People who played Silent Hill. I need your help!

Strancol Member Posts: 158

Sooo yesterday I started playing SH and I got to the Midwich Elementary School. At first I thought "Hmmm.... I think I'm safe here. I can't hear dogs or these flying things so I'm gonna be ok". But then I saw this:

Can someone explain me how to fight with this #########? Killing 2 of these is hella hard for me and there are even more of them! I only have 15 bullets , pipe , knife , 4 health potions and one medikit. Maybe playing on hard isn't that great idea?

Thanks for help.


  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Best to run past them, if possible? If there is just one, get yer pipe out and measure a heavy hit each time until it falls.

    If there's two or more, and there is no way round, choose the one most alone, blast it down, stomp and run. It's not that there's a low supply of ammo, but when one grabs you, the others are unrelenting!

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Yes,run past. I don't think I've ever attempted to fight one in all the times I've played the game. Bought the original on launch day and then me and my buddy got stuck on a puzzle at the very very end because we were over thinking it. For at least a month. Plus no internet. Or maybe didn't think to even look on the internet because it wasn't as widely used. Sorry I got a bit off topic. Was a good memory for me. Don't think I'll ever forget it. Game was pretty incredible at the time. Still holds up pretty well now compared to others.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    It definitely was! I remember the first time the school changed after walking through the clock tower. Knowing nothing about the game, I thought I was going to come up during World War 2. When the new decor was on display at the other end, I genuinely got the feeling that there was something "wrong" with the game. Like a creepypasta tale made real! I'll never forget that moment, and how it helped my love for this series.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I went straight from the NES to the PlayStation with nothing in between. I've been a massive horror fan since I was literally 5 years old. So you can imagine what seeing a game like Resident Evil,and then Silent Hill,was like for me. Final Fantasy VII was the game that like solidified my gamer status. Resident Evil and Silent Hill sealed the deal. I've played so many horror games it's crazy,but I always go back to those. I really liked the bathroom scene from Silent Hill 3. I remember that scaring me for some reason lol.

  • bosieboyy
    bosieboyy Member Posts: 19

    The Original has some of the best boss battles in the series.I went through and got to the splithead fight,I got completely turned around after and couldn't figure out where to go after waking up at the hospital.maybe I was just scared to continue.Me and my brother beat Silent Hill 2 together. Silent Hill 2 is my favorite one visually and narrative,the bosses wasn't that though but it's the creatures that give you the most issues especially abstracts are hard to melee,but it's so great we got the Silent Hill chapter, words don't match 😭

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    I think they are the representation of bully kids?

    Don't kill them,just dodge them.

    they are literally a bullet sponge.