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New Killer idea - The Thing

C0dy0 Member Posts: 14

(moved from the killers form)
This idea is based on the horror movie 'The Thing" 1982 by ' John Carpenter'
It would have the killer change shape as one of the survivor that is in the trail.
me:"how horrific it would be for your sheer delight of your friend coming to help you fix a generator..only to find out he isn't really your friend"

word of warning: i want to keep this open for edits and improvements. I myself am not a game developer, i do not know what it would take to build it, or to keep it from breaking the game. with that said lets get to it!

His main perk 'Morph'(a better name is much needed)
Morph allows the 'Thing' to change modes at will (from killer to survivor)
changing form of the survivor that is the farthest.
as well as making the survivor list ether incorrect of obstructed(maybe a perk)
muffle hook screams and hides the location that the survivor was hooked(also might be a perk)[

a Few perks i have an idea for is
'Friend or foe?': ether every survivor emits a Fake terror radius or a debuff radius ->(for every survivor near you slow repair,heal etc by a small %)

'I am you':(this perk works similar to the obsessions )"you are so dull, and unimportant, you will be the perfect hiding place" The urge to REPLACE a survivor is strong. when ever the obsessed fails a check his aura is revealed for a short time.(edit)

the main point is to cause hysteria and paranoia.
