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Face camping

Face camping needs to be a bannable offense. Played the same person twice in a row somehow in matchmaking who played leather face. Anyways when this guy would hook you he stood directly in your face reving the chainsaw until the entity took you. Not only is this unsportsmanlike, but then you also get punished and lose rank when the person is obviously just being a immature little troll and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. It would be different if the people who did this would stay around the area of the hook while actually playing the game, but to just stand there reving a chainsaw as a rank 10 and play the game like that is disgusting and intentional.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709
    edited June 2020

    Yeah I get that. Especially when it is so rewarding for the facecamper: one easy sacrifice and another pretty easy sacrifice. Slap on NoeD and you got yourself a third almost guaranteed sacrifice.

    Solo queues can pretty much do nothing against it, everyone needs to check if killer is really facecamping AND of killer continues to facecamp. No time for genrush and all totems.

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @Huff060 dude I feel you, I made a post on it called hook camping. They are not going to ban it. They said it is a strategy and will not ban players for doing it. I have had many good arguments if you want to check it out and read from players who make good points and others who should never talk lol.

    well later and what system do you play on. Me it’s Xbox

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    I rank up and derank all the time and most of my deranks are from A) bad matchmaking or B) SWF. Should SWF be bannable because I deranked and I didn't enjoy the match?

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I look at facecamping like this: If the killer is facecamping, I, objectively, would not have enjoyed the match anyway. That kind of play is not in line with a killer player I would like to verse. If I'm being facecamped, my job is to waste as much time as I can so 3.5 gens can be done as I'm dying, so that at MOST two people die to the killer. I get 2 min to do that, and then I'm on to my next game where I'll have more fun.

    If I wasn't going to enjoy the game anyway, no sense in being salty about it. Honestly just makes me laugh when it happens because as I do play both sides I know how not fun that kind of play is for the killer as well, they're robbing themselves of a better experience too.