Where to Post?

widescreen Member Posts: 49
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

So I have some ideas on The Pig's Add On(s) rework, potentially coming in the distant future. I was wondering where can I post that to get back some thoughts and opinions and of course a response from any Devs or even a slight acknowledgment that they've read it and perhaps to take some of it into consideration? The reason why, is because I saw in an old Dev pod cast, they mentioned a bunch of killers that are going to some sort of rework. Similar as to what happened with The Doctor and The Nurse, of the most recent killers to get it. Another reason why I am interested in seeing this come fruition is because, anyone who has played The Pig knows some of her Add Ons are really bad; it lacks synergy with how the maps are moving towards. Hence EGC, where the old "end game Pig build" is somewhat useless now. Its also very underwhelming to see most of her Add Ons tied to the RBT and half way through the match, you have no more usage from the Add Ons. Id really like to share my thoughts/ideas, just wondering where to post it? Cheers <3


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I'd reccomend posting it in Feedback and Suggestions.