How does one play with Play With Your Food ?

Somehow despite maining killers for 4 years at this point I've never really tried playing with this perk for real, despite it being one of the more unique and fun ones ... So yeah, as in title, can this perk actually be useful against good survivors ? PWYF Bubba is the funniest ######### ever, but from what I tried it's not a good build, you have no pressure and gens pop super fast (but that's just bubba in general) so I wonder:
1. If Im using the perk wrong, so how do you use it correctly ?
2. What other killers (maybe not garbage ones at that) could benefit from PWYF?
Thanks for the responses in advance :)
The killers who benefit from it most are those with the ability to reliably one-shot. Typically I see it recommended for killers like Bubba, Plague and Myers. Really aggressive killers like Billy or Huntress suck with it because every offensive action loses a token, so if you miss a chainsaw or a hatchet you lose speed. Unless you’re confident you can hit with your power almost every time, it’s not worth it. Wraith can make it work since he can find the Obsession and then start and drop a chase three times really easily by uncloaking and cloaking. For most M1 killers it’s not worth it since you’ll spend too much time trying to get stacks and then just lose them really fast.
It’s really good paired with Nemesis because you don’t have to spend time finding your Obsession, you can just eat stuns, create one and get a stack.
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It is a perk that is usually comboed with killers that can lose a chase quickly, like Wraith. Every time he cloaks, he gets a stack. With bubba though, a common build is Nemesis with PWYF. It allows you to change obsession, which makes PWYF infinitely more useful. Get stunned, lose a chase 3 times, then down them, rinse and repeat. It allows you to keep 2 stacks really easily, which is big against a bubba.
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Yeah I tried playing like this but every time I got genrushed into oblivion :P
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PWYF works well with Nemesis, one-shot killers, and killers who can quickly break and re-initiate chase, such as Wraith.
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Well, tunneling the same survivor tends to really hurt in the long run. You have to pick and choose your battles.
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Bubba you never respect pallets and force the drop. Only swing through a pallet if you have no stacks and your certain you'll get the hit.
On bubba this perk is amazing and you need nemesis to use it correctly.
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Like someone else pointed out...try not to spend too much time on 1 survivor. You dont have to build all 3 stacks off one person if your able to swap obsessions using nemesis.
This is the perks I use, the addons can be whatever. The perks on the left will give you information on where to hit next after you get stunned so you can get a PWYF token and harrass someone else on gens. The gen theyre working on will start regressing as soon as you chase em off... The 2 perks on the right however will make that saw deadly. The idea being is to keep pushing ppl off gens, get stunned and then run to the next target while getting your PWYF stack. You'll be going too fast for them to loop, so they'll be forced to throw pallets pretty quickly. Down anyone who gets too greedy using your chainsaw and switch targets after a pallet stun if you see another target available.
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just like old legion
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If you're good at mind gaming people into traps, Trapper can keep stacks and down people then pick them up out of traps without losing any trap. It's hard, but it makes you look and feel like an evil genius when it works
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Trapper is fun if it works, infinite Myers can spend 4-5 gens building up to tier 3 evil and getting three stacks of PWYF.
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Why would you use Surveillance and Ruin on Bubba though?
This combo is normally used on killers that can easily apply map pressure like nurse and billy.
I think perks like BBQ&Chili and Pop goes the Weasel are much more useful and consistent.
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Thats the common mistake people make is that you can only apply pressure with certain killers. I can pressure ppl off gens with Bubba all day. You don't think ppl are gonna scatter when he comes around? This playstyle is all about keeping pressure and ping ponging around, not neccisarily ending every chase you get into with a down. Pop is only useful if your getting hooks to feed it consistantly. This playstyle however IS good for scattering survivors off gens, negating the little progress they DO make and creating giant deadzones that they pay for since Bubba can instadown them instead of giving them a speedboost to better areas.