As unlikely as it is, How would you react if Chapter 16 was based around Scooby-Doo



  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

    If I could play as one of the hex girls, I'd jump for joy

  • RavCav_
    RavCav_ Member Posts: 59

    I don't think most of the culprits in scooby doo would be evil enough to be selected by the entitiy except for maybe Scrappy Doo. Now he is pure evil. (at least in the movie's canon).

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I wish it was his, but it wasnt Otz' build or playstyle(although Otz was definitely scarier). It simply was a regular clown using insidious from the rafters, probably inspired by otz, and because he had devour hope, he kept a bit more distance, but we never knew he was upstairs and just waiting for us to slowly walk towards him so he could swandive. Its utterly terrifying. Let alone that we had no clue where to start moving, because once he had 3 devour stacks, he just randomly picked a generator, stood close to it, but just out of sight, waited for insidious and once he heard it being worked on he came around the corner taking 2 people with ease. And if he got bored, he simply stood around a random corner, waiting for one of us to use that path and scare the ######### out of that person. I couldnt even know where the killer was with Spine Chill. I knew he was looking at me, but I didnt know if he did it on purpose and was secretly waiting for me to get closer, or if he just happened to look in my direction while he was listening for nearby grass to move. It really makes you stop and look around, then try and guess where the killer is, investigate from a distance to make sure and hope you dont accidentally walk into him.

    Scariest game I ever played and we only ended up finishing 3 gens. We were too afraid to go to any generator without looking everywhere in the first place, and it turned out that this ######### also ran discordance, so once we did find a generator, ofcourse we would start working on it together to finish it ASAP, and if he thought the gen was too far, he simply didnt come and kept waiting. Yet people still claim insidious is a terrible perk. If you can use insidious in your favor, you can literally scare survivors to such an extend that they are too afraid to run around in the first place and will think twice about every single move they make. Want to go for the devour? What if he is watching that totem from a distance and just waiting for someone to start cleansing it, only to take that person out? Want to go through that window for a shortcut to another gen? What if he is on the opposite side leaning against the wall just waiting for someone to be lazy and take a shortcut? Want to unhook a player? What if he dug a hole in the ground and will grab my ankles once I try to unhook the survivor? You never know with those type of players, they could somehow pull it off too.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Sounds pretty fun! I wish we had more games like that. Every game is just a sweatfast, typically.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Late to this post, but I would instantly buy a Scooby Doo DLC.