Soul Guard + Unbreakable Question

If I were to use Soul Guard + Unbreakable, whose ability to recover fully from dying state will take effect first? (Provided that you're cursed from a hex perk the killer is using)
I would have loved to test this myself, but as I play on console, I'd much appreciate if someone could test it on my behalf. Thank you <3
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I think you still get the Unbreakable recovery buff even with Sole Guard active. After all, you get the buff even if you run Unbreakable with No Mither.
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That's actually a pretty good queston though.
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Yes, I'm aware of the buff being active. Full recovery from the perk Soul Guard is only active when you're cursed, so it's a temporary effect, unlike no mither. I am asking, whether recovery from unbreakable will still work after recovery from soul guard deactivates?
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If someone else doesn't do it, I'll happily test it later. I'm on live servers right now, so I can switch in a few hours <3
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Thank you so much <3
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Have you tested it yet?
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I totally forgot. Here, I'll get on and test it right now.
I'm pretty sure it won't tell me, just because unbreakable never deactivates, but we'll see.
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I gotta switch back to the PTB
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Thank you for taking out the time and trouble to test this on my behalf. I appreciate your gesture.
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Yes, but I wanna know whether Unbreakable's 'full recovery' ability is still available when the Soul Guard effect goes away after breaking of a totem or does the ability to fully recover gets consumed with the first time you fully recover (coinciding with Soul Guard's recovery ability)?
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SG should take priority over UB. It would be dumb to use UB when you can get up as much as you want.
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Soul Guard's 'fully recover' is only active when you're under 'cursed' debuff. I wanna know if Unbreakable is still useable when Soul Guard's recovery is deactive, considering I've atleast fully recovered once.
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I see. Thanks for the explanation. I'll try and get it in a public match but I can't promise it! So it might take a few hours, till my friend gets on for kyf c:.
Here's my loadout, in the mean time:
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Considering the number of factors invovled to test this in a public match, it'll be a real low probability that a killer with a hex totem slugs you. I'd suggest that you test it out in kyf mode. And even if you're unable to test it, it is absolutely fine. I'm very much overwhelmed by your gesture to help out a fellow community member. I cannot thank you enough <3
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No I'll do it, just give me a bit! Thanks for understanding, I appreciate it <3
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Yes I understand that. I'm saying that the game SHOULD have SB take priority over UB when a Hex is active otherwise it's a bug. It'd make no sense for the game to burn UB when you have the ability to get up as much as you want.
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Oh, yeah. Sorry, I misunderstood your quote earlier. I honestly don't know what the results are, but having some knowledge about how this game works, I believe that Unbreakable takes priority over Soul Guard or that their effect overlaps and Unbreakable 'fully recover' ability gets consumed. I'd be really happy if I'm wrong. I would absolutely love to use this build.
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So, I did it.
Results were:
Soul guard takes priority. If there is a hex totem, soul guard is the perk used. As soon as the totem is destroyed, soul guard still works with unbreakable for the endurance status effect, and unbreakable will activate as usual, with it's one time pick up thing.
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That's actually pretty amazing! Thank you for testing it out. You're beyond awesome!!! <3
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I just got back from testing this in KYF and I somehow got the complete opposite result. I got up while cursed (I made sure I was 100% cursed), then removed my curse and COULDN'T use unbreakable.
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Maybe they changed it. I did use it in the PTB, afterall.
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Omg I'm excited about this! So two more questions haha so if there is ANY Hex totem at all in play I can use SG, even if the hex is not active yet but still not destroyed?
What about the times where there is only a hex symbol on my screen, but no one else has it on their screen, I play with husband on public, and he won't have a Symbol but I will sometimes.
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It's possible that the order in which they are used is dependent on the order in which they are equipped.
What I mean is, if Soul Guard is in slot 1 and Unbreakable is in slot 2, then Soul Guard will take precedence (which is what you want). If Unbreakable is in slot 1 and Soul Guard is in slot 2, then Unbreakable will take precedence and get used even if there is a hex active.
Someone should test this theory.