Fan made chapters??

I really want to know. Have any fan made chapters ever made it onto DBD? I started playing the game when the Spirit was the newest killer to come out. But I don’t know if any fan made chapters had ever made it on there. I have made around 13 chapters because I like doing it in my spare time. Do any fan made chapters get sent off to the Devs? It’s just a question I have been meaning to ask for a while now.
No, this has never happened. They would never turn their entire development apparatus toward this kind of thing when there are people at Behaviour who are paid to design content. This is a multimillion-dollar company.
There have been contests to design cosmetics, but that's the closest you're ever gonna get with fan creations.
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Damn, harsh. 😥
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I only jest. You have a lot of good thoughts and opinions. I may not agree with them, but at least we talk.
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They probably take any perk or character suggestion as inspiration. It will be very difficult legally to actually create a fan chapter. You may end up wanting rights, money and etc. I don't see the harm in making it a contest like the design your own cosmetics.. They can make it clear that it's their game and they are entitled to change anything.
Edit - I didn't realize this post was sort of old. Don't kill me lol. I was not paying attention to the dates.
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It’s not that old. Only 6 days. I have fanmade chapters that were made last year.