny. Accept that people will be stupid and move on, maybe drop them a block if the platform supports it so you don't see them again.
15 -
Generic toxic survivor on forums. If the devs say they're strategies. They're strategies. Its sole purpose isnt to stop survivor from playing. It's to win.
5 -
no t bagging
no keys
no toolboxes
no insta heals
no ds
no gen rush
no borrowed time
no dead hard
no exhaustion perks
no pallet stuns
no med kits
no looping
sincerely killer mains
See what I did there?
12 -
Except no one actually does that after Every. #########. Game.
Seriously, that might be the most exhausting part of playing killer. Every. #########. Game. someone has to give their two cents on how you did a mean thing, or a rude thing, or a toxic thing.
Just got out of a game where I got whined at for "camping" even though the exit gates were open and BBQ showed me the other 3 survivors in the exit gate. They insisted I should have "checked the other gate" or "looked for us" instead of securing the kill. Why would I look at the OTHER gate when one is open and YOU'RE ALL THERE?
Christ. I just want to go one game where someone says, "Oh, that was a good play, killer."
7 -
Insta heals dont even exist anymore. I've never seen anyone on forums complain about a good 90% of the things you just mentioned. Who complains about pallet stuns? Most of those I've never seen anyone complain about on forums. Who tf says no med kits?
5 -
Kills aren't everything. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. There is more to this game than seeing 4 skulls on an end screen. Ever noticed in horror how killers tend to play with their victims and scare them before killing them? And before some genius mentions Jason or Myers, that's Slasher and that's a different genre. True HORROR characters don't kill immediately unless they're a mindless animal like the Xenomorph.
This is shown in the Emblem system too! Look at the medal for Malicious, which is based around HURTING survivors, not outright killing them. Or Gatekeeper that's all about forcing them off generators and stalling out the game.
And to put it in perspective, waiting 20 minutes for a game only to be camped/tunnelled/mori'd and overall deleted within 2 minutes is not playing the game. Sitting on a hook for 80% of my time in a match is not playing the game. THAT is what I think @LetsPlayTogether was trying to say.
When I die, I want it to be because I was purely outplayed. Not because the killer didn't want to put in the slightest bit of effort.
10 -
My first game ever in post chat i asked "did i win" (because i didn't know if it would pop up victory or something) and the one of the survivors was like no you didnt but you played good they went on to give me tips but then after that ive gotten maybe 1 or 2 good comments the rest 90048 are all how im a tunneler, bad kill who relies on add ons or op killer etc etc
1 -
You know survivors are supposed to escape the killer right?
9 -
in all my games ive never said any of those (but i have said keys are bull #########). I say gg and move on unless they start to talk ######### but in almost 70% of all games i play some survivor will pop in chat to say why tunnel,mori,noed,sloppy,doctor,freddy,camp,proxy camp,trapper,4k etc etc then finish with saying some insult
1 -
Good, do that. I'll never question survivors for doing anything that helps them toward that goal. Almost no killer does, in fact.
It's pretty much 100% on the survivor side when it comes to, "NO DON'T DO THAT! OR THAT! DO THE THING I WANT!"
I'm just gonna AFK Wraith from now on. According to the Survivor Rulebook, that's peak killer performance.
5 -
To be fair letswhinetogether isn't a generic survivor main at all, most of them you can actually have a discussion with.
2 -
No. That's bull.
You DID play the game. You lost fast. "Did I play the game?" is not predicated on time spent in that game.
If I start a round of CS:GO and walk out in the open and get AWPed right away, I wasn't "stopped from playing the game", I just lost right away. Why is this concept so hard to understand for survivors? Killers are not under any obligation to go easy on you. It's not their job to "make it fun" for you. Nor is it yours to "make it fun" for them. (And when does a killer EVER ask for that, anyway?)
Seriously, just go play KYF if it's important to you guys to have long games with lots of "fun" or something.
4 -
Did I? I spent a lot of time looking with a camera, basically being a passive observer in a match for about a 10th of the time I spent searching for a game.
How is THAT playing?
I say the same thing about getting spawn-peaked in Rainbow Six: Siege. You don't "play the game" if you're killed early off. That's how I see it, and that's how I will say it.
And I play both sides, so don't give me that crap about one side or the other. It's in my name for a reason. I never said that the killer's job is to make the game fun for survivors, only that being deleted super early is not playing the game, in the sense of there was very little time spent in game and even less interaction with other players in the game. Part of the reason I despise Hillbilly and people who rely on his saw. There is no chase, there is no interraction.
I've had better games with only one or two kills than a 4k. I don't care if the last one gets hatch.
Maybe both sides should also respect each other so that we can still have a consistent and less toxic playerbase, but hey. You do you.
7 -
You know survivors are supposed tp do gens and loop the killer Right?
2 -
"Toxic" is demanding that others play the way you want. Again, how survivors don't understand this is mind-boggling to me.
There's literally no other game I can think of where this is SO pervasive. Where one group of players demands that another group plays the way THEY want, and the on top of that has the nerve to call THEM toxic if they don't abide.
1 -
Okay honey, you think you can just come here with my piece of text and put it as if I was writing some entitled survivor main BS. Now, listen here. You may have read it as if I was cocky here and called all killers literal garbage for wanting to get 4 kills. What you didn't get that I was absolutely serious in this text and I was referring to myself in a rather rude manner. I'm calling MYSELF a Spirit who is thirsty for bloodpoints. Because that's the main reason I don't like letting the last survivor escape with a hatch. That's my issue that lead me to think "strange, I thought the escape chance was supposed to be bigger even without me acting like that".
It's really dumb of you to put it in this way considering that I play as killer the major part of my time because I hate the solo survivor cr@p i have to go through. Maybe it's my bad usage of vocabulary that caused you thinking that I was complaining about killers but I even wrote you that I was playing as killer a lot, I'm experience as a killer and I see the issue from both sides and give my opinion on it.
The devs put hatch with the big "it's always a chance to escape" announcement. But the chance was too small in some cases and as the result I can see that the community is fine with it, so whatever.
Now you took it as a whole new level of a thread and instead of calmly discussing it there you just posted my comment here? Holy moly, I'm not really a person who calls people too sensitive but you took it like it was some kind of insult for every single killer player.
I even wrote you that as a survivor I don't like being spared, it shows that I'm the last person to be a whiny little survivor who screams "the hatch must be a free escape". I've NEVER said so, I was only confused about how low the actual escape chance number was. I wouldn't mind making it bigger because right now I either get a team that I demolish and get a 4k, or a get a good team that survives and leaves me with 1-2 kills. It's the picture I get because of the matchmaking we have at the moment, surely I got negative feedback and it's okay, it makes me only happier that noone here us against the way I'm getting my EG kills.
I wrote you in my thread but you had just made your own thread, how cute. I hope now you understand everything because you see too much where there is nothing deep.
0 -
And that's why I don't DEMAND anything. All I ever say to campers, tunnellers and all those other toxic types is "I wasn't a dick to you, so why are you one to me?" simply put, I don't show any signs of toxicity to anyone in game and all I expect is that people do the same.
It's called mutual respect and I wish that more people in this day and age used it.
8 -
So you're not demanding it, but you'll call them toxic dicks if they don't play the way you want.
Mutual respect, indeed.
2 -
Yeah. You don't be a dickhead to me, I'm not to you. You be an absolute tool to me, and you get called out for being a terrible person by ASKING WHY you're a terrible person.
When it comes to dealing with me, I reciprocate the respect shown to me. It's not hard to understand. Treat others how you wish to be treated and all that.
3 -
I see plenty of killers crying here about survivors for using flashlights, baiting the killer by being toxic or generally playing sweaty like there was money on the line.
2 -
Killers playing the game does not make them a terrible person.
Jesus, do you hear yourself? You keep talking like you're taking the high road, but the things you's ridiculous. They're "toxic dicks" if they don't play the way you tell them. They're "terrible people" if they make the strategic choice to chase someone you don't want them to chase.
You can't keep talking about respect when you view other people this way, I'm sorry.
4 -
Said no survivor main above rank 10, ever.
0 -
My dude my brotha my lover i get these messages all the time and im a rank 6 killer
0 -
Your not suppose to kill them. If you do, you get penalized for some stupid reason,even if there on death hook... You have to treat them like a worm and shove a hook through them 3 times, and the entity kills them technically. 🤓😉
1 -
I 100% doubt you were referring to yourself as bloodpoint hungry considering you didnt even use that as a defense in your original reply. Even without your entitlement my point still stands. Theres too many people who complain about killers killing and the way they do it.
2 -
You know it’s a competitive game mode, right? This isn’t like that cheesy F13 game where you’re literally meant to die and the odds of winning or escaping are meant to be poor. It’s not designed like that. Sure they’re not entitled to escaping but neither is the killer entitled to his kills. Nor is it fun to die for someone every game because you feel you’re entitled to simply because “the killer is supposed to kill you” that’s not a good reason. In my opinion it’s not about the killer doing his job, it’s the lack of being able to defend yourself when the killer isn’t effectively doing his job protecting gens and chasing other survivors because he’s tunneling you. Why the hell are Mori’s in the game still I DONT KNOW. They don’t belong there. However, The devs nerf gen coop speed, they nerf loops, they nerf pallet numbers, they nerf everything but don’t touch killers, like ever. and it’s suprising people still sit here and complain about survivors feeling entitled 😂 it goes both ways.
0 -
Nope, I am with PigMainClaudette that playing with some basic respect is not asking too much. Everything in life has ettiquette attached to it and this is no different. When I play killer I adhere to just common decency because the survivors waited to get in that match same as me, they are trying to get points and pips same as me. And guess what I very rarely get any kind of blowback in post-chat regardless of the matches outcome.
I also do view killer as if I am hosting the party and survivors are my guests. Their enjoyment of the round is essentially in my hands, so this "it is not my responsibility to make sure someone else has fun" is a selfish and childish statement.
When I play survivor I do try to gauge how the killer is fairing and have and do give them a kill if it seems like it went real rough. I play with one other person about half the time and we have both given hooks to killers who were struggling. So my game-play is generally fairly altruistic to both sides.
2 -
Conversely, a survivor is supposed to survive. Its all in the name as well. So don't get mad when they 'genrush' or use DS or all those 'second chance perks'.
1 -
So you're basically farming. That part is fine with me.
And you think other people are "childish", "selfish", "indecent" and whatever else if they don't do it the way you want....What?
What is it with you guys who keep trying to take this high-horse, I'm-a-better-person attitude, but then talk like this just because people play a game differently? Why do you feel justified passing such harsh judgments on real players based on who they chase as a killer?
1 -
Play however you want. When no one sticks around passed 1st hook because you decided your modus operandi was to be an #########, don't come crying here about it 🤷
1 -
So you're going to ragequit as well on top of passing so much judgment on people, and still blame the killer for it?
This is like seriously like the video game equivalent of Affluenza.
1 -
The only acceptable rules apart from the game's is any you put on yourself. For example, I only mori as an emergency pressure tool (and only bring greens unless I'm sure I can do a climactic endgame, being someone who prefers enacting terror rather than slaughtering everyone) with exceptions to perks like Devour Dope and Rancor.
0 -
If I'm to be honest here, and based on my observations of this thread - You're the one who's taking things a bit too literal and assuming / jumping to conclusions that, despite other's saying that THEY like to play fairly/nice/wholesome, that you think they're saying "you play by my rules". I don't see this as the case at all. People play how they want, you can't really control that aside from what rules may exist.
I honestly feel like you're the one passing judgment on people way too quickly.
But overall, I think it's better to keep the "I'm nice until I feel like I've been wronged" mentality. That's my mentality while playing at least.
As both a killer and survivor, I'm generally wholesome until I feel like I've been wronged.
That being said ...
As a killer: I don't camp, I don't tunnel, I don't smack people on hooks, I don't nod / BM - Unless I feel like the survivor was an ass to me.
As a survivor: I don't use flashlights at all, I never tbag, I never point at the killer, I don't even run "crutch perks" - Unless I feel I was wronged.
Why? Because "that's how everyone should play"?? No, absolutely not. It's because that's how I want to play and how I like to play.
I'm a very casual gamer who simply wants to have fun and enjoy myself. Being an Internet troll is not at all enjoyable to me.
Also, @PigMainClaudette if I ever see you as my killer, can I boop your snoot? <3
1 -
And I highly doubt you're a both side player who just doesn't stick to a killer side because your replies just show it! ❤️ If you're gonna keep my comment as an example of your argument here, it just proves it, because you only want to hear evil criticism towards your side so you could come here and write "Look at these survivors who say killers shouldn't kill, how dumb!"
Instead of explanation you rushed to create this thread, you even wrote a comment referring to it as if you made some valid points. What a comeback! But the truth is that you just mocked your own side into the ground because you only saw what you wanted to see. I wrote "Well, I just get constant 4k and don't let survivors escape because I love bloodpoints, kinda wack that survivor can do nothing about it", you saw and put it here as if it was "lmao, yeah, I'm a rank 14 killer who just started playing and I get a lot of kills, killers are easy, nerf them and give a free hatch escape for survivors". Do I need to send you screenshots to prove you that it's you the one making things up? Or let's go into a private match with me as a killer, it would be fun! But, Idk, playing against a Blendette with self-care isn't productive.
On the side note, not every single person that disagrees with you is an arrogant survivor main, love. Keep being pressed, very mature. I like complaining about survivors too, but just except that no matter how many times you scream into a wall, nothing will change. Just don't let yourself go down on the same leve-... Ooops, you already did! How pitiful. We don't like hearing whiny survivors, are we? When stop whining about others yourself.
And your nickname... Is it some kind of irony? Because otherwise the irony would be your presence here. 😍
0 -
Your statement doesn't even make sense.
On top of passing what judgement on people? 😂
And yes, if someone is hellbent on being a douche about their game play, I just kill myself and go on to the next match. I don't play video games with people who derive their enjoyment out of ruining other people's fun. If you want to be the stinky kid on the playground, by all means. But no one will want to play with you. That's your fault. 🤷
1 -
In essence, yes. I have no problem with this translation, up unto the toxic point. I remove myself from toxicity. I am not the root cause of it. :)
1 -
You can try, but I'm likely to boop back.
0 -
It is actually the Killer's fault in a lot of cases, for the aforementioned reason. Killers have to take some level of responsibility for their own actions. Especially when they know going into a match that their goal is to make sure everyone else doesn't enjoy themselves. It's not illegal to be an ######### to people, but you sure as ######### can't expect them to want to be around you when you are. It has nothing to do with skill. It's common sense.
3 -
I have no issue with DCs, players should not be forced to endure toxic behavior from others. So I equally do not have issue with people suiciding on hook. BHVR has left this as the only option against poor sportsmanship, and I employ it when necessary and save my DCs for special kinds of ridiculousness.