My thoughts on the spirit

Witherrr Member Posts: 85

The spirit is a very controversial killer in dead by daylight: and for good reason. She offers very little information in a chase for the survivors to work with when she phases, leaving the survivors to take wild guesses, hoping they either confuse the spirit or get enough distance to make it to another loop before she catches them. It's has very little aspect of skill and more of just flipping a coin, and if the coin lands on the wrong side, end chase for you. This makes for very boring gameplay and lack of survivor-killer interaction, and I think with how gens are we already have the lack of interaction bad enough. Most of the reason people think spirit is justified is because she can end chases quickly and still be able to pressure the map similar to nurse, but does that necessarily make her a skilled killer? In my opinion, not really. With nurse she can take a very long time to master, and in the right hands is very devastating, and easily an S-tier killer. The spirit on the other hand, for being arguably the second best killer, doesn't really require too much skill and time into her, because most of her gameplay is just pure guesswork

Although I believe spirit is unfair, I don't believe she deserves to be nerfed into oblivion, I think instead the devs should rework her ability, nothing too crazy like freddy, just make it more skill more rewarding for putting time into the killer, reward good play, standing still is not good play and it shouldn't reward you a hook and a pop. I personally liked otz's idea for spirit (found in my suggested buffs/changes to all killers video), but I think there are many ways to keep spirit's core ability and just make it more skill-orientated and more fair for survivors.

I personally love the killer, I love her design, backstory, and I think her power has a lot of potential to be great for both sides: this can be a great killer! But I just don't find it very fun when a spirit stands still and I can't do anything about it but just either guess she's faking it or guess she isn't faking it, and I don't feel very rewarded when I play her and constantly 4k without even feeling like I tried, just sat back and laughed at how stupid survivors looked when you stood still and they had no idea what to do. Any thoughts? And before you say it, no, the glass shards trick doesn't work, it barely glows for most of the other cosmetics and you can't always walk up to a spirit to see if she's phasing or not without getting smacked in the process.

And if I can't change your mind, check out what some of the content creators have to say about her, scott, zubat, umbra, and otz all have very great opinions about her that I found myself in agreement a lot of the time.

Let's not nerf spirit, let's make her a better killer for everyone