Would the alien really work in dbd?

First things first, I’m not trying to hate on the idea of Alien, and if that’s the next killer I would be happy for the people who wanted the alien. The thing I’m wondering is would the Alien really work? I usually think back to Alien isolation (obviously) when thinking about how they could implement it. How would it work? There wouldn’t be vents for the suspense of just walking around, unless that was the power? I think face huggers being the power would just be too pig like, I just don’t know how it could possibly work well. What are some powers you guys could think of for Alien?


  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    No. Not with all the outdoor maps

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I dint thjnk so personally, but who knows. Might be ok

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    What I'd personally love is the ability to climb on walls in indoor maps and the ability to crawl over tiles.

    It would need balanced accordingly but I think it would make chases interesting. No can't just look left and right now, especially when looping.

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    Wouldn’t be the worst idea, but I feel like it wouldn’t be as good for certain maps like cold wind

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    On tiles it would be, if balanced correctly. Corn maps have loads of tiles so it work nicely I thought.

    It's an early draft idea that would need so much fine tuning to work.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    There's a lot more to the Xenomorph then just vents.... we see it climb, pounce, tail whip etc... so what if they can give the option to climb on top of a wall and perfom an insta down by pouncing on a survivor? maybe it could also the eggs and have the face huggers involved but I'm unsure, if that did become the case it would mean that BHVR would need to implement AI in the game. AI in the game would be a major refresher for the game imo... it'd be kinda cool to have a face hugger and the xenomorph chasing after myself lol

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I'm just spitballing here, but if the Xenomorph ever came to DbD, I'd say it should function as an ambush predator with some zoning potential. I'm envisioning something that would mix some elements of Hillbilly, Hag, and Pig, but probably be most similar to Demogorgon as a whole.

    The Basics:

    -Movement Speed: 115% (though 110% could be arguable too)

    -Terror Radius: 32m (other considerations were 28m or 24m)

    -Height: Medium or Tall (I'm picturing bigger than Billy, but smaller than Huntress due to the Alien's natural posture).

    Primary Power: Egg Traps

    First, I'd say the Alien's main power is setting traps. It would create 'nests' (similar to DG's portals) which would gradually grow into facehugger eggs (maybe after like 10-15 seconds). These would act like motion sensors (similar to Hag's traps) with three stages. In the first stage, survivors could crouch past to prevent them from triggering, but stage two (occurring after 30-40 seconds; top of the egg peels open) would go off if a survivor is within range and line of sight at all. Stage three would simply be a cooldown phase when the trap is inactive (after triggering) when survivors could destroy it or it would recharge (returning to stage one after 20 seconds).

    -Alien has a limited number of these egg traps (probably 4-6 tops). The Alien can interact with any stage one or stage three egg trap to instantly set it into stage two. Alien can also use an attack on their egg traps to destroy them (freeing one up to be set elsewhere).

    -If triggered. these 'egg traps' would create a loud noise indicator for the killer and launch a facehugger at the survivor. Depending on whether the facehugger hits the front or back of the survivor, different effects would activate:

    --Front: Facehugger grabs the survivors face and applies a 5% hindered debuff and Blindness. Could maybe also put a large black shadow across the survivor's screen to simulate their vision being blocked. Survivors would do a channel similar to "Snap Out of It" with skillchecks to remove the facehugger.

    --Rear: Facehugger latches onto the survivor's back. Causes Exhaustion for as long as it is attached with a 5-second cooldown once removed. It will also cancel any sprinting effects that were in use when it attached itself. Running will automatically fill a channel that will knock the facehugger off when full (equivalent of running for about 7-10 seconds).

    *The Alien would see the affected survivor's aura for 3 seconds after the facehugger attaches itself.

    *Afflicted survivors will make "grunts of pain" regardless of their health state while the facehugger is attached.

    *A nearby survivor can remove either facehugger faster than the afflicted survivor can by themself.

    -Facehuggers can be burned off with flashlights. A stage two egg trap can be prematurely sent into stage three (inactive) by burning the top of the egg with a flashlight.

    --Survivors can interact with stage three egg traps (visualized by the egg peeling further, about halfway down its height) to remove them. This involves a channel similar to sealing portals which will involve creating a makeshift firebomb to explode the egg. Once the channel is finished, the egg will explode after 5 seconds, giving a noise indicator to the killer. The egg trap's 'recharge timer' (returning it to stage one) is paused while survivors interact with it.

    *The Alien and any survivors caught in the radius of the exploding egg trap will be briefly stunned.

    Secondary Power: Predatory Charge

    -Basically think of Pig's Ambush attack, but using the acceleration and sprint mechanics from LF and Billy. Holding the button for a few seconds makes the Alien begin to sprint in a straight line with average turning ability (roughly on par with Oni's Demon Dash or "Manuevera-Billy-T"). The Alien does need about 2-3 seconds to accelerate to full speed (which is probably around 150% or 160% of survivor's running speed).

    -If sprinting at full speed, the Alien will automatically leap across vaults (triggered at the last possible second upon reaching an eligible vault). However, the angle of approach must be equivalent to what a survivor would need to achieve a fast vault. If the angle is off (such as when the game would force the survivor to medium vault instead), then the Alien will NOT leap through the window. There is no limit to the amount of vaults that the Alien can leap through in this manner, so long as it has remaining stamina and is approaching the vaults from a good angle.

    *Running into a wall for more than 3 seconds will automatically end Alien's sprint.

    -The Alien CANNOT vault pallets, but will automatically reach its tail across any downed pallets it collides with (while sprinting at full speed). This tail attack does not harm survivors, but it will pull them to the Alien's side of the pallet (with the Alien's body blocking them from immediately vaulting across the pallet again).

    -Speaking of Stamina, that is how this part of its power is monitored. Over time, a gauge will refill itself allowing the Alien to charge. Successful attacks on survivors (basic or sprint attacks) will refill a chunk of the stamina gauge. Envision this as a square meter similar to Legion's Frenzy, but only the bottom three sides will fill up on their own. The top side of the square is filled exclusively from attacking survivors (or add-ons).

    -After beginning a sprint, the Alien is faced with a short mini-stun upon ending the charge (similar to Oni ending his Demon Dash. Doesn't mess with vision, just a major slowdown as speed returns to normal). If the stamina meter was below 1/3rd full (or empty) when the sprint ended, the Alien will also suffer an additional fatigue stun (like Legion or Nurse).

    *The Alien can use its sprint at any time provided at least a third of its stamina gauge is full.

    *An attack initiated while sprinting is NOT considered a basic attack (same as with Pig's Ambush or DG's Shred).

    ...And that's what I've come up with so far. I promise it started a lot smaller in my head (just egg traps and sprint-leaping through windows) and I just kept building upon it as ideas flowed in. I still don't necessarily know if we'll see The Alien added in the future or if it'll work anything like this, but we did get Demogorgon, so it's not an impossibility.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Be able to jump on top of walls at tiles, or run along walls for a limited duration. With a shred like attack.

    Stunning the killer would inflict deep wounds because of acid blood. Though that would be a good perk too.

    If we get the queen, maybe she can place eggs like traps that trigger and cause the survivor to struggle while getting them off. Tie it into a power where if a survivor triggered a certain number of traps, they can be morid on death hook.

    Running on 4 legs but lose tracking like legion

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    I think a difference for face hugger eggs could be area denial, place an egg at a location, while placed it acts as a sentry so to speak, given you aura reading potential with survivors in range of it, if survivors stay in range of the egg, say 15 meters for 10 seconds they get face hugged. They can break the egg but face a difficult skill check, if fail they get a mechanic system like pig. In either scenario i see it as useful. Then perhaps a movement ability, a short 6 second on all fours charge, if connects it applies deep wounds and mangled on hit

    As for perks well, acidic blood should be one to spray aoe blood on stun coating a damaging substance on pallets/lockers, also consumes flashlight by dissolving it. Another perk to see any rushed action as a nod to xenomorph relying on hearing than actually seeing.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Why not?

    Other killers (Freddy is a prime example) work just fine, because they water down their powers and make them work inside the context of the game.

    So yeah, Xenomorphs would just run around like a biped, hitting you with their Mouse1 claw and having some other alien-themed power.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Depends how it's implemented. Aliens have been portrayed in a lot of ways from movies to video games. Not to mention all the varieties of sub breeds. Most likely it's long whip like tail would probably be one of the primary focuses of its power in dbd as I presume wall walking is out. Having a long range melee able to hit past pallets and over some loops could be interesting. Probably give him a speedy crawl for low visibility too.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I wish it was alien and that he would become the old idea people had for hag when she was called Crawler before she got released. Basically that he would be albe to climb over and on any walls in all maps. That would be as cool as flying killer wink wink.

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    Glad everyone is more creative than me with these ideas XD the crawling on stuff idea would be great, maybe on the ceiling too for indoor maps like Hawkins. Still not sure on the eggs though I mean they could just be like the pit traps but if they were to actually make a new alien and have a little minion or something running around that would be cool sort of? Guess we’ll have to wait and see, but yeah now I can actually see it in the game working better than before.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Easy out would be acid sorta like The Plague,and Face Huggers sorta like The Pig. As far as map,I dunno. Obviously the ship maybe with lots of corridors.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/151793/xenomorph-killer-no-survivor-yet#latest. This is me and my son's vision for how the Xenomorph could work. I think laying eggs is the function of the queen and when she's doing that she's hooked up to some ghastly biological apparatus looking thing and otherwise quite stationary, so we thought it would be more fun to start as facehuggers (from eggs laid in the basement) and build towards the Xeno bursting forth. No charge attack (do we really need another one of those? besides really the Xeno should be turning on a dime). We're both in the crawling on walls and obstacles camp with an added pounce attack for good measure. Wouldn't be opposed to a super lunge attack with it's tail instead though if I'm being honest.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Short answer - Of course Alien could work.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    The alien would be great on indoor maps, especially if they made it saw that it could walk on walls and ceilings. Unfortunately, i think she would be out of place on many of the outdoor maps.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited May 2020

    Obviously not everything would work. Wall crawling being one of those things.

    I think that there is enough in his arsenal to allow him to be a part of the DbD roster. Demogorgon already feels a little bit like him in the movement department.

    I would be excited if the hooks worked like this:

    The hook would look something like this...

    The survivor hooked would be cocooned to the hook. Allow the Xenomorph to lay eggs around the hook, so that survivors have to walk in order to make a safe unhook (Similar to Hag traps) or else the they are attacked by a facehugger that starts by chocking the victim by their neck (Similar to mend time), and if not pulled away in time the facehugger attaches itself and the survivor HAS to find a location to remove it.

    There are so many ways they could go with this.