Lets guess Top3 Most played survivors and killers

minehot Member Posts: 69

Let's play a little guessing game, take a guess top 3 most played survivors and killers, no perks involved!

Survivors: Dwight, Claudette, Kate

Killers: Freddy, Billy, Myers


  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    The default characters for both sides would win by a landslide. As they are first in the game and the first characters you are gonna use when new.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Most played are 100% gonna be Dwight, Meg, Claudette, Jake, Nea, David, Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, and Nurse, because they're in the base game for all platforms. This is how that works in all games that have paywalled DLC.