Let's talk about the new perks :)

For me a huge part of every new chapter are the perks (they're as important as the new characters themselves to me), Personally the survivor perks seem fun and decent, but the killer perks seem meh. (again, Im not surprised at this point, but it's kinda sad how the last good perk we got was in june 2019) I know it's very early so those are just first impressions of mine. Im curious to hear and to respond to your first impressions aswell :)
Here are the perks:
Pyramidheads perks are just so, so lackluster
- Deathbound seems good, but wont work on killers that make a lot of noise
- Forced penance may be a decent perk for basement builds, but nothing else, unless a survivor is running MoM
- Trail of torment lasts too little, 15 seconds is literally nothing and the 80 seconds cooldown is too big for such a short duration, lets not forget the fact that survivors can see the aura of the generator kicked, basically telling them you are there, its more detrimental than anything
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Yeah my first impressions are the same, and it's really annoying to be honest, We haven't had good perks for killers in far too long
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If they make it so his knife has a no detectable direction like that add on for wraith it could make up for it and be a good mind game before you are revealed.
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Another weak batch all around, the best is probably Soul Guard, but it certainly won't change the meta. I think Pyramid Head's perks can be good in certain builds, but they need number changes desperately. Make Trail of Torment a 30 - 40 second cooldown, or increase how long you remain Undetectable, make Forced Penance last at least 45 seconds, and make Deathbound last longer.
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Yeah, but how would we fix them ?
Personally, I'd increase forced penance's duration to a minute, trail of torment's to 30 seconds and for Deathbound I'd either increase the numbers all around or change the effect to be something actually scary (like Exposed)
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I can see Soul Guard being pretty good and being an absolute pain for killers like Legion that actually want to benefit from their injures. Haven't tried it yet though. The others really aren't great perks, I think.
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all I can say is blood pact is totally useless
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How will Blood Pact work if multiple people use it? Would it to be possible to have 1 obsession and 3 people who can see them?
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The killer perks seem useless.
Soul Guard and Blood Pact are gonna get nerfed.
Repressed Alliance will be useless.
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- Leave deathbound as is, i don't think you can do much to change it and it may work on some killers
- Change the condition for forced penance to another thing, maybe make it so that it applies the broken status after you have hooked someone to every injured survivor
- Increase the time trail of torment lasts to 30 or 45 seconds and make it so that it doesnt highlight the gen, its just free info for survivors
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They could be good on other killers. Trail of Torment seems like it might be really beneficial for Myers. And Deathbound seems like it would combo well with Nurse's Calling.
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Long range Nurse's
Hangman's trick Mad Grit Agitation meme
Weak stealth perk
Unbreakable but conditional with some farming security
Bad Empathy/Aftercare with a Haste flavor effect
PGTW counter
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repressed alliance seems great as a counter to Ruin and Pop
the killer is coming and you dont want them popping your gen? bam! you block it.
You need to go rescue a teammate but there is ruin? bam! you block it, no more regression
Besides that yeah its pretty useless
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ahh soul guard,another second chance perk for survivor,f off bhvr
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Forced Penance needs much longer duration, about 60 seconds could be good?
Trail of Torment needs changing from unlimited aura reading range (which I assume it is now) to 32 meters, same as Better Together, otherwise it would be useless for mindgaming. Better Together is currently the only perk that highlights gens in yellow to survivors, except Red Herring but it shows aura only to You so it doesn't matter. If You see gen in yellow from all across the map You instantly know 1/ Killer is running this perk, 2/ Killer's exact location.
I wonder how Deathbound will stack if You heal multiple survivors. Will you be bound to many survivors at once or only the latest one? Also what does one health state mean, do You need to do it in one healing or will game keep track of Your total healing done in game?
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The concept sounds great, but the generator stays blocked for 30 seconds. It should work to deactivate once you touch the gen again.
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Deathbound sounds really good on Legion. Although it still won't work against people who know what to do, it'd just be extra pubstomping.
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It’s not that good, it can only be used if a hex is active/affecting the survivor. Seems like a counter to a slugging NOED at best - at worst, totally unusable.
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Soul guard op
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Survivors now have 4 possible health states with MoM and SG.
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SG can't be used if you are healthy tho?
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I dont like the "pick yourself up when cursed by hex" part of soul guard. That basically means if you run ruin you cant slug.
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LOL, offended at a horrible perk...
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Edit nvm. Noticed it's from Dying State.
Though this is a direct counter to Noed now right?
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Not a direct - the killer has to be purposely slugging whilst using NOED but it is a counter
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Soul guard is basically like borrowed time for slug.
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Deathbound - Decent perk
Forced Penance - Completely terrible. It could literally be 60 seconds and it would still be completely terrible. Needs heavy changes. This overvalues the "broken" status effect and with a situational requirement.
Trail of Torment - When can we stop putting cooldowns on everything...literally just remove the ridiculous cooldown, it's only 15 seconds. Remove the cooldown and it's decent, currently with the cooldown it's just awful and will be ran by no one. It already has a cost of making you waste time kicking a gen to get the effect. 15 seconds is too short to warrant having a cooldown attached. This perk has so much potential if it was tweaked. It also highlights the gen to let them know you have the perk and where you are....like WHY? The negatives are just stacked so freaking high on this perk for a measly 15 seconds.
Soul Guard - Literally insane. This perk will be meta. Way too strong. You could cut off its entire secondary effect and it would still be nuts. Can we seriously stop making second chance perks? These are so unhealthy for the game.
Blood Pact - It's okay I guess, all depends how strong that haste effect is. Haven't tested this one myself so I can't comment too much yet.
Repressed Alliance - Feels strong but also fair. I like it.
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A question if someone knows the answer:
Blood Pact's Haste status effect, what is the movement speed that you have during those 8 seconds? In numbers I mean? 110%? 115%? 150%?(like Sprint Burst or Adrenaline) It doesn't specifiy this anywhere and I'd like to know the exact speed you get as a survivor during those 8 seconds while Haste status effect is activated with this perk...
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The new survivor perks are way better than the Killer's new perks. Having a strong killer at least compensate his weak perks.
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already posted a thread in feedback for 4.0.0 but trail of torment NEEDS a buff. 80s is way to long for 15s of effect, not even something that nurses addon bad mans last breath has. Bad man's last breath has a cooldown of 60s, on an already high movement speed killer, and is activated on everyone in the match for 16s. Also dark devotion lasts for 30s, has a cooldown of 30s, and puts your terror radius on others.
The yellow highlight on the gen also works against you, as experienced survivors will use that as an early warning that you've gone stealth. its supposed to attract survivors, in the hope that your going to patrol that gen or hide next to it (much like insidious camping behind a corner on a gen) but in my mind this only works with pyramid head within a 3gen, whilst using his trails.
My personal hope is they remove the cooldown (which would allow any killer to be stealthy) and make the gen aura the gen explosion notification instead.
Soul guard seems strong off the bat - but if an entire team is running it of swf, there going to want to keep totems up. this means running ruin against a swf squad makes it far more opressive, as they'll only want to cleanse it for the last gen so they can get their perk use, or if there all dead on hook. It also makes other hex perks less likely to be cleansed, such as huntress lullaby, devour hope. less useful when running trap hexes, but still. Its the entire anti perk to inner strength - sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all, but sometimes doing nothing at all is the worst possible thing you can do to yourself. its trade offs are pretty strong imo, preventing tunneling a downed survivor or just picked up survivor, but it allows you to gain some serious use out of your hex perks. Devour hope so long as they can prevent a 5 stack, would turn a whole team into a team of no mithers essentially. Only could be a problem when paried with ds and unbreakable. but thats a 3 perk combo for some very rare situations, much like the head on ds quick and quiet and inner strength combo which is 4 perks.
My only change is that personal uses of soul guard will not grant the endurance effect when getting out of the dying state, however whenever someone picks you up it will. in turn, i would buff the endurance effect to be granted regardless of whether your being effected by a hex totem. this would make it slightly more balanced, giving you an always anti tunnel effect (countered by being picked up) but you can only have the infinite unbreakables if you let yourself be subjected to a hex.
Forced penance - ngl i really like this one. prevents people using "bottled-time" to take multiple hits in the endgame, and just counters wglf players (which i am to a T.) You can't just take hits willy nilly and expect to be healed, by the medkit or inner strength you brought automatically, as your now at a greater risk by just having this perk in the game. Creates a bit more fear when going for bodyblocks as the killer could be running this perk and makes 1 for 1 saves riskier, expecially against pyramid head.
Deathbound - Seems underwhelming, but really... isin't! its the answer to literally all my stealthy killer needs. any time a survivor heals another, your garunteed to get the proc, and if they stray to far from one another, your now a stealth killer against them. Splitting up after healing under hook is now so much more risky, and promotes grouping up - which in turn allows killers to snowball easier, and survivors to not snowball gens as fast. Deffinately seriously considering this on oni, myers and legion. Its honestly going to be one of the best legion perks now and syergises with all killers but perhaps spirit. Also it promotes being injured as a counter which is always juicy.
Blood pact - haven't had a chance to test this yet, but depending on the haste speed effect - time this could be pretty strong. 8s is not long, but even if its a 20% movement speed buff thats pretty good. will only be really weak if its a haste effect like that of hope - which is whilst not weak, only really helpful against killers with 110% movement speed.
Repressed alliance - At first glance i was very much in ######### mode. why would i want to block gens as a survivor? are they adding gen effects for blocking gens down the line? then it hit me. Its the perfect absolute counter for pop goes the weasel and ruin, whilst still remaining balanced by blocking off the gen from being further worked on. : gens can't regress or be kicked/have status's tied to them whilst blocked, so blocking off a gen stratigically can PREVENT a killer from popping a gen (unless they camp it which will cost them 30s) can prevent a killer "popping the gen" whilst they chase you, or using ruin to regress the gen as they chase you. Its ironically very poweful, with siginificant drawback and in a swf squad or just around players whom can play around it, i see this as being an incredibly good perk!
my only change would be allowing the player who activated repressed alliance to deactivate it on the gen they were working on (preventing others from working on it and the killer from effecting it, but not yourself), or for a side effect of repressed alliance being that you can now "unblock" a generator thats been blocked by the entity if you have it up.
All round i really like the perks this time round. some of the killer perks (namely trial of torment, and posssssibly forced penance) could use significant buffs, but the survivor perks are in a really good place, and could be tweaked slightly to be less powerful or have more synergy/counterplay (Soulguard and repressed alliance.)
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Survivor perks won’t change the Meta. Judging by the reaction to Soul Guard I’m pretty sure that’s going to get nerfed, not like that was going to change the Meta anyway.