Statistics of 80 solo survivor games

I needed a bit of a project in the middle of the corona quarantines so I gathered statistics from 80 solo survivor games I played (PS4 Europe red rank). All the games are after the ruin change and most are after the map balance update. I didn't include mori games or DC's into the stats. In three games I took video capture too early so I only had rank and perk stats for 77 matches. I excluded my perks from the survivor perk stats because that would skew the stats. My perks were nearly always WGLF, DS, Inner Strenght and IW/DH. In a few games I had BL, Spine Chill, Adrenaline or BT.
General stats:
Average killer rank: 5,73
Average survivor rank: 3,22
Average amount of
- sacrifices: 1,83
- escapes: 2,17
- hooks: 7,04
- gens done: 4,63
All gens were done in 62 games and average time to complete them was 9 minutes and 18 seconds.
I survived 54/80 or 67,5 % of the games. I double pipped in 8 games, pipped in 44 games, safety pipped in 20 games and depipped in 5 games.
Only 27 out of 80 games were actual red rank games. I considered a game to be actual red rank when killer was red rank AND survivors were either all red, 3 red and 1 purple/green or 2 red and 2 purple. In these games average amount of sacrifices was 2,3 and escapes 1,7.
Killer stats:
10 Huntress
9 Hillbilly
6 Spirit
6 Ghost Face
5 Cannibal
5 Deathslinger
5 Trapper
5 Nightmare
5 Wraith
4 Nurse
4 Clown
4 Oni
2 Doctor
2 Shape
2 Pig
2 Legion
2 Demogorgon
2 Plague
0 Hag :'(
Killer perk stats:
38 BBQ & Chili 49,4 %
26 Nurse's Calling 33,8 %
25 Pop Goes the Weasel 32,5 %
19 Hex: NoED 24,7 %
19 Hex: Ruin 24,7 %
12 Sloppy Butcher 15,6 %
9 Corrupt Intervention 11,7 %
9 Whispers 11,7 %
9 Thanatophobia 11,7 %
8 Discordance 10,4 %
7 Bamboozle 9,1 %
NoED activated in 8 matches and granted kills in 6 of them. NoED didn't activate in 6 matches. Other 2 were 4ks before activation, 2 non-confirmed because of no hits in end game and 1 was Oni demon strike proc so it was a kill even if there was no NoED.
Survivor perk stats:
81,81 % of the games had Self Care
115 SC --> 49,78 % of survivors had SC
76,62 % of the games had Decisive Strike
96 DS --> 41,56 % of survivors had DS
59,74 % of the games had Dead Hard
59 DH --> 25,54 % of survivors had DH
58,44 % of the games had Borrowed Time
73 BT --> 31,6 % of survivors had BT
57,14 % of the games had Adrenaline
64 Adr --> 27,71 % of survivors had Adrenaline
54,54 % of the games had Iron Will
54 IW --> 23,38 % of survivors had IW
44,16 % of the games had Sprint Burst
43 SB --> 18,6 % of survivors had SB
28,57 % of the games had Unbreakable
26 UB --> 11,26 % of survivors had UB
Map stats:
6 Underground Complex
6 Game (1 offering)
5 Family Residence (1 offering)
5 Ormond
5 Badham
4 Suffocation Pit
4 Dead Dawg Saloon (1 offering)
4 Shelter Woods
4 Pale Rose
3 Rotten Fields
3 Wretched Shop
3 Rancid Abattoir
3 Coal Tower
3 Ironworks of Misery
3 Father Campbell's Chapel
2 Disturbed Ward
2 Azarow's Resting Place
2 Sanctum of Wrath
2 Temple of Purgation
2 Wreckers' Yard
2 Fractured Cowshed
2 Thompson House
1 Blood Lodge
1 Treatment Theatre
1 Groaning Storehouse
1 Torment Creek
1 Haddonfield
My thoughts:
I was surprised how many games all the gens were done but also surprised at the average time it took to repair them. So on average there was no serious genrushing in these games. Before I had imagined that I survived maybe 33 % of my matches but was surprised how high my escape rate actually was. Although I'm 100 % sure the matchmaking has boosted my survival rates because it's been busted since December.
Regarding sacrifice/escape rates and how they change in actual red rank games, the game seems almost balanced. Killers got on average 7 hooks which isn't enough to pip. This is probably also because of busted matchmaking.
NoED was not used as much as I imagined and it granted kills only in 6 matches out of 19. Although I have noticed that mori users also use more NoED and since mori games were excluded, that explains why it wasn't so used that I expected. I expected Sloppy Butcher to be more used and was surprised that Nurse's Calling was as popular as Pop. Ruin is less popular than before but not dead.
There was only 14 games without a single Self Care. Decisive Strike was a bit more used than I expected and almost as popular as Self Care. Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Adrenaline and Iron Will seemed to be equally popular.
I encountered only 4 killers that BM'd and excessively camped/tunneled/slugged, so the games were mostly enjoyable. In 6 games I noticed that my fellow survivors could have been more nice to the killer.
That's all, I guess. If you have questions, go ahead! :)
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oops didn't mean to post anything.
But nice work.
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Interesting stats to see. They pretty much match what I would expect.
Do you have these stats strictly for the 27 red rank games you could post as well?
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PS4. I mention it in the first sentence. :)
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Yes I have. I just have to take those rows out and calculate the info. Takes a moment tho. :)
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Thanks :)
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Im a lottle confused on your formatting
Example: Average killer rank: 5,73
Whats the 5,73?
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Rip my girl Hag ;(
She’s one of my favourites, I don’t understand why so few people play her. Might be due to her completely different play style compared to other killers which most people don’t know how to use. Once you learn she’s so much fun.
Anyways as to the actually stats, it’s very well made lots of interesting information. The one thing I could have asked for was specific kill/escape rates for each killer. To give a sense of how well each killer was made,
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Some regions use commas as the decimal delimiter instead of period. So average rank would be 5.73, or slightly above rank 6.
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Ahhh, got it, thanks
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Thats a suprising number of huntresses. I imagine thats because of the tome as it seems high, and it also explains why nurses seems high as thats a great perk on her
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The reason I didn't calculate them was because there was so few matches/killer so it would have been quite irrelevant in the big picture. But maybe I will if I get motivation/I have time. :)
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Okay here comes some pure red rank stats:
Average killer rank: 2,11
Average survivor rank: 2,76
Average amount of hooks: 8
Average amount of gens done: 4,41
5 gens were done in 16/27 games, average time was 8 minutes and 52 seconds. I survived 16/27 games or 59,25 % of the games.
4 Huntress
4 Ghost Face
3 Wraith
2 Hillbilly
2 Spirit
2 Trapper
2 Nurse
2 Clown
2 Deathslinger
2 Oni
1 Cannibal
1 Pig
Killer perks:
21 BBQ & Chili 77,8 %
13 Nurse's Calling 48,1 %
13 Pop Goes the Weasel 48,1 %
6 Corrupt Intervention 22,2 %
5 Sloppy Butcher 18,5 %
4 Hex: NoED 14,8 %
3 Whispers 11,1 %
3 Hex: Ruin 11,1 %
Survivor perks:
85,2 % of the games had SC
54,3 % of survivors had SC
74,1 % of the games had DS
40,7 % of survivors had DS
77,8 % of the games had DH
34,6 % of survivors had DH
59,3 % of the games had Adrenaline
28,4 % of survivors had Adrenaline
55,6 % of the games had IW
24,7 % of survivors had IW
Ruin popularity in red ranks totally sinks compared to full stats. Also red rank killers need less NoED and use more Corrupt instead. Also red rank games has noticeably more Dead Hard.
Edit. Also red rank matches have 1 hook more on average compared to full stats, which I thought is worth mentioning.
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Yes I think the tome has boosted her pick rate. I checked and 5 of the 10 Huntresses ran Nurse's, 4 did not and one was one of the video captures I took too early so I had no perks stats for that match. Also half of the Ghost Faces ran Nurse's.
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I checked the killrates/killer. Since there was only 2 or 3 matches for some killers these numbers are quite unexpected.
Killers by lethality:
Legion 3
Huntress 2,56
Wraith 2,5
Pig 2,5
Ghost Face 2,33
Clown 2,33
Nightmare 2,2
Cannibal 1,8
Hillbilly 1,78
Spirit 1,67
Deathslinger 1,6
Nurse 1,5
Trapper 1
Doctor 1
Plague 0,5
Oni 0,5
Shape 0 :'(
Demogorgon 0 :'(
Legion OP plz nerf! And I don't know why but seems like everytime I counter Demo it's a baby Demo.
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Keep in mind that killer is more difficult on a controller than mouse and keyboard.
Interesting stats. The average time is similar to my killer games in the red ranks, with the difference that they end up with 2 or 1 gens left and obviously 3/4ks.
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Yes I know killer is harder on controller, I play also killer about 30 % on my games. On PC the kill rates are probably slightly higher. If they ever optimize console properly, the kill rates on console are going to rise.
There were a few games where 5 gens were done but the killer still got 3k or 4k.
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As I said, very interesting to see some figures. Thank you for taking the time to collect and post these.
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For the Hooks stat, did you only count when the Killer hooked a Survivor, or did you also include when a Survivor went from one hook state to the next (summon phase to struggle phase, and struggle phase to sacrifice phase)?
If those hook stats are accurate, then it's pretty clear how weak Killers are. Killers complete 7/12 of their objective, on average, while Survivors complete 4.5/5 of theirs.
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4.6 gens average with 80% of the matches having selfcare? Impressive tbh
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I leave the link to my thread. Its very intresting to see a)what data other players care about, and b) their results in comparison with your own.
My 222 solo Survivor game stats:
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I only took the hooks and not the entity summoned events. This is because I watched the videos 10x fast forwarded and only counted the hooks in the UI. But I remember that there was not very much of those, maybe 10 or something and I myself died on 1st hook maybe 2 or 3 times. I checked and if I added 15 hooks to the total, the average amount hooks was still only 7,14.
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What? Self Care is still the most common survivor perk? NERF.
Seriously though, while stats are interesting I do think that they shouldn't be taken as seriously as some people take them. For instance, you have to pay real world money for DS.
Actual. Cash. To unlock a perk. And it is, in most of these stats, just behind SC. A perk on a default character is only just more common than a perk from a paid dlc that never seems to rear its head in the shrine. THAT is what I find interesting, and what people should take into consideration. In fact, it's the only non-free perk up there in this stat block, and for killers it's BBQ at the top. Another paid perk that has reared its head maybe twice. But why is it there? How strong is it? Is it actually OP or do people just like double BP? Why do killers have more non-free perks/teachables than survivors? Why don't survivors have any Iri shard (so to speak) perks in the top 10?
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I'm also baffled of the amount of SC used. But I have also noticed some smart players with it that look for teammates if there is Sloppy Butcher present. Of course there's still the occasional corner self carer sometimes.
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That's an interesting point. Although on console the base game contains Nurse, Hag and Doctor, but I know they are DLC on PC. So that in mind Pop is the most popular shard perk on console, but not nearly as popular as DS. I think the second most popular paywall perk after BBQ might be STBFL. That was used only in 5 games tho. But yeah, DS being payable perk and still that populat tells that it is a strong perk.
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Honestly, I think hag is probably one of the best if not the best solo Q stomper in the game; assuming you have really good map knowledge. Oni might be better, but hag can just be so incredibly oppressive in the hands of a really good player. She's the only killer in the game that can essentially be chasing 2+ people at the same time. I'm happy more people don't play her.
Here's like 2 minutes of red rank hag gameplay, in the first 2 minutes of the match, from the survivors POV. Can you imagine if all those traps were silent?
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"Killers got on average 7 hooks which isn't enough to pip. This is probably also because of busted matchmaking."
This is pretty much a false statement tho. 7 hooks is enough to get a pip, that should be at least 2 sacrifices(especially if 1 hook ended up taking 2 hookstages, which I am kinda leaning towards, since 7 hooks on average wouldnt be 1,8 sacrifices on average. Hookstates matter more than hooks themselves). You said you ignored DC's too, but did you ignore DC games or just the DC itself? Because a DC essentially counts as a sacrifice for the killer.
Either way, im guessing the average Devout emblem would be very close to silver on average. Iridescent Chaser is pretty much guaranteed if you're not facing an optimal team, Malicious tends to be around Gold too, and Gatekeeper should be silver-gold on average.(its either bronze or gold/iri, there isnt really much of an inbetween). So lets say silver on average. Thats 12-ish emblem points on average. Which up untill red ranks is enough to pip. Considering your average killer was purple rank, they definitely should have pipped in the average game.
But lets throw all that aside, and reconsider something:
For a survivor there are many reasons they can lose a pip:
- killer being afk with insidious(which depipping killers tend to use, but the issue is that they also depip any and all survivors they face)
- the killer being generally bad, I cant get a pip when the killer fails to hook and injure people.
- the killer being incredibly good, which is fine, if he can finish a chase within 20 seconds and doesnt give us the option to heal up, we lose a pip
- being sacrificed early, or being mori'd ASAP
- fellow survivors DC, making the game much harder to win if the killer takes advantage of the DC(which is a bit of an ######### move, I mean, imagine you couldnt damage 1 of the survivors, ever, and that survivor takes advantage of that and constantly bodyblocks you, you would consider them quite an ######### too, but ofcourse if you were in their shoes, you'd probably want to take some advantage out of it).
- fellow survivors constantly screwing you over, which isnt as common, but its common enough to lose pips over.
The list goes on and on, and all lead to you not being to complete enough objectives to get your safety pip, while a killer is almost guaranteed to get their safety pip.
Why does this matter? Net pipgain.
The net pipgain of killers is consistent and doesnt rely on others, it relies on their own ability and its always greater than 0 every single day. Survivor pips rely too heavily on everyone else in the game, and could one day have a net pipgain of -5 while the other day they could have a net pipgain of +10. I can theoretically lose 10 pips in a row, deranking from rank 1 to rank 4 as a survivor, and only 1-2 of those would actually because of my actions. Me as a killer, even against an optimal SWF, could still earn a safety pip. A killer NEEDS to be heavily outmatched or AFK to actually lose a pip.
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When I wrote the post I based that statement to my own experience and knowledge of the game. I don't remember a match where I would have pipped with 7 hooks and nearly always even 8 hooks hasn't been enough to pip. 9 hooks seems to be the sweet spot where I have usually gotten a pip. But I play in red ranks so in green and lower ranks that is probably possible because of lower emblem requirements. Personally I don't think the killer had a good (or a bad) match if s/he got 7 hooks.
In red ranks the killer needs 9 emblem points to safety pip and 13 points to pip and in purple 8 and 12 respectively.
7 hooks grant 8 devout points IF the killer hooks every survivor at least once or gets 1 kill. 7 hooks can grant 9 devout points if the killer gets 2 kills. 7 hooks can even result in 10 devout points which is iridescent devout emblem but that means 3 survivors die on 2nd hook and the 4th on 1st hook which happens rarely with either slug build killer or genrushing non-altruistic teams. Reaching 2nd state on 1st hook grants points in the malicious, not devout category (if you don't believe me, go check the wiki). But lets say the killer gets lucky and gets the golden emblem which grants 3 points.
Within these stats all gens were done in over 80 % of the games but it took over 9 minutes. Since there was no crazy genrushing on average, it's safe to guess the killer got at least silver emblem in gatekeeper on average which grants 2 points.
All one-shot killers suffer in chaser and malicious categories and some normal killers too, such as trapper and plague. Silver emblems in these categories are extremely common for more than half of the killers in this game. Silver emblem grants 2 points in the pip system. That's 9 points.
So yes, 7 hooks might be just enough in purple ranks if you're using non-one-shot killer, how common that is only devs can know for sure. More probable outcome tho is a safety pip. If we acknowledge the fact that matchmaking has been busted since December, killers have been having a hard time pipping lately since green and early purples usually don't stand a chance with good red rank survivors.
I checked and there was actually only 1 DC in my games, it was at the start of the match and it was still a 5 gens done and 2e (rank 8 killer). I didn't consider it to neither sacrifice or escape.
Since this matter goes off-topic and you seem to be worried about survivor pipping compared to killer pipping, I suggest you make a new discussion about it. My experience is that pipping in general in this game is easy enough (too easy on the survivor side I might say).
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Well, technically 3 hooks can give 10 devout points. My point was that hookstates matter a lot. Even if only 5% of players got 2 hookstates for the price of 1, that can heavily scew the results. Then you also have some unfortunate people who get 3 hookstates in one and the final survivor being hooked always instantly counts for 3 hookstates if they've never been hooked before.
And yeah, I know. But your stats gave a 1.82 sacrifice, which would calculate to 3.28 points on average for devout. Assuming that most killers can hook everyone once most of the time(especially considering survivors tend to tank a hookstage for someone who is dead on hook), that would need to be 72% of the games or higher. In my experience, 90% of killer matches where the killer plays normally, everyone gets hooked at least once, or no one gets deadhooked. 10% of games has that 1 idiot that has never been hooked and lets his teammates die while only holding m1. Which should mean the average is more than 4 Devout points, which is why I put it on silver averagely. I never said hooks themselves dont matter. But if 7 hooks are average, you'd need to consider hookstages taken aswell.
"All one-shot killers suffer in chaser and malicious categories and some normal killers too, such as trapper and plague." I'd actually be kinda surprised if that were fully true. I mean, I understand Trapper(even though personally I'd relatively easily get gold, especially since downing and hooking a person permanently saves a point), but using your stats, lets assume that 7 hooks were all just 1 hook state in all cases. That's at least 21 points if everyone escapes injured.
"If we acknowledge the fact that matchmaking has been busted since December"
Its always been busted. I remember days when matchmaking only looked at lobby leaders, meaning you could have a rank 20 survivor with 3 rank 1 survivors(which back in those days kinda meant something for a few weeks) facing a rank 20 killer. And you could have a rank 1 survivor with 3 rank 20's facing a rank 1 killer. I literally always asked my friends to host the lobby, because I knew they wouldnt have fun facing a rank 1 killer while they literally only had 5 hours in the game. Then we've had reverse matchmaking, where after 1 minute of not being able to find a suitable killer, it would start looking for lower killers and if lower killers werent found, it would go all the way up to rank 1 and then go down. During which time, about 90% of killers were red ranks(back in the day that 20k BP gave you a double pip, even as a killer, who can easily get 30k, addons that increase BP for specific catagories were actually created because of that system). Then you've had a system where killers were literally tasked to kill survivors, nothing else. 4 points per survivor, 1 point per hook state, 2 points for a mori, 3 points for a DC. Back when Dying Light slowed down for all remaining survivors once the obsession was dead. So the killer would literally tunnel the obsession, hook them, wait somewhere nearby with insidious and mori the obsession and basically slow down the game by 60%. Which also had like 80% killers in red ranks.
Right now, ranks have a tiny bit more meaning, but being red rank simply means you spend a lot of time playing the game. I dont consider myself top tier killer, yet here I am, rank 2, never losing enough pips to go to rank 3 and I probably will be rank 1 again after 2-3 games. And while I do consider myself to be above average survivor, I fluctuate from rank 1 to rank 4 and back a lot depending on what type of killers I face. I've looped god-tier killers with not too much effort, yet I've been downed by killers that were awful simply because the pallet prompt didnt show up because of latency(im 99.99% sure its latency, because whenever it happens, the killer is always from russia when Im from western europe). And yeah, killer is more frustrating to play. I have had my share of people who are tryharding while I just wanted to try out a new build. I have had times where I didnt tryhard at all and survivors claimed I was tunneling(its not really a tunnel when 3 of you were hooked in the basement while I took a stroll on the opposite side of the map and ran into you on my way back). Its not easy. But its not hard either. Survivors definitely pip easier. However, in return, they also depip a lot easier.
And yeah, my issue was a bit on killers claiming that red rank killer games are so much harder than red rank survivor games. Which its not. It literally depends on who your opponents are. I might have went into a rant a bit, since this felt like an excuse for killers. Especially since you said:
"killers have been having a hard time pipping lately since green and early purples usually don't stand a chance with good red rank survivors."
I disagree. I returned to the game 4 months ago, and faced plenty of red rank killers while still being green or purple survivor. Some I had a hard time facing, some I didnt. They helped teach some new things in game that I thought were initially were very OP as I thought they were unchanged(I left somewhere right before the EGC was introduced, which, prior to PTB during early concepts, was extremely killer sided to the point where the only survivors who stood a chance were top 5% survivors. Very early concepts were brutal and made me literally leave the game, since it essentially was presented as a F13 2: electric boogaloo in terms of killer strength without changing the pipping system), but later learned that the whole ranking system was altered and was, in its core, a very different, but still the same game. Which is a bit off-topic, so back to it. As a killer, while I was in green and purple ranks, facing red rank survivors wasnt too bad. I had some advantage because I had experience in mindgaming as a survivor, but everything I was bad at, survivors forced me to acknowledge and grow my skill. If I didnt learn from my own mistakes, I'd still get a safety pip and didnt really derank. I literally needed to use the killer kit more instinctively to rank up. As a survivor, there is a similar pip hell in rank 12-7 where gaining pips is almost impossible, because high skilled killers who frequently use mori's exist in there. So you literally get mori'd out of the game and lose a pip almost every other game. The only way out of there is either being boosted by red rank survivors or gaining double pips and forcing yourself to shake off a killer while injured. Which is why a lot of higher ranked survivors still run Iron Will and Self-Care frequently even though they rarely need to and in the case of Self-Care, can actually be bad for you.
ANYHOW, point being in general, I think in the average of those 80 games, survivors indeed had higher pipgain on average than the killers. But I dont think that the killers on average in those games didnt gain a surplus of pips that would be relatively equal to the survivor surplus in pips. Its gonna be anniversary soon, so devs will probably release the stats for all platforms with it. And I think many players, killers mains and survivor mains alike, will be surprised on how balanced the stats are. I also hope they will release average killer perk usage per killer as I dont think they did that last year(they did release average killer perk picks in general, but thats not really telling anything other than that BBQ is insanely common) and I kinda wanna see how right I am in how boring certain killers are. Boring as in static builds. I know some perks on some killers are essentially necessary to make them work(aka, STBFL on Clown) but other killers can have many different types of builds because their general ability is so strong and yet they decide to use the same 4 perks every single game, which I find boring, as I rather face different playstyles for a certain killer than the same thing over and over again. It might be effective, sure, but boring.