Its About Time To Show Killers If They Are Against SWF

TheButcher Member Posts: 871

In the end game scoreboard, so then they can actually get better at the game taking the information into account - instead of just assuming every loss "is only because you are swf".



  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Lol I felt like that was a bit click baity, but I couldn't think of anything shorter that still got the message across.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Devs are too afraid doing anything against survivor mains

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 650

    Its been requested SO many times. The devs must surely be aware by now and thinking about something

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I certainly wouldn't say no to it but by the end of the game, I've either killed everyone, got super depressed facing off against a SWAT Team, or usually something inbetween.

    Knowing that they were ACTUALLY a SWF at the end doesn't really matter to me. Game's Over and knowing I faced SWF doesn't change that.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,346

    And so would nearly every other killer out there, me included, and send already bad queue times soaring. Since SWF is here to stay, probably as is, we must improve the solos and then rebalance killers around that. It's the only way now.

    I can see why they are hesitant to put an indicator even at the tally screen, as i think it would only increase the salty ass messages both ways, no matter the match's outcome.

  • Ribbles
    Ribbles Member Posts: 118

    When is he NOT having a meltdown? I never seen a guy so easily trolled. Repeatedly.

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240
    edited May 2020

    Sure. Then I can know when to pack a Mori on red ranks.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm in favor of this. I'd like to know this, myself. But then, this deals with SWF, and we all know the devs pretend SWF doesn't exist. Their inaction in balancing with SWF is case in point.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    U know this thing kinda happened in smite(a moba). People would complain that q'ing with your friends that were in your rank gave an unfair advantage because they tend to work better together and smite looked it up and they agreed that people who q'd rank together would win more often then if they q'd solo so they but a limit on it and you could only q with one other person for a max party of 2 for ranked only if you played anything else you could 5 man q if you wanted to.Just something to think about

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2020

    this was requested 1000 times already or even more. they are not gonna do it because would separate and divide community also killer will dodge 99% of time making the game impossible tro play BUT i do think SWF should have debuffs, also the killer should get rewarded by surprise at the end of the game with double points or something after having to deal with so much stress specially in red ranks, for real we red ranks killers are doing a favor to this game by actually playing at these ranks tbh.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2020

    Is the same man, doesnt change the fact that if u remember those names next time u will DODGE or bring an ebony.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You can already check their profiles for SWF, so nothing would change.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    not if those are PRIVATE, as mine for example, i never give any information to the other survivors or teh killer that may thing im a try hard survivor for having more than 2k hours or whatever.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Making your profile private just makes people think you are indeed a tryhard with over 2k hours. Multiple private profiles makes people think SWF.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I mean, I can already see that groups are in Steam. And they are a pretty tremendous amount of the time.

    Not the end of the world, but it also definitely feels like the devs were lying or being misleading in some way when they claimed some tiny number.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    not really i know for fact that lots of killers avoid situations of survivors with lots of hours after seeing their profiles. by making your profile private they would play the match specially if u have a baby skin, also the higher the hours the higher the chance of getting a mori i know that for a fact aswell because frequently i play baby skins so it works like a champ for me the amount of moris i get are way less by making my profile private and using baby skins.

    however i play both sides and pretty much 60/40. 60 killer (used to be lke 85/15 before i met some good people to play with friends) so i know what other killers do when they see public profiles, they will dodge or pick an ebony if they have way more hours than you.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    The best is when 3 are private but the 4th person isn't and has the other 3 on their friends list.


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Nah, the best is when only one has all the others as friends, so you check one profile, see one other guy, and figure it's, at worst, a double 2-man SWF, but it's actually a 4-man SWF.

    I'd wager I'm 80/20, maybe 90/10 (survivor main), and I don't blame killers for wanting to dodge people who use certain skins or have a ######### ton of hours. In my experience, those are the more toxic ones.

  • ironiron
    ironiron Member Posts: 101

    Maybe give bonus BP for going against swf and bonus BP for playing as a solo survivor

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If I pay you to get kicked in the balls, you're still getting kicked in the balls, the money doesn't change that. "Bribing" people into playing unfun/tilted matches isn't the right course of action.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    to avoid every killer lobby dodging, and to account for wnidows players who dont appear on steam users friend lists. I think it should show whos swf in the post game screen

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,892

    Yeah, and when I play with some people that I met in a previous match and we are not even using voice comms, we will get nice messages from the killer...

    well I do get the occasional comment that it was obvious we were SWF when I solo queue sooo, not that big of a deal. But still. It’s pretty much shaming those that are not even doing what you really want to know: voice comma or not. And this is not possible to know for the devs.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd say after the game is over it would be good. Show how many were swf then give bonus Bloodpoints from facing them. People may have a meltdown though when they can't blame their loss on a 4 man swf lol

    Definitely not before the game though. Don't want to have lobby dodge simulator.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,678

    In the Post Game Screen - sure.

    But it will be a shocker for many Killers to see that they lost against 4 Solos and cannot blame SWF for their lack of Skill.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    yes,most survivors you fight are swf so i'm up for that

  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    Yeah, I'd like this information. Most of the time they claim that they aren't in SWF groups, and if thats true I just happen to run into a lot of well coordinated telepaths. Knowing would help to improve things.

    Did I just get my butt kicked, or did they have an advantage? It would be awesome to know that.

  • raulblideran
    raulblideran Member Posts: 225

    Don't. I want to keep thinking that every good survivors are actually SWF.

    Fr now, I would definitely agree with this so in this way it would show how the ranks logic worked.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, there are survivors that get 4kd long before all gens are done and still try to shame the killer for using noed. Seems like they are not shocked, they blame noed anyway. So not much of a difference there.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    But what if, just what I’d hear me out... he realized the team he lost to was really all four solo survivors?!? I would love to hear his excuse at that point

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Which was ######### stupid. Smite is a game based on teamwork, and tournaments are won by full teams of 5. They limited being able to actually do well with an actual cohesive group BECAUSE PEOPLE COMPLAINED that they couldnf compete. NO #########. A full 5 person team is better than randoms. Make friends, play with them. But no, they'd rather #########, have the 5 person removed and play with 2 in a team max. UNFAIR ADVANTAGE to play smart with a team in a team game? FoH.

    All that aside, smite is a competetive moba with equal teams. DBD is not. DBD is not "competetive" simply because its pvp. Its casual, and splitting the players by not allowing friends to queue would be an ACTUAL death knell for the game. Buff killers to swf, buff solo to match. But do NOT limit party size. That's the quickest way to ######### up a game that people enjoy.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I agree, SWF give a huge advantage but I don’t want them gone. Also as a killer I can say that probably half the SWF aren’t try hards they’re just buddies screwing around. Sometimes they are trying to copy toxic teams they saw but they suck at body blocking and flashlights so they make it even easier lol.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yeah, when you get good players, SWF or not you can tell, but most SWF I face are just bullshitting or all trying to bodyblock one hook, flashlight failing, etc. They're just enjoying the game. Sweats are sweats even if not in a group, so why ruin peoples fun?

    Plus, losing to swfs HARD teaches you more than stomping potatoes. You learn which mistakes or decisions can RUIN your game.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Easy solution...there’s room for one more button on the main screen, make it a “Kill Their Friends” button. In this mode, killers can purposely go up against SWF groups, with the reward of 100% BP without offerings to engage in this mode.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    A team of four solo rank 1s can be more dangerous than SWF because they’re all trying to “prove themself,” no pun intended and not be a weak link.

    I would never do this and I don’t think I’m alone, the 60k I get from a Norma game with BBQ even without addons is plenty

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Maybe analyse your own in-game errors, and the plays the survivors made vs you to learn how to improve for next time. The only thing people will do with a UI at the scoreboard is use it to brag that they "destroyed a 4-man". Streamers names pop into mind at the mere thought of this suggestion. So no, I hope this feature never gets put in. It isn't hard to get better by just being self-critical

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    I think showing who is in SWF in the end game screen would curb toxicity, because the Killer wouldn't have a reason to blindly assume they've faced a SWF. It might not make the Killer feel better, but it deffiently would give him a reason not to be toxic over SWF.

    The whole purpose of the situation is adapting more clarity learning into the game. It's easy for a Killer to lose a match, and with the added stress the brain will use invasive thoughts to deter the stress. So immediatly blaming the survivors for being in a SWF. Seeing that they are not in SWF forces the brain to have a moment of clarity for another (more possible) reason for losing. As far as a person reacts to another though direction is really based on the person.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    The problem is people taking this game WAY too seriously because of the ridiculous ranking system!! Rank is what creates all this toxicity, and it’s ruining this game tbh..! Omg I lost my pip blah blah blah. Just make a separate matchmaking that isn’t rank based to pit players against killers at random like L4D. That way you can learn to play without the feeling of losing any progress.

    I learned how to play better going against experienced Purple/Red killers. You gotta challenge yourself to get better. If you place all the newbies survivors with all the newbie killers they ever won’t learn a thing. Then as they rank up anyway they’re tossed into Purple/Red only to get decimated. That’s what happened to me when I first played on PS4.

    Think about it. It’s life and death so there aren’t really supposed to be any “rules” as to how any single person should play. Anything goes to get the kill or the escape. When you start thinking that way you’ll get more kills/escapes more often. Like if you’re playing with randoms it’s fine to ditch them after the exit gates open because your objective is for YOU to escape. You don’t HAVE to save them. The same as a killer. You don’t have to kill them all. Just don’t displease the entity. When you fixate on the kills you don’t get them. At least from my experience.

    I stopped complaining about SWFs altogether. If I feel they’re SWF I use a Green/Red Mori on whoever has the key, or the flashlights.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    well from my understanding of it(i never played ranked, too sweaty for me) in diamond and masters (the top two ranked levels) pros or people trying to be pros would 5 man q and that would always result in a loss for anyone solo q'ing and the most people who q'd were solo so it would be an almost an automatic loss. Also saying just make friends and 5 man q just sounds stupid, Alot of people like to solo q even if you look at top streamers for any moba they almost always solo. Last but not least league of legends does the same thing that you can only q with 1 other person and dota lets you do a 5 man but they bump up your rating because they say playing in a team give a large advantage so you should play against better people also they try to match you with another 4 or 5 man team. Just saying from my moba experiences majority of communitys dont like to go against large groups and the devs see's that they are winning more then the average so they nerf them.