I understand why so many survivors use DS...



  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Specifically forcing a survivor to come out of hiding and unhook is not capitalizing on a mistake. It is abusing a mechanic that gives you a free down.

    I just do not understand how we go from reading about how a killer tunnels off hook ON PURPOSE, to "it was the survivor's fault". It's not always the survivors' fault, sometimes the killer is just bad and they rely heavily on (again) a luxury mechanic. The killer doesn't have to see a survivor unhooking, they see the icon at the bottom that reads "no longer on a hook"... "welp time to go back". That's what the OP is talking about.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    This post spoke to my soul. I usually run some form of heal build on Claudette. 3 other people bring items and DS but I get tunneled out of the game for "being toxic and bringing broken ass aftercare". Yeah okay bud. But then when I bring DS the killer never touches me.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I have never said I 'blame the killer for killing people'. Nor have I implied it.

    I don't have a problem with Killers killing people. Its a core part of this game. I don't have a problem with dying. I die sometimes and it's perfectly justified because I made mistakes or the Killer was just overall a better player than me. I have a problem with Killers when someone with no game skill can eliminate me or my teammate from a match because camping and tunneling are an option and require no actual skill to accomplish.

    I don't blame Killers for much of anything - I require them to be accountable for their actions. Blaming tunneling on survivors is just a gamer variety of victim blaming, and it's a shallow excuse for poor sportsmanship. I understand why camping and tunneling are allowed. In end game - they are essential tools. In end game, there are also no other objectives.

    Killers are expected to, and the game is designed for them to, play to their objectives - ALL of them. That's why there are 4...which means focusing solely on killing people is only 25% of the objectives. But everyone benefits far more, and games are much more enjoyable, when Killers play to meet all of their objectives. Killers get better BP and are more likely to PIP. Survivors can meet their objectives and are also more likely to PIP and get a reasonable amount of BP. That is why when Killers ignore 75% of their objectives survivors show up here and complain - because their match is ruined and their objectives cannot be completed - even if they're not the ones getting camped and tunneled. It is also why when Killers get 15k on a 4k and don't PIP, they come whining here about how ranking as Killer is just so darn hard...even though if they applied nearly the same tenacity to just playing the actual game mechanics, they would likely have a much better result.

    In case you didn't know, those objectives are:

    Gatekeeper - awarded for slowing down gen progress

    Devout - awarded for killing survivors

    Malicious - awarded for hurting, downing, and interrupting survivors

    Chaser - awarded for finding and chasing survivors

    What a killer should do - and what skilled killers do - is play to all of these objectives. Patrol gens. Damage gens. Find survivors. Chase survivors. Hit survivors. Destruct palettes/doors. Down survivors. Hook survivors. Lather rinse repeat. It's not rocket science. People who choose to ignore 75% of their objectives to tunnel someone out of the game because they lack the skill to fulfill their objectives otherwise or are blatantly salty about their own poor choices are not "killers killing people"...they are twats trying to hide their incompetency or mend their bruised ego.

    Everyone, survivors included, should be playing this game by the golden rule: treat others as you would want to be treated. This rule is not a law in our society. It is not a written rule that people have to be kind to one another. But it is one of the most important social constructs in our society. It is taught and reiterated to you throughout many different mediums all throughout your life. It's not "made up"...its a social norm. As is evident by this post, Killers wouldn't want to be tunneled out of the game. So don't do it to other people without just cause or reason.

    It's not a hard concept. It's not an unreasonable request.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I don't feel like the unhooked survivor should pay the price of someone's mistake, especially when they had no way to prevent it from happening.

    That's really the problem, the savior doesn't get the consequences and the unhooked survivor is left to face the savior's consequences. The killer is put in a tough spot because they know it's smart to go after the unhooked survivor yet it wouldn't do justice for the unhooked survivor. 😅😕

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Yeeep, that's why I never blame the Killer, I always curse my teammates every single time instead.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    Every time I have ever used DS I have been tunneled after doing so. It's been like a guarantee to be tunneled in my experience. It is the only perk in the game that has resulted in net negative results for me personally. Maybe I've just been unlucky with how the killers I have played against responded. I haven't used it in over a year because of that though.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Except if you're the person getting chased the entire match you will get very few BP and only maybe safety PIP. This game is not designed to be held up by 1 survivor doing 100% of one objective the entire match. So no. That's not fun when you get out of the match and your efforts are not justly rewarded even though you were the better player.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited June 2020

    "Gatekeeper - awarded for slowing down gen progress" - Dead people can't do gens.

    "Devout - awarded for killing survivors" - Killing people tends to involve killing people. Crazy.

    "Malicious - awarded for hurting, downing, and interrupting survivors" - Downing people tends to involve hitting injured people. More insanity, I know.

    "Chaser - awarded for finding and chasing survivors" - Winning chases involves hitting you. Absolute madness!

    Wow, that was so hard. Funny how your own points disagree with you.

    (Edit: I will say that Killer emblems seem far better designed than Survivor ones. They all play into each other, while survivor ones tend to all be separate in some way, or almost encourage "mistakes" to be made. It's weird.)

    The rest of your post is just drivel about "true skill" and other made up rules in your mind. You wrote a novel just to tell the world that you're not interested in playing this game, you're interested in playing a version of it that you fabricated in your imagination. A version where people aren't "skilled" if they don't follow your rules.

    You're the exact same player that whines about "no-skill sniping" in CS:GO, or "no-skill rushing" in StarCraft, or "no-skill blocking" in fighting games. You're the person that everyone gets tired of playing with because you just refuse to play the game in front of you because you're too busy writing new rules to push on people.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    But here's the issue with even this defence: Why should the KILLER be punished for the survivors making bad plays?

    Its effectively what DS does a lot of the time is to try to punish the killer for making an punishment to a bad survivor play.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    My own points don't disagree with me at all. You just clearly like to tunnel people off hook because you lack the skill to play the game like a normal human being - so this conversation makes you uncomfortable and the only way you can cope is to try and tie everything back to "NUH HUH! KILLERS GOTTA KILL!".

    That's fine. Be a tunneling idiot.

    Just stop crying here about people who suicide out of your matches and post about the unfair state of camping and tunneling, because it's not how this game is designed to be played - contrary to your skewed view of reality.

    You have absolutely no idea what kind of player I am, clearly. :) I assure you, people would much rather play with me as Killer than you. I don't have to camp and tunnel people to win a match. I pretty much never get post-game salt. And I always endeavor to make sure people have a fun, fair game. I'm sorry you're not human enough to understand that empathy and respect for people's time and enjoyment of a game they want to have fun in as well is what is best for this community.

    By all means, continue to be a toxic douche. People will continue to suicide out of your matches and provide you with spicy post-game chat until eventually camping and tunneling are no longer the most appealing way to play this game. You're right, the choice is yours. 😉

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Ok so then tge problem is bhvr isnt awarding points properly, why not be angry with them

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Gen rushing cannot be compared to any of the behavior being discussed in this thread. Its not remotely comparable. So I'm not sure why you'd even bring it up. Running out of tunneling arguments?

    I, and every other survivor who doesn't feel like rewarding unskilled players with mutliple hooks, WILL continue to suicide and move on. Because just like camping and tunneling, it's well within the confines of the rules to do so.

    No one said anything about disconnecting. Again, just running out of things to talk about?

    And no, expecting people to play a game fairly so that everyone can enjoy themselves is not your favorite buzz word: entitlement. It's what normal, empathetic grown ups give and expect when they approach pretty much any aspect of their life that involves interacting with other people. You clearly lack empathy and any interest in winning a game fairly or enjoying a match with others. That's fine. Treat actual human beings like NPCs and play the sweaty, toxic matches of your narcissistic dreams. :)

    Just don't come here and cry when people check out of your sweatfest and post the very true complaint that that play style is cheap, absurd, and ruins the game for the majority player base in this community. 👍️

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I will just say this, not really anything related to the previous topic and discussion but...

    Some people play this game to win, so that means doing the most "boring" tactics possible to easily secure a win.

    Not everyone has to care if the other side has fun or not, I know I just play as optimally as I can without really thinking about on whether or not the other side has fun.

    This has nothing to do with empathy, it's just me and several other people playing to win.

    DBD isn't a competitive game, yeah, it is casual to the core. But a lot of people, myself included, play to win, and is there really something wrong about that? Wanting to win in a video game?

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    ^this I get called a tunneler just for focusing the guy off hook rather then the guy who sprint bursted to the nearest loop instead of taking a hit

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    No, "grown up adults" would understand that this is a game. A game played in opposition to an opponent or opposing side.

    A "grown up adult" would understand that it's not your opponents responsibility to follow rules that you made up.

    A "grown up adult" would take a loss and move on.

    A "grown up adult" wouldn't tell you all about the tantrum that they'll have if you don't follow their made up rules.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    If it means you employ tactics that you know actually ruin someone's else's game, rob them of any opportunity to even play and have any fun, or present you with a fair and enjoyable challenge? Yes, absolutely.

    There is no joy or honor to be had from winning a game by playing cheap and disabling people from even presenting you with a challenge. That's not an accomplishment. I can't even fathom a situation in which it would be remotely fun to kill survivors when I know they have zero chance of evading me or challenging me in any way. That is like an Olympic athlete winning the Special Olympics. Did you win? Sure. Was it remotely fair or a rewarding challenge in any way? Not really.

    It makes absolutely no sense why you would desire to derive such a surface level of enjoyment, while knowingly ruining the game for other people.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522


    Like I've always said, I blame the matchmaking.

    Some players want to farm, goof around, "make sure everyone pips", or whatever else. That's fine. They can play their way. I can't fault that. Unlike some, I'll never tell someone how to play.

    Other players just want to win. They'll do whatever it takes to accomplish that. Sometimes that's frustrating for their opponents, but good opponents also understand in the end.

    These two types of players don't often enjoy interacting. And in most games, they'd be separated pretty fast by rank or other mechanics. But in DbD, Lalythia up there gets matched with Killer Joe who wants a competitive game, and then they're both unhappy.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    You are right. A grown adult would understand this is a game meant to be fun for everyone who paid their hard earned money to play it. And would play in a fair way so that everyone can enjoy themselves.

    A grown adult would understand that it's not their responsibility to ensure anyone's fun - but would be kind enough to endeavor to do so anyway.

    A grown adult would accept a fair loss and move on with a GG, as I always do, when people play like normal grown ups, not petulant children with a weak moral compass.

    A grown adult wouldn't throw a tantrum at all, you're right. They'd explain in a calm and collected manner, like this thread, how your childish behavior is ruining a game that would really be fun and enjoyable for everyone if people just weren't #########.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Except a large number of unsafe unhooks are forced by a killer proxy camping. That's not to say some survivors don't make bad plays. They certainly do. But you can't deny the majority of unsafe safes are because the only other option is to let the person die.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    So play by your rules or don't play at all? Seems fair. Not everyone thinks like you do, some like to tunnel or facecamp and find it fun and you suiciding on hook because you don't want to reward him takes the fun away from him. But it is fair because they didn't play by your rules, I understand that.

    Sometimes survivors are bad and "tunneling" cannot be avoided, but I guess killers should just look the other way so it goes by your rules and you don't have to suicide on hook, again, taking the fun away from your team and killer.

    Gen rushing is actually comparable to tunneling in a way. Tunneling takes the fun from survivor, while gen rushing can take the fun away from killer. But I guess gen rushing isn't a thing and even if it was it is fine because that would go by your rules.

    And you accuse of treating players as NPCs while you enforce your rules on killers? BHVR should add game mode where you could play against actual bot that follows your rules so you won't get upset and suicide on hook when things doesn't go exactly like you want.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    These aren't "my rules". I mean, I would love to take credit for the 'golden rule', but unfortunately it was around long before I was born.

    Clearly not everyone thinks like I do, because people ruin matches I'm in every single day. That's pretty clear.

    Tunneling is a choice. It can always be avoided. You may choose not to avoid it...but that's a conscious decision to punish that person. Maybe you're doing it because they were toxic to you...that's understandable. Clearly I don't like toxic people either. But unless it's that or end game, you shouldn't be tunneling people.

    Gen rushing isn't comparable to tunneling at all. There are numerous ways to kill a survivor. There is 1 way to do a gen. Killers like to claim tunneling is a made up thing...except it has a very definable action that people in both camps recognize and validate. Gen rushing is literally just doing generators. That's it. Touching a generator at all. You can tunnel a survivor to death in the first 2 minutes of the game. You can't finish 5 gens in the first two minutes of the game. Tunneling completely incapacitates a survivor and removes their opportunity to earn BP or PIPs. Doing a gen does not remove anything from the Killer...instead of provides them something to destruct and a place to find their next victim. Not. Comparable.

    Again, not my rules. Just average expectations of average people playing a game they also want to enjoy. And just so we're clear - my assertion that everyone should be able to play and enjoy the game is consistent between when I play Killer and when I play survivor. I don't camp/tunnel when I play Killer. If a Killer isn't have a good time in a match - I have no problem dying to help ensure they meet their daily/challenge and earn decent BP with a higher chance to at least safety PIP. This is not a one way expectation.

    It boggles my ######### mind that you suggest people play a game in a fair way so that everyone can enjoy it and people actually refute that concept.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    You say expectation, all I hear is entitlement.

    You're not entitled to a fun game, the other side does not have that obligation to that for you. It's the same with Killers who feel helpless against Survivors who knows what they are doing, but they are not entitled for a pity Kill or a pity Sacrifice.

    I'm sorry you think people wanting to win in an Online Multiplayer game that has Ranking is such a foreign concept to you.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I pretty much never get post-game salt

    Really? Back then when I was yellow rank, multiple times I dominate Survivors, but I just double hook each then leave them escape. What I got? "ggez"

    I dominate and already had 3K at 2Gen done, I carried the last one to the hatch, but not yet reach the hatch (10m away from hatch), they already wiggle out, flash light, tbag, escape. What I got from the last survivor? "ggez"

    I had a hard game vs 2x 2men SWF. 1 guy stepped on a trap I put at an escape gate right in front of his face when he was on hook. He died. What I got? "why ** u put trap there, hope ur mom dies in a car crash"

    I had a game vs 4 red rank as rank8 Spirit, barely down anyone, but only hit and hit. What I got? "lol the tunnel is real"

    I started this game as a Survivor main, half a year later I changed to Killer, and I cant understand what mind set survivors have. No matter what I do, good play, bad play, play fair, not fair, even leave them escape, many (not all) of them will just salty over it.

    Never get post game salt is a lie.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Of course all you hear is entitlement. It's everyone's favorite word in this forum when anyone suggests that people show a modicum of consideration for other human beings. It is not, in fact, entitlement. I don't believe anyone in this game deserves special treatment. I think everyone in this game deserves fair treatment. And there is nothing fair about being tunneled to death.

    I'm sorry you play a multiply player game with other actual people and choose to treat them like meaningless AI, because you cannot advance in a casual game's rank system without numbing yourself to the fact that you're actually interacting with other human beings who are in the game to have the same thing you are - fun. 🤷

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    People like different things. Just because some ruin the match for you, it doesn't mean they were doing anything wrong. Golden rule is a made up rule and people are in no way required to follow it, as long as they don't break any rules set by game developers.

    Game has competitive aspect and some like to win by any means necessary to get that highest rank. This means fun is out of the picture occasionally. And it is absolutely fine.

    It boggles my mind that you only see one way of playing as fair and right way to play and refuse to give people freedom of playing how they want.

    To sum it up: not everyone has the same. mindset, people like different things. Get over it and give people the freedom to play how they want, when they want as long as they don't break the rules set by game developers.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Have you actually ever played in a multiplayer game? Like no, seriously, have you played any other multiplayer game before? In your life? I don't care what it is, any OTHER multiplayer game that has a competitive scene even if it is casual.

    People understand that some players play to win, and that's fine, what's so hard to understand about that? Of course I know I am playing with real people, they're as real as you and me and I always treat them the same way I treat everyone else in a game, I treat them as opponents.

    I will sabotage their ability to do objectives, whether I do that as a Survivor or Killer. I will purposefully use tactics that they may find annoying, whether that is by slugging or using flashlights to save a teammate from being hooked.

    Just because you cannot FATHOM why someone would want to WIN in an ONLINE GAME, doesn't make what you say right.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    LOL, I ONLY play multi-player games...exclusively PC for the last 12 years.

    There's nothing hard to understand about what you're saying. There's a difference between comprehension and agreement. I can comprehend your point, I just believe it's wrong and that your particular stance does nothing but breed more toxicity into this game. Something I would very much like to see reduced for everyone.

    I said I cannot FATHOM why someone would want to 'win' a match over someone else by effectively not challenging them at all. There is a huge difference between a quick slug to slow down a match, which doesn't take a person immediately out of the game with no recourse on their end, or using a flashlight to save a teammate, which actually requires some variety of skill and timing to accomplish, and using tunneling to immediately incapacitate and remove someone from a match beyond their control. Killing a wounded baby deer does not make you a great and powerful hunter.

    I have no problem with people playing to win. I have a problem with people using insanely cheap and skill-less tactics against people with little to no recourse or control over any aspect of the situation. Especially when it is such a rampant issue.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    "I understand why so many survivors use DS"

    Cause they suck?

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I think anyone who plays this game at a high level understands why slugging can be an effective tactic if used correctly, but also detrimental for the Killer if they just randomly slug all game. Same with camping, if used sparingly and used in a way that's smart, it can turn the tide of the match really fast but if the Killer wastes too much time slugging, the team can just heal their teammates back up and you lose a hook state you normally would've gotten if you just went and hooked them.

    Being Downed is the same as being "hooked" to me, and you only lose a hook state if the Killer decides to hook you. You've lost the chase, and now you're incapacitated as a result. That's what being downed means.

    There's nothing cheap at using tactics that works. You know what's cheap? Using add-on combos that are actually broken like Iridescent Head + Infantry Belt, or Mother-Daughter Ring + Yakuyoke Amulet. They can make the game for the Killer absurdly easy, same with the combo of Decisive Strike + Unbreakable, there's only so many ways the Killer can counter that. Either by picking them up and having the Survivors use their DS, or camping them for 60 seconds which is something you do NOT want to do as a Killer.

    As long as it is within the boundaries of the game, you're allowed to do as you please. The objective is merely to Kill the Survivors, and as a Killer, you have to use everything at your disposal. Do you think I find it fun to go against Trapper multiple games in a row? No, I don't. I think his traps are BS, I don't like finding myself downed just because the Trapper accurately predicted where I was going to go ages before I go there. Do I complain about him, saying he is unfair to players like me who play the game for the chase? Hell no.

    Complaining about Killers doing what Killers do to win is why the community makes fun of the "Survivors Rulebook for Killers". The only "Golden Rule" that anyone has to follow is the one designed by the developers, and if to them, the tactics I've mentioned is fine, then it is fine. It's just another way for the Killer to get closer to winning the game while risking something in return (Not earning a hook state on a survivor they downed).

    This has nothing to do with "Skill", because like I said, DBD is a casual game to it's core, but because of that, anyone who plays competitively can be seen as doing something "unfair" to people like you. Because the Killer can always do something, while as a Survivor, you will have downtime where you got nothing to do but wait because you failed at the chase.

    I'm sure you think someone like Otz is a horrible person too then for using builds that helps him get hilarious results that may not even be fun for the Survivors? Or builds that gives the Killer the strongest chance possible at winning?

    But hey, keep thinking playing optimally is toxic ;)

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited June 2020

    Honestly if you don't run DS you're crazy; that's all there is too it.

    I can't count how many Survivors survive solely because their DS lasts long enough to protect them when they're repairing an unsafe generator or save another Survivor in my face. And I usually keep a good idea of who of I've hooked and how long I need to slug them. But the times I don't pay off extremely well for the Survivors.

    It's just such a strong and helpful perk that you should always bring it every game. Heck, even if you don't/never get to use it, the mere threat of it can be enough to give you a tactical edge.

    Also I don't get the "I wanna use other perks" complaints. It's one perk out of your four perk slots. You can run a fun build with DS. I almost always run Wake Up! or Spine Chill as Survivor and still find that two perk slots free leaves plenty room for silly builds and meme stuff.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Sometimes I bring it as insurance to have the Obsession Claws around a Survivor for the Killer to slug for 60 seconds giving me a chance to save whoever gets unhooked and downed again.

    DS really is one of those perks that has more uses than it's description says.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    I do find it ironic that the people that defend camping and tunneling also complain about gen rushing. How does gen rushing work? survivors getting gens done back to back? it's almost like you are too busy applying your winning strategy to keep people from sitting at a gen for 80 seconds (or about 45 seconds if they pair up). especially since toolboxes have been nerfed to near uselessness and perks like BBQ, discordance, thrilling tremors, surveillance, and probably more that I can't think of will tell you where you need to go to get more pressure.

    On the other hand if you left the hooked guy alone you are guaranteed that at least one and most likely 2 survivors aren't touching a generator for at least 30 seconds, which gives you time to find one of the other 2 (or both) and pressure them off a gen. Now you've got 3 people not doing anything and you are moving around the map making survivors cautious.

    camping and tunneling is definitely a winning strategy if you know the team is super altruistic, or late game when there are fewer gens, everyone has had a hook state or 2, and all the survivors feel like they have a big brass pair for making it that far and will rush for the saves, but early game it's not only a salt generator it also causes all that gen rushing we hear so much about. You are in that case relying entirely on their mistakes rather than your own skill to get you kills.

    Everyone is entitled to play how they like of course, but there is a pretty good reason why camping and tunneling is not the norm. It is boring, unskilled, and synonymous with the bully beating up the skinny kid so he can get the ball, even though nobody wants to play with him

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Exactly this.

    It's one of those few perks that can change how the entire game is played. An unsafe save can help the Survivors win, Obsession claws can discourage tunnelling, etc.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    I don't defend any specific mechanic/strategy, I defend freedom of choice. And as you said it too, people are free to play how they want.

  • ayaya
    ayaya Member Posts: 163

    Not really. There are some that will see 4 of us but will go only after me then tunnel for the whole game. Then there are those that will end every chase and leave you even in a dead zone to run back to the hook lol

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    And I solute your defense of free choice. and If I am one of the lucky 3 that wasn't found first in a match with a camping or tunneling killer then I appreciate the free escape that choice nets me. I'm just glad it's not the optimal strategy, otherwise this game would have a huge killer player base and only newb survivors, which would lead to it's demise.

    I merely mean to say that calling camping and tunneling "playing to win" doesn't seem to apply well to most in game situations like the OPs. And as the argument has been put forth in this thread that killer is not responsible for survivors fun, it absolutely means that survivors must defend their own fun, hence why DS, DH, BT, Unbreakable, adrenaline, and SWF with comms are meta for survivors

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited June 2020

    That's what's so backwards about this.

    People like Lalythia talk a big game about "The Golden Rule" and "Treat them like real humans" and "show some consideration"...but then what do they do here? Fling insults and pass judgment on others for playing a video game in the manner that it's designed to be played.

    It's so weird to read. They really, genuinely seem to believe that they have some moral high ground.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    They're meta because they work, not because of some need for "defense of our fun".

    Really wish survivors would stop with this nonsense. You use those builds because they're good. Not because the mean old killers are coming to steal your fun and you're just innocently trying to defend the fun.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    I personally prefer to run perks like kindred, we'll make it, plunderers, and small game so that I can do things other than sit on a gen or be a toxic douche, but if I just had a match where I or someone else on the team got tunneled and first hook moried with 5 gens up 2 minutes in then yeah, I will switch to the meta so that I can actually play a game that lasts longer than the lobby wait.

    I am not trying to imply that survivors don't ruin the game for killers, they absolutely do in many cases. when I was new to killer I had matches with 4 man SWFs hitting me with head on and flashlights like they were trying to give me and confirm a concussion. If you paid attention to the OP they said "I don't like DS, but now I understand it". AKA they were tunneled, it wasn't fun, Killers say "I don't care about your fun" (which is fair) and so now they feel like they need DS to have fun. Sure it gets abused, I don't mean to imply that it doesn't, and sure a lot of survivors will run the meta for the wins, but I like to think that most of us (killers and survivors alike) are playing this game for fun.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    See, this is the thing about the logic, though: To some people, playing to win IS fun.

    When people make this distinction between "fun" and "winning", it's only their personal view. It's not an absolute, mutually-exclusive thing.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    The tunneling and crap bp is what pushed me to playing killer. I do not enjoy the survivor game at all. BP sucks and the tunneling is out of control. Especially now that the new killer can counter the best extra BP perk in the survivor game (WGLF) by putting you in cages. ######### were they thinking in making it so you don't get a stack for rescuing out of a cage? lol

    Yep, I'll keep to killer.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    I don't disagree with you. In fact I whole heartedly agree with you. But I'm the type (and I think the OP is too) who likes to change things up, explore possibilities, and meticulously complete every archive, daily, and achievement. Of course I and everyone else wants to win, that is a major reason we play games at all is for the competition. But can you honestly say that you want to the play the exact same killer with the same perks and same add ons on every game, even if you know that your chances of winning with that combo are the highest? I'm guessing not. But what if there was a distinct possibility that if you change it up all 4 survivors DC after your first hook, match is over 2 minutes in and you got next to no BP and depip? even if it is one in 10 games? wouldn't you go back to your elite build and stick to it just so you could play a match? would you have as much fun winning over and over again but never being able to change your build?

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    It's over Anakin i have the high ground!

    To be more serious. Which yeah Lal has in the past promoted being spicy as they put it, towards killers if they do something that is deem as being disapproval of.

    Which slugging, some people like to label bad. Yet there is many different cases of slugging. Oni picks someone up on Fright, goes after them and downs them, to get two people down with their power rather than one. Which this case of Oni, would be different than a DeathSlinger running knock out, deerstalker, the blind hex and one other perk, creating a build purely around slugging and waiting for people to bleed out on the floor. That or hey, a killer leaves someone on the ground to look around first before picking them up, to ensure no one with a flash light or waiting for a pallet stun is nearby. That or to bring up Ozt, when he was trying out a build on ghostface. Yeah he got his rear handed to him a few times, testing out the build and even pointing out, you need to know when to slug and when not to, while using this build. Since it can backfire royally on you. So no matter the case or why the killer was doing it, it disapproval of and so time to treat them like dirt for using a tactic that might of not even worked and just backfire on their rear.

    That and heck on this forum alone, you can find people with massively different meanings of the word tunneling. Making it something people can't seem to agree on. So it really kind of funny, how quickly the golden rule and treating other people like humans, gets thrown out the window, the minute they do something that is label as questionable or disapproval of. Even when said thing is merely to help them win and not insult the other player. For context offer gets thrown straight out the window, when terms like slugging are brought up.

    Yeah i recall Ozt having a video about spirit not long ago, where he used the ring plus amulet combo on Spirit, just to show off how powerful and deadly it is. At the end of the video, he even when that he was glad someone escaped.

    That and using noed, to see what the results would be, when combine with a face camping bubba. One perk that has well alot of well debate around it. Yet Ozt is one of the nicest dudes around. Even wanted to get some steamers from a blood web, in hopes of giving the poor unlucky survivors a few blood points at least, for having to suffer through it. For he merely wanted to see how powerful these things combine were. So he could get some data and information on it. Rather than just blindly going, x is bad or overpowered for reasons. No he can show video proof of how strong or powerful something is by showing his results by testing it out.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited June 2020

    Claudette got found and downed in under 30 seconds. Wasn’t tunnelled even though she was unhooked next to the killer. The second Claudette was downed very fast and again wasn’t tunnelled. I get chased for 3 gens and hooked. As soon as I am unhooked Freddy teleports to the gen next to me, pushes through not one but TWO injured survivors to come straight for me. Downs me as I’m stuck in a place with zero loops and then I’m picked straight back up and hooked. He was deliberately targeting me and it wasn’t because I was the weakest because I was clearly playing stronger than the previous survivors he downed. He was salty because I wasn’t easy to catch. I’m not some biased survivor main, I play both sides and I can tell there was intent behind his actions. Why would you let two INJURED people just walk straight through you? He wanted me and me only. The fact other players messaged me and said the same says it all. His intentions were clear. At this point you can think what you want. You weren’t in the match. I was tunnelled for being good at chases. End of.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    If the survivor puts up a good chase and wasn't a first class plum about it (tea-baggery, pointing, flashlight clicking), there shouldn't really be any ill feeling from killer. There shouldn't be.

    But if a survivor knows all the loops and there are gens popping all over the map as the killer frantically gives chase, then it could get messy.

    Regardless of the killer being the one who chose to continue chasing that survivor, they'll still look at it as 'this is the person who ruined my game'.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Tunnelling and Camping. These are the reasons why I use DS + BT. They at least give myself and my fellow survivors some breathing room against Campers + Tunnellers.

    Tunnelling + Camping might be a legit play style but it’s at the expense of the poor guy that ends up dying on first hook or being tunnelled as soon as they get off.

    Yes, there are people that abuse these perks but don’t let the minority taint the majority who just want the chance to enjoy the game.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited June 2020

    I think that’s exactly what it was, which is dumb in itself as I wasn’t trying to make them chase me. I don’t do that annoying flashlight click or teabag etc. I just run and loop when I’m being chased which is what you’re supposed to do...

    I think they were just mad that they couldn’t down me fast enough but how is that my fault? I wish I recorded the match as if you saw it from my perspective you’d understand. I’m not the type of player who thinks they’re the best and I’m definitely not a cocky or arrogant person in OR out of games but I’m not blind either. He could have downed either one of the Claudette’s and still had somebody on the second stage of their hook, but he purposely came straight to me, ignoring them. So if that doesn’t reek of salt I don’t know what does. He didn’t come after the weak player, he walked through the ‘weak’ players to target the guy who ran him around the map for 3 gens.

    I completely understand that both tunnelling and camping are viable strategies at times. Heck, I even had a Michael message me the other day apologising for face camping me, but I told him I completely understood why he did it. As it was EGC and he didn’t have any kills yet. As I’ve said numerous times, I play killer too. I know a lot of survivors simply whine because they’ve been outplayed or haven’t been able to bully the killer etc. I’m not like that. I just find it odd that some people choose to deliberately single out people for not being a complete potato. I’ve played this game for almost 4 years now. I pretty much know the ins and outs of it. My original post wasn’t for me to be crying and complaining. I was simply stating that I understand why a lot of people feel forced to run certain perks with the way some people act.