So, why is there no Auric Cells in the rift's free pass?



  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Sorry to bump an old topic, but this is the first rift I've seen and it honestly seems really lame. I searched for info on the rifts and found this thread. Really had to lol @ the people talking about how giving away $2 worth of fake currency is somehow actually giving away real money. Like, dude, no. There's a reason every mobile game under the sun (and literally any game with a paid currency and a battle pass) gives away that premium currency: Because it's never enough to actually buy something you want, so you either save up for multiple events in a row to get a single item, or it encourages people who would otherwise never spend a dime to tell themselves that they can't let that premium currency "go to waste."

    The fact that this company doesn't do it is frankly astounding. You ease people into spending money, and once they make their first purchase, it's a well-known fact for over a decade now that they are TREMENDOUSLY more likely to make more purchases in the future, because the friction of the first purchase is gone. You lubricate that first purchase as hard as you possibly can without actually giving it away.

    It's honestly kind of scummy, but so are battle passes in general, but here we somehow have all the scumminess of a battlepass without any of the meager benefits provided by battle passes in other games.

    If it's a licensing issue, just flag free auric cells and make a red-text disclaimer saying you cannot purchase licensed characters with free cells, and put that same text on the licensed characters. But even that makes no sense, because you get auric cells from the premium rift, and you can already use those to buy licensed characters, so do they just give away the money you spent on the rift to the license holder? I have no idea, but I do know that I really like how bad the rifts are in this game, because I'll never be tempted to waste money on them. It's nice to not have to be tempted by microtransactions.

  • Breadz
    Breadz Member Posts: 59

    Sorry I know you've already gotten enough hate for this post but none of these people put it clearly. Basically the game isn't entitled to give you free things. Giving free items and cosmetics is usually done by games to bait you into buying more cosmetics because of your positive experience. Games like Fortnite give players free skins which makes them want to spend money on in-game currency because they get a taste of what its like to look different from other players. Free items are also given out if it can be afforded, for example: BHVR already doesn't make a lot of money on this game because cosmetics are a huge disadvantage in this game and don't look good when trying to fit the lore. They are also extremely expensive because the people who buy the cheap cosmetics are the same people who would still put their money up for the more expensive ones because they have low standards. At the end of the day you should never expect anything that's free but rather be surpised and grateful at the amazing treatment BHVR has given their game. There are a lot of games that don't receive as much love and managing a huge game like this is insanely hard believe it or not. DBD's game engine is also very weak hence why its not optimized. Right now if you really want cosmetics just purchase them.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Uh... what does that have to do with the fact that the battle pass is terrible regarding the rest of the games that have one?

    They are way more generous for being free to play, yet this game has so much paid DLC and stuff that it doesn't feel right to not have decent stuff in it, it's filled with recolors and charms.

    Never said I was entitled to be given "free" stuff, but why do other games which are free to play have this treatment instead? BHVR has been releasing a ton of cosmetics, increased the grind in the current tome, give little to no boosts towards getting at 70 in the pass even when you pay for the premium version and way more things are wrong with it.

    Hate to break it to you, but amazing treatment? Colorblind issues are not being regarded after so much time, graphical options are still non-existant after 3 years... and I do not believe BHVR would release so many cosmetics if they didn't get a lot of money from it, there's way too many and little quality of life changes in return, you've got it all wrong.

  • Breadz
    Breadz Member Posts: 59

    Sorry but DBD has been super generous to us. Game developers aren't required to do good and bring out updates and that's their choice. Like I said earlier don't act entitled to anything that wasn't stated as mandatory. BHVR doesn't have in their TOS that the game will be updated when you buy it. Right now the only thing floating this game still is cosmetics and some people buy it hence why they still work on this game. If you think the cosmetics are overpriced then don't buy them. One of the reasons they also haven't worked on color blind settings is because of 2 reasons. Number 1 is that even without colorblind settings the game is still playable by color blind players, If it wasn't than they wouldn't have been asking for that option because they obviously love the game. The game might be harder without color blind options but it's definitely still playable. Number 2 being the fact that there are not many color blind players in this game. Sure its an easy fix but BHVR has way bigger problems then fixing the game for some limited players.

  • Breadz
    Breadz Member Posts: 59

    Also just to add other huge free to play games give out free skins because then they make money from those players who get a taste of the cosmetics. Games like Fortnite give out free items which highers the chance of players buying cosmetics. Game companies aren't generous and aren't for a reason. They don't make a lot of money to start off with and it requires a lot of money to make a game. It's hard to have innovative ideas and have a game that doesn't flop for no reason like so many others. Fortnite ofc is going to greed right now because this could be their only chance.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Literally every game I've played, any, has accessibility options... and they might look generous to you, but I don't see it the same way, plus I repeat nobody is being entitled, just asking why every single other pass has in game currency in both tracks while DbD being a paid one has absolutely none? It's grindy beyond most of those games, less rewarding, and it's not only fortnite as an example, not so bigger games have got battle passes who do a lot better and yet again, have got in game currency for free.

    DbD is generous yet they dodged every single question about colorblind options, even though it's been asked many many times, then again, if you're not colorblind I don't expect you to understand how they struggle and neither am I, but its a matter of respect towards them for paying the game and keeping them around.

    They don't make a lot of money yet they've got Stranger Things license which is not any cheap? Or Silent Hill? No, it's fishy, they could do a much better work with the pass and that's not being generous at all.

    Several licensed DLCs, and a bunch of non-licensed paid DLCs, you'd expect they'd at least make something nice that isn't paid in this battle pass.

    Patches are slow for problems that last way too long, seen multiple games fix critical/important gamebreaking bugs in their games in a matter of days, not until the mid chapter or next chapter come out.

    Also, the free pass being so empty is rather depressing, there's not even a few shards, what's the point of it? I'm not paying a lackluster premium pass filled with charms and recolors, love the archives, but the battle pass wasn't needed in this game.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    Cause they want yo money. Selfish much, yes, considering theres nothing at all on the free pass portion worth anyones while.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    I ain't OK with it. It feels like BHVR is just a few minimeters away from adding Lootboxes to their macro-transaction grind hell that's Dead by Daylight.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Why we don't have auric cells in the free pass? Here's why:

    You're a chad if you understand what I meant.

  • Breadz
    Breadz Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2020

    Lmfao you think no colorblind settings keep color blind players from playing? Why would they complain about it if they didn't care? There are boonk ways of doing your own color blind that sure, don't work really well but if they love the game then they will struggle. Like I already said, there are hardly any color blind players. Plus again like I already said in my original post which you ignored, This game doesn't have to give us free ingame currency. If you like cosmetics buy auric cells. Don't bicker to the game especially when it never said it was mandatory and isn't that scummy. How do you think BHVR even makes money? Ask some of your friends if they know this game and I guarentee you they will say no, and even if they don't ask them who makes this game. Also why do you think they act so stubbornly to give us license's that we want? Because some of them don't make them money. Grabbing the Micheal Myers license created a ######### ton of cash flow for them because fans of that series joined their game and started buying #########, same thing with Stranger Things also. Also the reason there are so many ######### bugs that are in the game is because of BHVR built this game on a ######### engine and thats also the reason this game runs pretty bad. Last thing, no one said you needed to buy the premium battle pass so stop making a whole fricking post whining about why this game should give you free game currency that they could of possibly made money off of.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    BHVR isn't a multi quadrillion dollar company like Epic or Activision/IW. They can't just hand out premium currency unless for a special event such as the contest winners.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Your whole reasoning is flawed and filled with insults towards me, so... why do you even bother writing in this whole topic and filling it with random arguments if you don't even understand the base of it?

    Read better and understand better my reasoning IN ALL of my posts, instead of coming to conclusions which makes you look bad.

    Keep adding insults, that won't prove your point.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    And as a last thing, if you're gonna bump a thread which is several months old, at least bring some arguments that are worthwhile reading,

    you loving this game or how the devs are handling it is of no importance to what this thread means, and if you're gonna get so salty about me bringing up solid arguments against yours, do leave this thread and stop wasting time repeating the same over and over.

    Kindly answer properly regarding this thread or leave, I don't care, but stop throwing your crap at me.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    so the obvious question to ask here is that why aren't there iri shards in the free version of the battle pass

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Why not giving tiny BP quantity like this

    Tier 1 100 BP

    Tier 2 200 BP

    Tier 3 300 BP

    Tier 4 400 BP


    Tier 10 10000 BP


    Tier 47 :4700 BP

    Tier 70 70000 BP

    I think it would be somekind of encouraging element.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450

    They don't want you to enjoy the free track.

    You being happy with the free track makes you less likely to feel pressured into buying the paid track.

    This means they earn less money.

    To them your happiness is less valuable than the cost of the battlepass.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    That'd be bloody nice but i'd guess they don't want to do that because it's essentially free money.