Blood point Upper limit


So, 2 days ago the new chapter got revealed and after the stream I played dbd with a few friends and I thought about some things. Like, wouldn't it make more sense if there wouldn't be upper limit for bloodpoints? Because I want to level the killer and the survivor when they come out but I don't want to waste my shards for bps and I won't get enough points with the archive challenges that I saved. + it would help a lot because you could save your points for a character that you want to get on prestige 3 at 1 time and don't have to collect them and use them and all that stuff. Because like right now I'd just like to be able to collect points for the new chapter because I don't have any character level projects atm. All my survs that I like are p3 50 with all perks and all killers that I play are also level 50 p3 and have all perks. So why do I have to use my points to get items I don't use and add ons I don't need? Keep up your work devs you're doing great and you would make many players happy when you'd make that away. I love you guys